Magnolia Public School District


June 11, 2013

The mission of the Magnolia School District, in partnership with the staff and community, is to provide a safe and supportive learning environment. Through the NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards, the district offers all students the opportunity to develop academically, socially, physically, and emotionally. We are preparing our students to be global thinkers, workers, and leaders for the 21st century

Items for Board Approval: Motion to approve:



  1. With regret the retirement of Mrs. Elaine Hager after 20years of dedicated service to the children of the Magnolia Public School District (enclosed)
  2. Dr. Warren L. Pross to hire any needed employees over the summer with ratification of employment at the August board meeting
  3. Renewal of non-represented employees with salary for the 2013-2014 school year (attachment A1)
  4. Ms. Christina Collazo to take the following coursework at Rowan University in pursuit of a Masters in Administration

Summer 2013 – School Finance, Curriculum and Evaluation

Fall 2013- Internship II

  1. Mr. Paul Sorrentino to take the following coursework at Rowan University in pursuit of a Masters in Administration

Summer 2013 – School Finance, Curriculum and Evaluation

Fall 2013 – Internship II

  1. Ratification of Miss. Kia Stevens as substitute teacher for the remainder of the 2012-13 school year and the 2013-2014 school year
  2. Carry over vacation days from 2012/2013 to 2013/2014 for the following employees

Eric Canton 2. 5 daysMerri Hansen 5 days

Joseph Celecki 5 daysDavid Logana 5 days

Jean Clayton 5 daysJudy Ruiz 3 days

Geri Doukali 5 days

  1. The following staff members to Chair and Co-chair the 2013-2014 extra-curricular programs

Adv. BandSteve Terry

Beg. BandSteve Terry

Art ClubLeigh Anne Arkema

Behavior Mod ClubMarlon Meyer

Boys BasketballBill Keane

Chess Club (upper)Steve Kreal, Nick Borgese, Paul Sorrentino

Chess Club (lower)Steve Kreal, Nick Borgese, Paul Sorrentino

ChoirKaren Locantore

Computer ClubMarlon Meyer

Girls BasketballSue Anastasi

Glee ClubKaren Locantore

Golf ClubMike Morgan

Golf Club Asst.Roxanne Hoffman ($850.00)

Homework Club (2)Patricia Fewer, Charlene Finley

Intramural Club (3)Sue Anastasi, Dan Carson, Shaun Williams

NewspaperLinda Rutherford

Science ClubCharlene Finley

Soccer(co-ed)Dan Carson

Supplemental Art ClubLeigh Anne Arkema

Table TennisSteve Kreal and Nick Borgese

YearbookChristina Collazo and Linda Rutherford


  1. The 2012-2013 Nursing Service Plan (enclosed)


  1. The following updated policies from Strauss Esmay Associates (Approval was given at the Special Meeting on May 25, 2010 to allow the Superintendent to update policy alerts from Strauss Esmay Associates.)

0000.01, 0000.02, 5120, and 5300

Informational Items:

  1. Strategic Plan: Superintendent to update
  2. Board of Education 2013-2014 meeting dates (enclosed)
  3. Summer hours to begin July 8, 2013; end August 30, 2013
  4. Thanks to Mr. Myszka and Mr. Carpenter for making our annual field day such a success

A.Building and Grounds

B. Curriculum

1. Number of administrative observations 2013: 52

2. Curriculum Supervisor: Superintendent to discuss

C. Finance

D. Interdistrict

1. Interdistrict Superintendents’ Meeting, June 5, 2013 (Superintendent to discuss)

2. Sterling High School Graduation: June 19, 2013: Anyone wanting tickets contact

Warren Pross

E. *Negotiations/Contractual (Executive Session

1. Renewal of non – represented administrative employees for the 2013-2014 school

year: To be discussed in Executive Session


1. Reversed bullying case: (enclosed)

G. Public Relations/Liaison

1. Compliments to Mr. Ken Carman, President, for being recognized as a Certified

Board Member

2. Mary MacGarvie Award (Superintendent to update)

H. Student/Parental Issues and Concerns

1.HIB report: (enclosed)

I Principal’s Report

1. Enclosed is Mr. Johnson’s principal’s report (enclosed)

Respectfully Yours,

Warren L. Pross
