2013-2014 Swim Team Fantasy League
Rules and Scoring Guidelines
- The fantasy season will begin from the first practice AFTER the inter-squad meet and run through the end of swim season. Team members can continue to collect points during districts, regionals, and state.
- The fantasy draft will take place on either Saturday September 14th or Sunday September 15th as decided by the captains and coaches. ONLY captains and coaches will be in attendance. (And maybe Traci).
- Draftingorder results will be kept private and confidential, only fantasy team rosters will be announced.
- The Captains will come up with afantasy team name either democratically or individually.
- The Captains will help by managing their team and tabulating points after each swim meet.
- The coaches will help tabulate points based on grades and attendance.
- Fantasy Points will be awarded for the following three categories:
- Academic Performance
- Attendance
- Meet Performance
The Fantasy Points awarded under each category will be listed on the following page.
Academic: Points will be tabulated by the coaches at the end of the first, second and third six weeks once report cards are issued. All points are per person and are as follows:
- Retaining academic eligibility = 1 point
- All A’s and B’s = 3 points
- All A’s = 5 points
- Receiving an “N” in conduct = - 1 point
- Receiving a “U” in conduct = - 3 points
Attendance: Points will be tabulated by the coaches at the end of the first, second and third six weeks. All of the points are per person pertaining to practice, pasta parties and meets and are as follows:
- Only 2 personal days used in a six weeks = 1 point
- Only 1 personal days used in a six weeks = 2 points
- NO personal days used in a six weeks = 3 points
- Perfect Attendance (No Absences) in a six weeks = 5 points
- Attendance to Pasta Party = 1 point per pasta party
- Attendance to Meets = 2 points per meet
BONUS – Perfect Attendance to ALL Christmas Practices = 2 points per swimmer.
Meet Performance: Points will be tabulated by the captainsANDcoaches after each meet. Captains will be responsible for team member best time cards. All points will be per person and are as follows:
- Team Member “Best Time” Cards – First time each event is swum by a team member it will be 1 point. Each subsequent time the same event is swum and a “best time” is achieved, it will be 1 point. Personal bests DO NOT factor into this point system, only seasonal bests.
- Overall finishing spot per event –
- 1st – 8th place = 4 points
- 9th – 16th place = 3 points
- 17th – 24th = 2 points
- 25th – 32nd = 1 point
- Relays are DOUBLED and DIVIDED by 4
- 1st – 8th place = 8 points (2 per person)
- 9th – 16th place = 6 points (1.5 per person)
- 17th – 24th = 4 points (1 per person)
- 25th – 32nd = 2 point (.5 per person)
- Breaking a pool or team record = 2 points for individual record, 4 points for a relay record which equals 1 point per relay member.
- ENTERING or MOVING UP the “Top 10 Times” List = 1 point