BUS 130a

Fall Semester - 2015


Co-Director, Asper Center for Global Entrepreneurship

Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurship


BUS 130a

Course Overview

The Entrepreneurship And Innovationcourse explores why, when and how to start and nurture a new business venture. The preponderance of courses at the graduate level in economics, finance and business prepare students to participate successfully in large enterprises and organizations. However, history shows that many students will at some point in their careers turn to participating in an entrepreneurial endeavor either by starting their own business or by participating in a management buyout of a part of their employer. This course attempts to develop the attitudes, skills and knowledge that will support that activity.

There are two primary routes for successful ventures. One involves careful market research, well thought out business plans, extensive financial plans, full management teams and significant venture or other outside capital. The subsequent "business plan ventures" tend to be of significant size. Successful start-ups or buyouts following this route decorate the headlines of the business press. (Preparation and Presentation of a Business Plan are covered in Entrepreneurial Finance and Business Plans (BUS231-Spring Term).

A second route involves less formally planned and less resource intensive ventures. This is sometimes referred to as the "bootstrap approach". While the venture may turn out to be significant enterprises (Hewlett Packard, Calvin Klein and Microsoft come to mind) most do not become household words. Nonetheless, they can lead to significant work and a meaningful lifestyle. In total they contribute significantly to new job creation and development in the economy.

In the Entrepreneurship And Innovation course (BUS 130a) students will learn to think critically about the issues, ideas and approaches of successful "bootstrap" ventures. They will also critically evaluate the issues of family businesses and harvest operations. We concentrate on identifying and evaluating potential opportunities, determine various ways of defining and securing start up resources and sources of finance, create a positive corporate culture, create a sales and marketing force, hire talented people and manage cash. The course uses lectures, case discussions and outside speakers to introduce issues in both theory and practice.

Learning Goals

There are five primary learning goals in this course:

1. To understand the fundamental concepts and issues in new ventures and LBSs.

2. To recognize the interrelationships among these.

3. To learn how to apply the language and tools of the course to a range of business opportunities.

4. To learn how to recognize and analyze new venture opportunities.

5. To develop clear and concise communication skills for business.

Course Requirements

This course will use a textbook and readings from other sources to introduce various issues and principles in a new venture. Case discussions will further explore the application of these principles. Regular preparation and contribution to class discussions is critical for both individual and group learning. We will each learn from other’s point of view, thoughts and experiences. And we each learn more by participating in the debate than by passive listening. To encourage preparation and participation, each class session will start with the cold calling on a student at random.

Class discussions will be supplemented with outside speakers, i.e. successful entrepreneurs, lawyers, accountants, venture capitalists and bankers who work with start up companies. Attendance at the primary presentation of these speakers is a requirement of the course.

As BUS 130 is a 4 credit course you should expect to spend a minimum of 9 hours/week in preparation (readings, case analysis, papers, study groups, exam prep, etc.).


Half the grade will be based on a student’s contribution to class discussion. The other half of the grade will be based on the mid-term and final examinations.

If a student has a documented disability on record at BrandeisUniversity and wish to have a reasonable accommodation made for you in this class please contact me immediately. Please keep in mind that reasonable accommodations are not provided retroactively.


Academic honesty: You are expected to be honest in all of your academic work. Please consult Brandeis University Rights and Responsibilitiesfor all policies and procedures related to academic integrity. Students may be required to submit work to TurnItIn.com software to verify originality. Allegations of alleged academic dishonesty will be forwarded to the Director of Academic Integrity. Sanctions for academic dishonesty can include failing grades and/or suspension from the university. Citation and research assistance can be found at LTS - Library guides


Prof. Reed is available for individual student meetings at mutually agreeable times and locations. If you need an appointment email or call 617-571-4873.


FALL TERM – 2015



Timmons, Jeffrey A., Creating New Ventures,8th Edition, Irwin/Mcgraw-Hill, ISBN 978-0-07-338155-8

NOTE: These materials are available in eBook form on McGraw Hill's website for approximately $85.59 (savings of roughly 45%).

To do this, go to:

You should come to a page: "Looking for new materials". In the box enter the following ISBN number= 9781 121 403 840. This will bring up a "pop up" with many details about our course. Click on the pop up and it will take you to the page where you may order the eBook. You may also find it by listing Brandeis University; then Charles Reed; then listed under BUS 30 (Old course number).

From HarvardBusinessSchool Publishing:

HBSP Case Numbers

“R & R”, 386-019; + audio-video & spreadsheet supplement.

“Deaver Brown and CrossRiver”, 9-394-042

“How to Write a Great Business Plan, HBR Reprint 97409

“Selling as a Systematic Process”, 9-395-091

“Thoughts on Business Plans”, 9-897-101

"Questions Every Entrepreneur Must Answer" (96603)

"How to Make Your Case in 30 Seconds or Less" (C0201E)

The HBS Publishing materials may be ordered from the following link:


BUS 130a

AUG 31Read Ch 1 and Ch 2 in textbook “New Venture Creation”, 8th Edition, McGrall-Hill (Entrepreneurism) (Pp 15-91)*

Read “Guide to Case Analysis

SEP 10Read Ch 3 & 4 in “NVC”. (Opportunity)(Pp. 95-217)*

Focus on the “Quick Screen” (P.173) and “Venture Opportunity Profile" (Pp. 176-217)*

Prepare HBS case "R & R" to discuss in class. (P. 535)*

SEP 21Read Ch 5 & 6 in "NVC" (Shaping, seizing Opportuniuty*

Prepare "Roxanne Quimby" to discuss in class. (P119)

SEP 29Read Ch 8 in “NVC”. (Business Plan)(Pp. 219-245)*

Read “How to Write a Great Business Plan”, HBR Reprint 97409. (P.558)*

Read “Thoughts on Business Plans”, HBSP 9-897-101.(P.575)*

Apply QS and VOSG to “Jim Poss” , Pp. 138 – 146 and be prepared to

discuss the opportunity in class.(P. 134)*

OCT 12Read “Selling as a Systematic Process”, HBSP 9-395-091.(P. 569)*

Read “Developing an Elevator Pitch”, HBSP 9-802-222. ??

Team with another student and prepare a product pitch for the strollers in Deaver Brown and CrossRiver, HBSP 9-394-042.(P553)*

Individually, Turn in an outline of an elevator pitch for DB & CR in class.

OCT 19Read Ch 9 in “CNV”. (Entrepr'l Manager and Team) (Pp.257-293)*

Prepare “Maclean Palmer, Pp. 342-355, to discuss in class.(P. 294)*

* Italicized are eBook page nos...in "Green Block"

OCT 26Read Ch 11 in “CNV”. (Resource Requirements) (Pp.331-346)*

Prepare “Quick Lube Franchise Corp.”, Pp. 393-397, to discuss in class.(P347)*



Read Ch 13 and Ch 14 in “CNV”. (Entrep'l Finance) (Pp.353-397)*

Prepare “Midwest Lighting”, Pp. 435-444, to discuss in class.(P.365)*

NOV 9Read Ch 15 in “CNV”. (Structure, Value, Negotiating)(Pp.399-417)*

Read Ch 16 in “CNV”, (Debt Capital)(Pp.435-453)*

Prepare “Lightwave Technologies, Pp. 502-509, to discuss in class (P.418)*

NOV 16Prepare “Newland Medical Technologies”,Pp. 296-304, to discuss in class.(P246)*

NOV 23 Read Ch 17 in “CNV”. (Family As Entrepreneur)(Pp.457-481)*

Prepare “Indulgence Spa Prod”,Pp. 614-625, to discuss in class.(P482)*


NOV 30Read Ch 19 in “CNV”. (Harvesting)(Pp.495-507)*

Prepare “Optitech”, Pp. 640-649, to discuss in class (P.508)*

DEC 7Read Ch 10 in “CNV”.(Pp.307-326)*

Take Ethics exercise, Part 1.(P.321)*

Prepare to discuss role of ethical issues in Creating New Ventures.


* Italicized are eBook page nos...in "Green Block"Italicized are eBook page nos...in "Green Block"