Magnets and Electromagnetism
Georgia Performance Standards
SPS10. Students will investigate the properties of electricity and magnetism.
c. Investigate applications of magnetism and/or its relationship to the movement of electrical charge as it relates to
• electromagnets
• simple motors
• permanent magnets
How were magnets discovered?
• Magnetite/or ______= naturally occurring mineral
• Could pick up metallic objects
• If floated on water, it would always orient itself in the same direction
The Magnetic Force…
• Is an interaction between two ______
• can even be felt before magnets touch
• gets ______as the magnets get closer
What is a magnetic field?
• a field that
o surrounds a magnet and exerts magnetic force
o connects the ______of a magnet together
How do magnets interact?
• ______poles (N,S) attract each other
• ______poles (N, N or S,S) repel each other
What makes something magnetic?
• Magnetic domain = groups of ______with aligned magnetic poles
n unaligned magnetic domains = Magnetic or Not Magnetic?
n aligned magnetic domains= Magnetic or Not Magnetic?
How can magnets be “demagnetized?”
1. ______
2. ______
• both cause the magnetic domains to move around and become unaligned
What happens when you cut a magnet into two pieces?
break in two
Interaction between magnetism and electricity
• Magnetism can be produced by electricity
• Electricity can be produced by magnetism
What is an electromagnet?
• ______magnet made by placing a piece of metal inside a
• Temporarily aligns magnetic domains
What are some ways electromagnets are used?
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
4. ______
5. ______
How can the strength of an electromagnet be increased?
• add more ______
• increase the ______through the wire
Benefits of Electromagnets (versus Permanent Magnets)
1. ______
2. Can control the strength
Electromagnetic Induction