Magnetic Churches

  1. DemographicRationale:Small Churches are uniquely relational and therefore must honor this dynamic in their evangelism programming.
  2. Scriptural Rationale:Gen.12:1-2-Blessed to be a blessing; Col. 1:27—29-Christ in you the hope of glorious things to come.
  3. Goals:Each Church will define their assets and resources and use these in “Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the World.”
  4. Year One(Jan.2011-April 2012)
  1. Pastors and/or key laypersons to Magnetic Church Training.
  2. Board or Administrative. Council votes to “Magnetize!”
  1. Take part in 52 week prayer plan.(on the Conference website;
  2. Conduct at least one excuse event, complete with a congregational FRAN Plan.Fill out the report form and send copies to Amanda Lockwood, Chairperson of the Small Church Commission by April 1, 2012.Sent copy to your DS.
  1. Years 2 and following:Hold 1 or more excuse event(s) each year and complete at least one task from each of the four areas of the Strategic Plan Implementation list.Report activities on the report form to the chairperson of the Commission on the Small Membership Church, each year before April 1.
  2. Strategic Plan Implementation List:(Do at least one from each, area each year)
  1. How do I relate to God?
  1. Sermonseries on 3 aspects of Grace(Prevenient, Justifying, and Sanctifying)
  2. Hold church-wide evangelism training. i.e.: Faith Sharing, 5 Fruitful Practices, Colors of Ministry, etc.
  3. Take part in 52 week Prayer Plan(See Conference website).
  1. How do I serve Christ?
  1. Study the Discipleship/Evangelism Cycle(attached).
  2. Attend evangelism training.
  3. Recruit, train, or serve as a greeter.
  4. Develop FRAN plan/Use in invitation for event etc.
  5. Develop Assets and Resources List…System for follow up.
  1. How do we relate to one another?
  1. At least quarterly have a lay person share their answer to the question, “Why do I attend this Church?”
  2. Conduct a “Mystery Guest Audit” (forms available at
  3. Conduct a weekly hospitality time.
  4. Develop a system of nametags.
  5. Cultivate recognizing “Blessings” (Assets) by saying “Thank you” for routine things.
  1. How do we relate to the community?
  1. Plan how community will be informed of your churches activities.
  2. Develop a map of the facilities.
  3. Conduct a “First Impression Audit” by a non-member (forms are available at the “Welcoming Church” link on the Conference website.
  4. Develop or refine interior signs.
  5. Keep a list of first-time visitors.
  6. Develop a system to identify visitors without making them uncomfortable.
  7. Create a follow-up plan for visitors-i.e.: pastor’s letter, lay phone call, lay visit.
  8. Conduct an accessibility audit (required annually for Charge Conference).
  9. Acton accessibility audit issues.
  10. Evaluate the bulletin for newcomer friendly issues.
  11. Plan and execute an “Excuse Event” (see checklist).
  12. Have Pastoral and/or Church calling cards.
  13. Designate Guest Parking.

Report your plans and activities to District Superintendent at Charge Conference and to the Commission on the Small Membership Churchby April1, if your wish to be recognized at Annual Conference as a “Magnetic Church.”

If you have questions or would like to host a workshop at your church, you may call Jim Hollifield at 580-362-5011.

Annual Reporting Form (Year one)

If you have questions, call Jim Hollifield at 580-362-5011.

  1. One person, clergy or lay, has attended a “Magnetic Church Training Event”______.

Pastor’s Initials

  1. Our church board voted on ______to “Magnetize.”


  1. We are using the Conference Prayer Plan weekly by______


(Bulletins inclusion, prayer in services, personal prayer, etc.)

  1. Our Excuse Event was______
    on ______.


  1. Attach your Excuse Event Worksheet from website.

Annual Reporting Form.(Years 2 and Following)

  1. Our Excuse Event was______



  1. Attach Excuse Event Worksheet from website.
  2. Strategic Plan implementation:
  1. Quadrant 1
  2. Quadrant 2
  3. Quadrant 3
  4. Quadrant 4

Send a copy of this to the chairperson of the Commission on the Small Membership Church (Amanda Lockwood, McAlester District) and include a copy to your DS.

Deadline to be recognized at Annual Conference: April 1.