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TENDER NO. : EE / SNGR/ Tech/ Tender No. T-12/2008-09
For the work of :
Supply, Errection, Testing & commissioning of
3 phase service connection of KVY / SPA / SCP
under Sangamner Division
Last Date of Submission
25-07-2008 up to 13.00 Hrs.
TENDER NO. : EE / SNGR/ Tech/ Tender No. T-12/2008-09
Tender Document No. : 11 / Tender No / : / EE / SNGR/ Tech/ Tender No. T-12/2008-09
2 / Particulars / : / Supply, Errection, Testing & commissioning of 3 phase service connection of KVY / SPA / SCP in S/Dn: RAJUR, under Sangamner Division
3 / Estimated Cost / : / Rs. 5.00 lakhs. (Rs. Five lakhs only.)
4 / Earnest Money Deposit / : / Rs. 5,000/- (Rs. Five Thousand only)
5 / Date of Sale / : / From : Dt. 16 / 07 / 2008
To : Dt. 24 / 07 / 2008
Time : 11.00 - 16.00 Hrs.
6 / Last Date of Submission / : / Dt. : 25-07-2008 up to 13.00 Hrs.
7 / Probable date of Opening / : / Dt. 25-07-2008 at Time - 15.00 Hrs
( other wise on next working day )
8 / Tender Fee / : / Rs. 500/- (Five Hundred only) + VAT 4 %
9 / Tender Fee payment details / : / MR No.______
Date : / 07 /2008
(Tender without E.M.D. will not be accepted.)
Issued to :
M/s : ______
PH / MB No. : ______
Jr. Manager ( F & A )
MSEDCL, Sangamner
TENDER NO. : EE / SNGR/ Tech/ Tender No. T-12/2008-09
No. / Particular / Page No.
01 / Tender Notice / 4
02 / Letter to the Tenderer / 5
03 / Instruction to Tenderer / 6-7
04 / General Conditions of the contract / 8-9
05 / Terms and Conditions / 10-12
06 / Condition for Execution of works / 13-14
07 / Tender document no. 2 / 15
08 / Form "A" bid Form / 16
09 / Form "B" Qualification information / 17-18
10 / Form "C" Bid security ( EMD) / 19
11 / Form "D" Letter of acceptance / 20
12 / Form "E" contract agreement Form / 21
13 / Form "F" Performance security Form / 22
14 / Important Instruction to Tenderer / 23
15 / Letter to the Executive Engineer / 24
16 / Particulars of the contractor / 25-26
17 / Schedule of Tender / 27
18 / Schedule ‘A’ Percentage Rate of Tenderer / 28-35
Super scribed and sealed offers are invited for following works from registered and reputed firms / agencies/ Company subject to following terms and conditions:
Sr.No. / Tender
No. / Particulars / Estimated
Cost Rs. In Lakhs / Tender Price in
1 / EE/ SNGR/
T-09/08-09 / Supply, Errection, Testing & commissioning of 3 phase service connection of KVY / SPA / SCP in S/Dn: SANGAMNER-1, under Sangamner Division / 5.00 / 500/- + VAT(4 %) Extra
2 / T-10 / ---- do --- in S/Dn : Sangamner -2, / 5.00 / - do -
3 / T-11 / ---- do --- in S/Dn : RAJUR, / 5.00 / - do -
4 / T-12 / ---- do --- in S/Dn : Rajur, / 5.00 / - do -
5 / T-13 / ---- do --- in S/Dn : Rahata, / 5.00 / - do -
6 / T-14 / ---- do --- in S/Dn : Kopergaon- Urban & Rural, / 5.00 / - do -
TERMS & CONDITIONS:- 1. The EMD amount @1% of tender value will be accepted in form of DD ( or cash ) of any schedule /Nationalized Bank drawn in the name of Executive Engineer MSEDCL payable at Sangamner only. (2) The tender forms can be purchased only from the office of The Executive. Engineer, MSEDCL, O&M Division, 15, Vidhya Nagar, above LIC building, Sangamner. 422605. PH: 225556. from 16/07/08 to 24/07/08 during 11.00Hrs to 16.00Hrs on working days by paying the tender price by DD ( Or Cash at Division Office Sangamner only ). The last date of submission of tenders is 25/07/08 up to 13.00 Hrs. (3) The Tenders are called on 2 bid system. (4) The following documents should be submitted in envelope No. 1. (a) Income tax returns filed during last 2 years. (b) Certificate showing experience of executing the order for such type of works amount limited to the tender value. (c) Recent Bank solvency amounting to tender value issued by Nationalized /schedule Bank. (d) Sale tax registration under VAT tax / up to date paid copy (e) Registration under PF and Labour laws. (f) Service Tax registration certificate. (g) Valid Electrical contractor license. In Envelope No. 2 the price bid should be quoted. If the document submitted in Envelope No. 1 are not found as per requirement of MSEDCL the Envelope No. 2 of such tenderer will not be opened. (5) The tenders will be opened on date : 25/07/2008 at 15.00 Hrs. if possible. (6) The offers without EMD amount will not be considered. (7) The under signed reserves the right to reject any or all offers without assigning any reason thereof. (8) The same tender notice and documents are also be available at our website www.mahadiscom .in
Executive Engineer, Sangamner
TENDER NO. : EE / SNGR/ Tech/ Tender No. T-12/2008-09
No. EE/SNGR/T/ Date :
Dear Sir,
Please quote your lowest rate of the work of Supply, Errection, Testing & commissioning of 3 phase service connection of KVY / SPA / SCP in S/Dn: RAJUR, under Sangamner Division against Schedule ‘A’ and return the tender documents duly filled in, signed on each page. Your are also requested to note the conditions to the tenders or make a Xerox copy of original tender document for future reference before submitting your offer,
Thanking you, Yours faithfully,
Executive Engineer
15, Shinde Building, Vidya Nagar,
Sangamner - 422605
TENDER NO. : EE / SNGR/ Tech/ Tender No. T-12/2008-09
1. Sealed and super scribed tenders are invited from reputed experienced registered Electrical Contractors of the Central, State, Public Works Department Military engineer Services, Housing and State Electricity MSEDCL etc. and from those who have executed works of like nature. The prevailing scheduled of rate of erection of work is attached herewith. The rates are to be quoted on percentage basis of this schedule rates. The overall percentage should be quoted and not on separate items. The tender documents should be submitted in two envelopes. The envelope No. 1 will contain the required documents for qualifying the tender list is attached separately. The envelope No.2 will contain tender document quoting the rate. The envelope No.2 will not be opened if tender is not qualified and as per documents submitted in envelope No. 1
2. The scope of work covered under this tender shall comprise of Supply, Errection, Testing & commissioning of 3 phase service connection of KVY / SPA / SCP in S/Dn: RAJUR, under Sangamner Division
3. The Tenderer will have to deposit an amount 1 % of tender estimated amount towards Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) by Demand Draft of any Nationalised Bank payable to the “ Executive Engineer, MESDCL, Sangamner” or cash or in the form of B.G. of Nationalised / Scheduled Bank of Branch in Maharashtra before submission or along with Tender. No. cheque for above will be accepted and no interest will be paid on EMD. Tender submitted without EMD will not be considered.
4. Tenderer must return the Tender form together will be specifications and the rates duly filled in the other schedule duly signed. Any tender not bearing the signature of tenderer on all the documents accompanying the tender is liable to be rejected. The tenders shall also duly filled in the ‘PARTICULARS OF TENDERS’ and submit the connected documents with their tenders.
5. The tender duly completed, sealed and super scribed with the Tender No. and EMD details on the face of cover will be accepted on 25/07/2008 up to 13.00 Hrs. and will be opened on the same day at 15.00 Hrs. if possible in the said office in the presence of tenderer or their representative who wish to remain present.
6. It shall be definitely understood that the MSEDCL does not accept any responsibility for the correctness or completeness of the schedule for given part and this schedule is liable to alterations by omissions, deductions or addition in the item or quantities at the discretion of the Executive Engineer or his authorized representative and the contractor world be bound to execute all the quantities actually ordered / encountered during execution at the corresponding tender prices.
7. All corrections and insertions should be initiated by the tenderer.
8. Tenders who do not fulfill any or all the conditions or are found incomplete in any respect are liable for rejection.
9. The undersigned reserve the right to accept or reject any part or all tenders without assigning any reasons. Further the undersigned reserve the right to bifurcates the tender orders and work to more than one contractor.
10. No tender will be considered for accepted unless it accompanied by the copy of latest income Tax Return submitted.
11. The MVAT tax on transfer of property in goods involved in the execution of work contract or any other tax on raw material or on furnished and fabricated material or works shall not be separately paid as an addition to tender rates by the MSEDCL. The rates for the several terms of work indicated in attached schedule are deemed to include all local and general taxes, MVAT service tax excise duty etc. royalties and any other incidental charges payable by the contractors at any instant of works. The contractor will be responsible for payment of such taxes and / or filling their returns.
12. Income tax will be deducted from the contractor’s bill at the prevailing to applicable surcharge thereon of the gross value of the bill as per instruction laid down in Govt. of India’s notification unless the necessary exemption certificate from the Income Tax Department Authorized for the purpose is produced well in time.
13. Tenderer must have been registered with provident fund department and P.F. Registration No. And attested copy of the same must be produced. If he is not liable for P.F. registration copy of Affidavit to that effect should be enclosed.
14. Any government taxes as per rules / status should be borne by contractors such as work contract tax etc. No. payment should be made by MSEDCL.
15. These instructions to Tenderer shall also form part of the contract.
16. The contractor shall make his own arrangement for the water required for constructions.
17. The MSEDCL’s material will be supplied at the working site maximum up to the redial circumference of 15 km. from the work site. Contractor on his own expenditure shall carry out transportation of other material required for construction.
18. The Contractor will have to pay the electricity duty for the electrical energy consumed for erection of sub station.
Executive Engineer
TENDER NO. : EE / SNGR/ Tech/ Tender No. T-12/2008-09
1. The original tender booklet purchased from the O & M Divison Office, MSEDCL, Sangamner as notified for any particular work shall alone be accepted as a valid tender on submission tenders.
2. All works shall be measured by the standard measurements and according to the rules and customs and usual method used in MSEDCL and more particularly as mentioned in the item-wise detailed technical specifications contained in these tender documents.
3. While placing order for said work, preference will be given to those who have wide experience of the work. The contractor who have already been allotted the work of same nature from this office, & have not completed so far may not be considered.
4. All tender’s except and unless exempted in writing by Executive Engineer concerned shall accompany a solvency certificates from the Revenue department concerned within those justification and tenders resides or a bankers certificates of his financial stability.
5. The work should be carried out within 3 (Three) months from the date of handing over of site and material.
6. If it is found that quality of work as well as performance is found unsatisfactory the contract is liable for termination without giving any notice and at the entire risk of contractor the security deposit paid in case shall be forfeited.
7. The contractor should not entrust the work on sub contract transfer or assign the contract or any part thereof to third party, in case if it is not followed, it will be treated as breach of contract and will be terminated at contractor’s risk and cost.
8. The materials to be supplied by the MESDCL are specified in respective schedule attached to tender documents. The rest of material shall be arranged by the contractor and it should be as per IS Standard and should get approved from MSEDCL’s authorized representative, before its use, with submitted necessary documents e.g. Such as test certificate of material whatever applicable required at the discretion of Executive Engineer, Sangamner.