Office of the Executive Engineer

Habiganj O & M Division,

BWDB, Habiganj.

Shaistanagar, Habiganj-3300. Tel: 0831-62384 (Office), 0831-52396 (Residence).


Tender No- 02/2012-13

Memo No. EE/Habi/BWDB/T-1/ Dated: 19-12-2012.

1 / Ministry / : / Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR).
2 / Agency / : / Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB)
3 / Procuring Entity Name / : / Executive Engineer, Habiganj O&M Division, BWDB, Habiganj.
4 / Procuring Entity Code / : / Not used at present.
5 / Procuring Entity District / : / Habiganj.
6 / Invitation for / : / Repair & Maintenance works.
7 / Invitation Ref. No. / : / Memo No. EE/Habi/BWDB/T-1/
8 / Date / : / 19-12-2012.
9 / Procurement Method / : / Open Tendering Method (OTM)
10 / Budget & source of fund / : / Government of Bangladesh(GOB).
11 / Development partners (if applicable) / : / Not applicable.
12 / Project/Programme Code (if applicable) / : / Not applicable.
13 / Project/Programme / : / Government of Bangladesh(GOB).
14 / Tender Package No. / : / WR-5/2012-13WR-6/2012-13
15 / Tender Package Name / : / Stated in Sl. no 25
16 / Tender Publication date / : / 23-12-2012 (Probable)
17 / Tender last selling date / : / 16-1-2013
18 / Tender Closing Date & Time / : / Date : 17-1-2013 / Time : 12-30 hours
19 / Tender Opening Date & Time / : / Date : 17-1-2013 / Time : 13-00 hours
20 / Name & Address of the office / : / Executive Engineer, Habiganj OM Division,BWDB, Habiganj.
a) / Selling Tender Document / : / i) Manager, Janata Bank, Main Branch, Habiganj.
b) / Receiving Tender Document. / : / Office of The Executive Engineer, Habiganj O & M Division, BWDB,
c) / Opening Tender Document / : / Office of the Executive Engineer, Habiganj OM Division, BWDB, Habiganj.
21 / Place/Date/Time of pre-Tender Meeting (Optional) / : / Not applicable.
22 / Eligibility of Tenderer / : / Any individual(s)/firm(s) who fulfil the qualification(s) criteria stipulated in the Tender Data sheet (TDS) and the other conditions of Tender Document.
23 / Brief Description of Works / : / As per BOQ.
24 / Brief Description of Related services / : / Not Applicable.
25 / Brief Description of Package and others
Sl. no. / Package Name. / Identification of Package / Location / Price of Tender Document (Taka) / Tender Security Amount (Taka) / Completion time in month/days / Remarks.
1 / WR-5/ 2012-13 / Repair & Re-Sectioning of flood embankment along the Left bank of Khowai River from km 50.950 to 51.000, km 51.350 to 51.400, km 51.600 to 51.700, km 52.350 to 52.485, km 52.550 to 52.600, km 52.700 to 52.750 Total 435m in c/w Khowai River Project in Upa-zilla:- Habiganj Sadar, District:- Habiganj Under Habiganj O & M Division BWDB, Habiganj, during the year-2012-13. / West Vadhai,Upa-zilla:- Habiganj Sadar, District:- Habiganj / 400.00
( four
hundred)only / 10,000.00
(Ten thousand)
only / 90(Ninety) Days / Amount of payable Tender security in the form of Demand Draft from any schedule bank of Bangladesh or pay order from any schedule bank of MoulvibazarTown in favour of Accounts Officer, RAC, BWDB,
2. / WR-6/ 2012-13 / Repair & maintenance of Residential quarter and office building of Habiganj O & M Division, BWDB, Habiganj during the year 2012-2013. / Anandapur Residential quarter & Shayestanagar office area BWDB, Habiganj / 150.00
( One
hundred fifty)only / 7,500.00
(Seven thousand five hundred)
only / 90(Ninety) Days
26 / Name of Official Inviting Tender / : / Abdul Hekim
27 / Designation of Official Inviting Tender / : / Executive Engineer
28 / Address of Official Inviting / : / Office of the Executive Engineer, Habiganj O&M Division, BWDB, Habiganj.
29 / Contact details of Official Inviting Tender / : / Tel: 0831-62384

a)The provisions laid down in the “Public Procurement Rules-2008 (Amended 2009)” & PPA (2nd revision)`2009 & PW2 for procurement of works will be binding upon the Contractors.

b)The work may be totally dropped or the work may decrease or increase for which no claim or extra rate will be entertained.

c)If the tender submission is not possible on the last date fixed in the notice due to unavoidable circumstances, the tender submission date will automatically shifted to the next working day with same time schedule.

d)Notification of Award will be issued after getting approval of budget provision from competent authority and Payment will be made subject to fund available for which no claim will be entertained by the contractor.

e)`icÎ ms‡kvab (Modifications)

1)`icÎ`vZv `icÎ ms‡kva‡bi Rb¨ Zvnvi wb‡Ri ev `icÎ`vZvi wbKU nB‡Z ¶gZvcÖvß e¨w³i ¯^v¶iK…Z wjwLZ †bvwUk Ges ¶gZvcÖvß †bvUvivBRW cÎ `icÎ `vwL‡ji me©‡kl mg‡qi c~‡e© µqKvix KZ…©c‡¶i wbKU †cŠQvB‡Z nB‡e|

2)`icÎ`vZvMY †h mKj AvB‡Ug mg~‡ni `i ms‡kvab Kwi‡Z B”QzK †mB mKj AvB‡Ugmg~‡ni `i I g~j¨ Section -6: BOQ G bZzbfv‡e cyiY Kwiqv “Modification” wjwLZ Lv‡g wmjMvjv Kwiqv Rgv w`‡Z nB‡e| GKK ev mKj AvB‡Ug Gi `i/g~‡j¨i Dci kZKiv Kg/†ekx nvi D‡j­Lc~e©K RgvK…Z “Modification” MÖnY‡hvM¨ nB‡e bv|

3)`icÎ ms‡kvab (Modification) G †Kvb cÖKvi KvUv-‡Qov/Nlv-gvRv MÖnY‡hvM¨ b‡n|

f) The procuring entity reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders at any time prior to contract award.

(Abdul Hekim)

Executive Engineer

Habiganj O&M Division

BWDB, Habiganj.

Memo No. EE/HD/BWDB/T-1/Dated : 19-12-2012

Copy forwarded for kind information and wide circulation to :

1. The Chief Engineer, North Eastern Zone, BWDB, Comilla.

2. The Superintending Engineer, Moulvibazar O&M circle, BWDB, Moulvibazar.

3.The Director, Program, BWDB, WAPDA Bhaban, Dhaka.

4. The Director, contract & Procurement Cell, BWDB, WAPDA Building (8th Floor), Motijheel C/A, Dhaka.

5. The Director,Public Relation, BWDB, WAPDA Bhaban, Dhaka. 10 (ten) sets of Tender Notice and 1(one) soft copy (CD) of the tender notice is enclosed herewith for circulation at least 2(two) National Daily Newspapers and BWDB website.

6. The Director, Finance, BWDB,WAPDA Bhaban, Dhaka.

7. The Deputy Commissioner, Habiganj.

8.The Superintendent of Police, Habiganj.

9.The CSO to the Director General,BWDB, WAPDA Bhaban, Dhaka.

10.The Mayer, Habiganj Pourashava, Habiganj.

11.The Executive Engineer, Moulvibazar O&M Division, BWDB, Moulvibazar.

12. The Executive Engineer, RHD/LGED/PWD/DPHE/EED, Habiganj.

13. The Upazila Chairman, Nabiganj/Baniachang Upazila Parishad, Habiganj.

14. The Upazila Nirbahi Officer,Nabiganj/Baniachang Upazila Parishad, Habiganj.

15. The System Analyst.BWDB, Dhaka, One soft copy (CD) of the tender notice is enclosed herewith for arranging circulation in BWDB,website.

16.The Sub-Divisional Engineer, Habiganj O&M Sub-Division-1/2,BWDB, Habiganj.

17.The Account Officer, Regional Accounting centre, BWDB, Moulvibazar,

18.The Manager, Janata Bank Limited, Main Branch, Habiganj 10 (Ten) sets of Tender Document for Each package sent herewith for selling to intending Tenderer as per price(non refundable) showing in the Identification of packages up to 16-1-2013 during banking hours. The sale proceeds shall be credited to the Accounts Officer, Regional Accounting Centre (RAC),BWDB, Moulvibazar in the A/C No. STD-35 Janata Bank Ltd. Main Branch, Court Road, Moulvibazar, Unsold Bid Documents along with the Copy of the credit advice shall be sent to the undersigned at the earliest.

19. The Sectional Officer, Habiganj Sadar OM Section, BWDB, Habiganj.

20.Assistant Accountant/Estimator/Head Clerk, Habiganj O&M Division, BWDB, Habiganj.

21.Notice Board of Circle office, Division office and Sub-Division office.

22.M/S./ Mr...... for information.

(Abdul Hekim)

Executive Engineer

Habiganj O&M Division

BWDB, Habiganj.

D:\Alamgir\Notice\Tender 2012-2013\Tender No-02-2012-13.doc1