



COMPUTER BASIC : Organization of a computer, Central Processing Unit (CPU), Structure of instructions in CPU, input / output devices, computer memory, memory organization, backup devices.

DATA REPRESENTATION : Representation of characters, integers, and fractions, binary and hexadecimal representations, Binary Arithmetic : Addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, signed arithmetic and two’s complement arithmetic, floating point representation of numbers, normalized floating point representation, Boolean algebra, truth tables, Venn diagrams.

COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE : Block structure of computers, communication between processor and I / O devices, interrupts.

COMPUTER LANGUAGE : Assembly language and high level language, Multiprogramming and time sharing operating systems, Computer Programming in C.

OPERATING SYSTEM BASICS : Multiprogramming and timesharing operating

Scheme of CET

General Aptitude

The main objective of this paper is to assess the general aptitude of the candidate to pursue a computer application and software profession.


The questions in this paper will cover : logical reasoning, quantitative reasoning, high school mathematics, vocabulary, English comprehension and verbal ability. A good grasp of the following topics of high school mathematics (up to the 12th standard) will be useful:

ALGEBRA : Fundamental operations in Algebra, Expansion, factorization, Quadratic equations, indices, logarithms, arithmetic, geometric and harmonic progressions, binomial theorem, permutations and combinations.

CO-ORDINATE GEOMETRY : Rectangular Cartesian co-ordinates, equations of a line, mid point, intersections etc, equations of a circle, distance formulae, pair of straight lines, parabola, ellipse and hyperbola, simple geometric transformations such as translation, rotation, scaling.

DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS : Differential equations of first order and their solutions, linear differential equations with constant coefficients, homogenous linear differential equations.

TRIGONOMETRY : Simple identities, trigonometric equations, properties of triangles, solution of triangles height and distance, inverse function.

PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS : Basic concepts of probability theory, Averages, Dependent and independent events, frequency distributions, and measures of dispersions, skewness and kurtosis, random variable and distribution functions, mathematical expectations, Binomial, Poisson, normal distributions, curve fitting, and principle of least squares, correlation and regression.

ARITHMETIC : Ratios and proportions, problems on time-work distance-speed, percentage, etc.

BASIC SET THEORY AND FUNCTIONS : Set, relations and mappings.

MENSURATION : area, triangles and quadrilaterals, area and circumference of circles, volumes and surface area of simple solids such as spheres, cylinders and cones.


The question paper for the CET will be set in English only. Translation in any other languages will not be available.

The CET would be comprised of two papers of 100 marks each and each of one hour duration.

The CET would have multiple choice objective type questions (MCQs)

Please note the negative mark system. Each correct answer will carry 4 marks. Each wrong answer will carry 1 negative mark. Unanswered questions will carry zero marks.

There will be no verification of marks or revaluation of answer sheets of the CET.

The marks at the CET would be considered for admission during the current academic year only and would not be allowed to be carried forward to the next year.

The detailed information and the instructions about the CET and a few sample questions illustrating the nature, variety, scope, pattern, type of questions that will be set for the CET are given in Annexure IV.

The cities in which MAH-MCA-CET 2008 is conducted are designed as centers for the CET. Each center will have several venues depending upon the number of candidates likely to appear at that center. A candidate applying for the CET would have the freedom to choose his/her center but shall not have freedom to choose the venue.

Instructions to the Candidates

Please do not start answering the paper until you have finished reading these instructions.

The examination consists of 2 papers: General Aptitude (GA) and Computer Concepts (CC). The duration of the examination is 2 hours. Each paper has 25 questions and is expected to be completed in one hour

At the start of the examination, you will be given an Optical Mark Reader (OMR) answer sheet. You have to mark you answers in this sheet and give it to the invigilator at the end of the examination. Each answer block has 40 rows for marking answers of upto 200 questions of a paper.

It is mandatory to fill up the following information in the OMR answer sheet. Without this information, the answer sheet is liable for rejection. Fill in corresponding ovals carefully with a BLACK BALL POINT PEN only. The answer sheet will be machine evaluated. Make sure that the ovals are exactly filled and properly darkened.

Information / Remarks
1. Name of Candidate / Mark your name in this block. Use a blank to separate the components of your name. The same name will be used in your score report.
2. Roll Number / This can be found from the hall ticket. It is of 8 digit.
3. Text form Number / It is a 3 digit number on the answer sheet.
4. Date of Examination / 2.03.2008
5. Organization / D.T.E.
6. Center of Examination / City Name
7. Candidate’s Sign / Please sign in the space provided, with a pen.
8. Invigilator’s Sign / Sign by the Invigilator

Please do not forget to fill up your ROLL NUMBER on the answer sheet.

You can use all the blank space in the question paper for your rough work. No additional sheets will be provided for rough work.

Mark your answers first on the question paper itself. You can later transfer them to the answer sheet very carefully since there is a negative mark system.

All questions are to be answered by choosing the most suitable of the given alternatives. If you feel that the exact answer is not given, choose the best available answer. Do not seek any clarification from the invigilator or any one else during the examination.

Each correct answer will carry 4 marks. Each wrong answer will carry 1 negative mark. Unanswered questions will carry zero marks.

The question paper MUST be returned with all the sheets intact. Failure to return these will result in your being disqualified from the examination.

Use of calculators, slide rules, log tables or other such arithmetic aids and cellular phone, pager etc. is not allowed. Instructions sent to you with the application receipt, books, notes etc. are also not allowed. If you have brought any of these, please leave them with the invigilator.




1.Conver 3727 into Hexadecimal

2.1’s compliment of -12

3.2’s compliment of -12

4.Function of C.U. in C.P.U.

5.Primary memory stones:

6.The number system used in a 32-bit compiter


1 Gigabit 1 MB1 Gigabyte 1 Terabyte

8.Memory unit is a part of

CPU CUInput Unit Output unit.

9.Subtract IIII from IIIII

10.Which of the following once written can’t be erased.

1) Floppy 2) Hard Disk 3) Tape drive 4) CD ROM

11.6.25% of 1

12.Ratio of 750 ml with 2l

13.In how many way 3 girls and 4 boys can be selected from 3 boys, 6 girls so that 1 girl is always included and 2 boys are always excluded.

14.Entercept x & y of 3x – 5y + 1 = 0

15.Focus (5, 0) & (50) Find Hyperbola for given line 2x – y + = 0.

16.Circle passing thro origin and make x & y intercepts – 4 & 5 with x & y axes resp. Find circle

17.Expand 6a4 – 11a2b3 – 10b6

18.Find Diff equation of ex + ce = 1


20. < A < find secA-tan a

21. find f(x)

22.Find the cost of painting a hemisphere 50 cm radius to paint the rate of 10 pain / cm2

23.Car has five tyres and has milage of 20,000 km. If each tyres gets equal milage then find out milage of one tyre.

(a) 15,000(b) 16,000(c) 17,000 (d) 20,000

24.X Y Z X, Y Z lies between 0 to 9

Z Y Xfind x

(a) 1(b) 3(c) 5(d) 8

25.The mid pt of triangular are (0, 1), (1, 0) and (1, 1) Then one of the vector of triangle is

(a) (2, 2)(b) (2, 1)(c) (2, 0)(d) (1, 1)

26.Handscuff – thief then

(a) sail – boat (b) Breslet – Bride

(c) Handl – lamp

27.1) If B is in 6 km east of A.

2) C is 2 km east and 4 km north of B.

3) D is west to C ad quadrant from A and B then find AD.

(a) 3(b) 4.0(c) 4.5(d) 5.0

28.A boat go from A to B upstream 5 km/ hr and down stream 7km / hr. Find out the raft of the boat in the current stream of water

(a) 36(b) 35(c) 38(d) 37

29.A sphere of radius 3mm in which a hole is created whose radius is 1mm. The axis of hole is the diameter of the sphere. Find the remaining area of

30.Rank of the 3  3 matrix

31.Find the probability of getting exactly 2 heads when a coin is tossed 3 – times.

32.Two cars A and B are running on two straight roads with speed 40 and 20 km /hr respectively which are at right angles. The car A cross the interaction point when the car B is still 50 km behind the intersection point. Find the shortest distance between the two & the time at which they intersect.

33.5 boys & 5 girls are sitting around a circle such that no two boys sit together. Find the no. of ways their arrangement can be done.

34.Find the area bounded between the curve y = 4x – x2 & x – axis.

35.The in-equation |2x – 5|  3 then

(a) x 4 & x  1 (b) x > 4 & x < 1 (c) 2x  10

36.The solution of differential equation

37.Three even consecutive numbers sum is 308. Then the cube of the smallest no. is

38.The values of

39.The area of a circle is 49 . Then the circumference of the circle is

40.For the A M the value of n is is


1.Starting with the slowest, rank the following in increasing order of speed.

(a) Cache, Main memory, Hard Disk, CD-ROM

(b) CD-ROM, Hard Disk, Main Memory, Cache

(c)Cache, Hard Disk, Main Memory, CD-ROM

(d)CD-ROM, Main Memory, Hard Disk, Cache

2.Which is the MOST basic function of an Operating System?

(a)Providing a database management system.

(b)Providing a graphical software development environment

(c)Providing backward compatibility with older processors.

(d)Providing an efficient virtual machine abstraction.

3.Which of the following is a characteristic of a data type in programming language?

(a)its structure (the way it is stored)

(b)its behaviour (the operations is supports)

(c)number of bytes required to store a variable of that type

(d)none of the above

4.Suppose a system has been evolved, called the ternary system, by creatures having only 3 fingers. Number in this system are written down, using the digits, 0, 1, and 2, with 2>1>0.

What will be the binary equivalent of 222 in this system?

(a) 101010(b) 11000

(c) 10110(d) 11010

5.Consider the following program segment:

i = 6720; j = 4;

while ((I%j) = = 0) {

i = i / j;

j = j + 1;


What will be the value of j on termination of the segment?

(a) 4(b) 8(c) 9(d) 6720

Answers to Sample Questions

1. (b)2. (d)3. (a)4. (d)5. (c)

1.A bag contains red and blue marbles totaling between 50 and 100 in number. If two marbles are drawn at random, the chances of them being red are 25%. One third of the marbles are picked from the bag, at random, and thrown away. If one marble is now drawn at random from the bag, what is the probability (in percentage) of it being blue?

(a)11(b) 25(c) 33(d) 50

2.Consider the following equation :

log 13.25 + 5 log 2 + 3 log 3 + log 12 = log 53 + log 8 + log 27 + X

The value of X is ….

(a)4 log 26.5 (b) log 12

(c) log 36(d) log 27

3.Chetan, Bhushan and Shailu start running at the same time from the same point on a circular track of 70 meters radius. Chetan and Bhushan run clockwise and Shailu runs couter clockwise. If Chetan meets every 66 seconds and Bhushan meets Shailu every 110 seconds, how frequently (in seconds) will Chetan meet Bhushan?

(a) 165(b) 176(c) 330(d) 44

4What is the probability that the product of two consecutive non-negative integers will be a number ending with 0.

(a) 0.2(b) 0.25(c) 0.3(d) 0.4

5.What is the maximum number of points in space that can be equidistant from each other?

(a) 3 (b) 4(c) 5(d)6

Answers to Sample Questions

1. (d)2. (b)3. (c)4. (d)5. (a)

1.x1 x2 x3 in G.P. y1 y2 y3 are also in G.P. the (x1y1), (x2y2), (x3y3) likes on

(a) ellipse (b) circle

(c) vertices of triangle (d) straight line

2.The sum of ‘2’ terms of G.P. = 12 and sum of third & fourth terms of the G.P. are 48 then determine the value of 1st term. They may be alternative positive and negative.

(a) – 2 (b) – 12

(c) – 4 (d) 8


3.sum = 0

Num = 10

If Num 70

Then num = Sum + Num

Else if Num > 5


Num = num + 15

Determine num

(a) (b) 10(c) 25(d) 15

4.If the ratio of boys to Girls is 16 4 then determine the ratio of boys to the total no of students in the class.

(a) 1 : 4 (b) 4 : 1 (c) 4 : 5(d) None of these

5.The most commonly used devices is

(a) mouse (b) printers

(c) monitor (d) None of these

6.A  B = B  C & A  B – B  C


(a) A = B (b) A  B = 

(c) A = C (d) B = C

7.The unit of measurement of CPU speed similar to 8GHz or MHZ is known as

(a) system speed (b) system clock speed

(c) CPU rpm (d) None of these

8.The small programs that is used to communicate with the monitor, Input devices & printers is

(a) interfaces (b) utilities

9.The menu bar which told the buttons and commands is

(a) toolbar (b) menu bar

10.Which is not common feature of the application software

(a) windows (b) search

(c) help (d) None of these



13.6 men, 5 women no two women are not sit together they have to sit in round table total no. of permutation.

(a) 6!5!(b) 50(c) 4!5!(d) 7!5!

14.x2 + 2x – 3 = 0 find x =

15.x = , y = , z = , eg find 2x2 – 4y + 3z

16.What is Degree and order of a till the parabola whose axis is x-axis.

1.A parabola has taken focus as x2b2 = (x2)2 then what will be the origin of x2 parabola committee to made up of 2 teachers and 4 students. Then how may committee can be made of 5 teachers and 10 students

3.x = - 3 , y = 3 x = - 2

2x2 + 4y – 5z = 40

4.Processed form of data is called ______.

5.Each binary digit is called bit


the represents in x

8.40L contain milk 10% water and then how much water must be added to make 20% water in so

9.x1 , x2, x3 are in G.P.

y1, y2, y3 are in G.P.


(x1, y1) (x2, y2) (x3, y3)


3 straight line II Triangle

10.2 – Black

8 – White

7 – Grey

Firstly we taken out black and then Grey then what is the probability and he socks to be white

11.A & B can do work in 30 days. They work together for 20 days and B finished the remainly work in 30 days. Then In how may days A can finished that work

1.more Bits increases than more _____ option pixel, bytes ______

2.When data entered and after processing through CPU given ____?_____ Information

3.i = 1

i < = 10

While i > c

All 10 infinite

4.given x = - 1, y = -2, z = - 3

2x – 3y + z = 0

5.egn 2x2 – 4x – 5 = 0

How many point of ‘x’ satisfying

(2, 1) (3, 1) (4, 1)

7.Total quantity of milk and water 40 lit if 10% water added then mixtures becomes 55 liter if 20% water adder then mixture becomes

8.egn of parabola at xies (simple over

9.9 km speed he was reached 10 minute late 12 speed becomes 10 m

10.Total area 512 square feet ratio of length and breadth (2 : 3) find ?

11.Time and work

A and b together in 30 days A leap of and b – example remainly work in 10 days find the work done by A

12.operator system

relation between


number 82  convert






1.The least value of n (a natural number), for which the sum S of the series differs from Sn by a quantity < 10-6, is

(a) 21b) 20(c) 19(d) None of these

2.The number of diagonals that can be drawn by joining the vertices of a heptagon is :

(a) 14(b) 21(c) 7(d) 14

3.If x and y are positive integers, then

(a) (b) (c) (d)

4.The probability distribution of a discrete random variable X is given by

x / -1 / 0 / 1 / 2
P(x) / 1/3 / 1/6 / 1/6 / 1/3

Then the value of 6 E(X2) – Var (X) is

(a) (b) (c) (d)

5.The digit in the unit place of the number is

(a) 7(b) 6(c) 3(d) 0

6.The value of

(a) 1(b) 0(c) – 1 (d) None of these

7.If cos ( + ) = m cos ( – ), then tan  is equal to

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

8.The order and degree of the differential equation

are respectively

(a) (b) 2, 3 (c) 2, 2 (d) 3, 4.

9.If A = {(x, y): x2 + y2 = 25} and

B = {(x, y : x2 + 9y2 = 144}, then A  B contains

(a) one point (b) three points

(c) two points (d) four points.

10.The quadratic function f(x) whose graph goes through the points (-1, 4), (1, 0) and (2, 1) is

(a) 2x2 + 3x + 1 (b) x2 – 2x + 1

(c) 2x2 – 3x + 1 (d) – 2x2 – 3x + 1.

11Consider a circle with unit radius. There are 7 adjacent sectors, S1, S2, S3, ….., S7 in the in the circle such that their total are is (1/8)th of the area of the circle. Further, the area of the Jth sector is twice that of the (j –1)th sector. For j = 2, …., 7. What is the angle, in radians, subtended by the arc of S1 at the centre of the circle?

(a) /508(b) /2040 (c) /1016(d) /152

12 A farmer has decided to build a wire fence along one straight side of his property. For this, he planned to place several fence-posts at six metre intervals, with posts fixed at both ends of the side. After he bought the posts and wire, he found that the number of posts he had bought was five less than required. However, he discovered that the number of posts he had bought would be just sufficient if he spaced them eight metres apart. What is the length of the side of his property and how many posts did he buy?

(a) 100 metres, 15(b) 100 metres, 16

(c) 120 metres, 15(d) 120 metres, 16

13. Persons X, Y, Z and Q live in red, green, yellow or blue coloured houses placed in a sequence on a street Z lives in a yellow house. The green house is adjacent to the blue house. X does not live adjacent to Z. The yellow house is in between the green and red houses. The colour of the house X lives in is

(a) blue(b) green(c) red

(d) not possible to determine

14.A clock strikes three. And while it does so 3 seconds elapse. How long does it take the clock to strike seven?

(a) 9 sec(b) 7 sec (c) 3 sec (d) 6 sec

15.What is the next logical number in the sequence given?

3, 7, 10, 11, 12 ?

(a) 13(b) 14(c) 16(d) 17

Directions Two male singers, P and S; two female singers, R and W; two male comedians, T and V and two female comedians, Q and U, are the eight entertainers who are to perform at the Zee-Lux Cine Award ceremony on a certain night in Mumbai. Each entertainer is to perform alone and only once that night. The entertainer may perform in any order that conforms to the following restrictions:

The performance by singers and the performances by comedians must alternate throughout the evening.

The first performance that evening must be by a female entertainer, and the second performance by a male entertainer. The final performance must be by a male singer.

  1. Which of the following could be the last of the entertainers to perform?

(a) R(b) S(c) T(d) V

17.Which of the following could be the first of the entertainers to perform?

(a) P (b) R(c) U(d) V

18.If R is to perform fourth, which of the following must perform sixth?

(a) P(b) S(c) U(d) V

19.If U is to seventh, which of the following must perform first?

(a) Q(b) R(c) S(d) T

20.If P is to perform eighth, which of the following must perform second?

(a) R(b) S(c) T(d) V

21.If T is to perform third, W must perform

(a) first of fifth

(b) second or fifth

(c) fourth or seventh

(d) fifth or seventh

22.If Q is to perform third, V fourth, and W fifth, which of the following must perform sixth?

(a) P(b) R(c) S(d) T

Directions Each question below consists of a word printed in capital letter, following by four letter words or phrases. Choose the lettered word or phase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters. Since some of the questions require you to distinguish fine shades of meaning, be sure to consider all choices before deciding which one is best