THURSDAY 6 APRIL 2017 AT 7.00 P.M.
Before the meeting begins, members of the public and the County & District Councillor will have an opportunity to raise and discuss any relevant matters.
1. Apologies for absence
2. Declarations of interest - to receive disclosures of personal and prejudicial interests from Councillors on matters to be considered at the meeting.
3. To resolve that the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 2nd March 2017 be signed as a correct record.
4. Chairman’s report – to include a reminder for reports for Annual Parish Meeting and also for members to note the change of date for the May meetings (11/5/17) Fingerpost - obtaining a quotation from AONB for replacement arm.
5. Meetings and Courses attended by Councillors on behalf of the Council
1. DAPTC Annual Conference For information only - Cllr Falkingham.
2. Parish and Town Councils Planning Training event - verbal – Cllr Goff
3. Junior Football meeting - verbal – Cllr Valinski
6. Village Hall – Incidents of fly tipping near the Hall. Discuss request for patio on Parish Council car park (36ft x 12ft) subject to site visit.
7. Transport report - Cllr Falkingham
8. Allotment report – Poly tunnel theft– Drift maintenance - thanks to A&R Services for tractor for Drift maintenance - Cllr Goff
9. Consider Request to Dorset County Council to add The Drift route to List of Streets circulated 11/3/17
10. MUGA report – verbal - Grant application submitted. Increased donation from Greenford School for MUGA – Cllr Fox
11. Tree Charter Survey – Decision to register to become a charter branch circulated 13/3/17
12. Planning Applications – Comments on WD/D/17/000423 13 Bull Lane MAIDEN NEWTON, DT2 0BQ, To discuss- LAND WEST OF, CATTISTOCK ROAD, MAIDEN NEWTON 106 agreement
13. Accounts for payment
14. Risk Assessment monthly condition reports