The aim of the Connecting Families initiative is to support complex families to make positive change by working together with them. Through this collaborative approach we support to make real change, we encourage and develop new ways of multi-agency working by co-ordinating local services to work together to meet the whole families’ needs.

·  All referrals will need to be made in writing. You will receive an acknowledgment of your referral and the date of the next allocation meeting.

·  If you need space to provide additional information, please attach extra sheets.

·  Referrals will be checked to ascertain whether the family meets the ‘Troubled Family’ national criteria

·  We hold regular allocation meetings to discuss all referrals. You will be notified of the outcome after the meeting.

·  If you have any immediate safeguarding concerns please refer to Children’s social care.

Professional’s information
Your Name / Role / Date form completed
Service address / Email address / Telephone / Mobile No
Connecting Families Criteria
(The family would need to meet 3 of the criteria to be considered by the team, please tick the 3 main presenting issues.)
Families Affected By:
1.  Anti-social behaviour and crime (any family member)
2.  Poor school attendance, engagement with education
3.  Worklessness, and at risk of financial exclusion
4.  Domestic violence and abuse
5.  A range of health issues, including mental ill health and drug and alcohol misuse
6.  Children who are at risk and need additional help*
Please provide details of any criteria you have selected on the following page.
*Children who are at risk and need additional help are defined as those on a child in need or child protection plan or where a CAF/early help assessment has been undertaken.

Families Address


Families Contact Telephone number(s)


(All family members in household)












Detail Employment, Training or Education

(All family members)

/ Detail any Youth Crime / Anti-Social Behaviour? / Details of any health concerns?
Any other details about domestic violence, financial issues, children who need help or any other information or concerns:

I can confirm that I have discussed this referral with the family and they are happy for me to pass this referral onto you

Sign: Date:

Please return the completed form to Kate Townsend, Business Analyst Manager by email: or via secure email if responding outside of BANES Council (Please phone if you wish to send securely via GlobalScape or to discuss this referral) or by post: Kate Townsend, Connecting Families Team, BANES Council, Lewis House, Manvers Street, Bath, BA1 1JG
Telephone: 01225 394230 or main office number: 01225 396931