Welcome to September!

I hope that all of you are doing well and I miss seeing your smiling faces at the school and working with you to make Greendale Elementary the great school that it is. I thought I would take a moment to touch base with the families whose emails I have on file. Those of you who have attended PAC meetings in the past will know that ALL parents, grandparents and guardians that have children enrolled at Greendale Elementary are considered to be PAC (Parent Advisory Council). This means even if you have not been able to get to a meeting, have chosen not to attend, have not helped in any way you are still apart of the PAC and I as the chair appreciate each one of you. Please know that if you choose to come out to a meeting you do not have to say anything. You will not be asked to do a bunch of things but you will get to know other parents and feel more connected to our child's school and their education. My goal is to communicate better with ALL parents this year and I know you are all busy as I am as well. One way will be though emails but a very simple and easy way is through our closed group on Facebook. There you will be able to find documents such as school lunch forms, PAC minutes and other info. If you would like to join please look us up at Greendale Elementary PAC.

The following are some things that are still going ahead even while the strike is on anda few areas that you could help with if you wanted to.

Chilliwack/Sardis Coupon Book and the Abbotsford/Mission Coupon Book are for sale. They are $10 a book. I have attached the vendor list to this email. If you want one or more please contact me at this email or througha Facebook page message. You will be able to pick them up at my house until the strike is over and then at the school. Feel Free to share on your personal Facebook Page and I will put it on the open PAC page as well.

We are also running the Mabel’s Labels fundraiser. Go to:

Whenever school does start we would like to offer coffee and tea and perhaps some muffins or morning goodies to go along with it after the children go to their classes once the assembly is over. It will be in the multipurpose room until the end of the day and parents are welcome to hang out in there until they pick up their children. **Help is needed: Bring items to eat. Set up coffee and tea.**

PAC meeting is still being held onThursday, September 18th at my house. (5553 Blackburn rd.). It starts at 7pm and is a dessert night. Please bring a dessert to share.

These are just a few areas to think about helping with during this school year.

- Emergency Prep- check the bin in the back of the school, replenish out of date food, make surestudent info in the binder kept in the bin and in the school are kept up to date and changed over each year

- 2 or3 people to change the outside sign at the school- A list is put together for you and you just have to change the sign when it is your week

- Bake Sale/Book Sale - beginning of October - set up and take down of the book fair, bake goodies or buy goodies for the bake sale- all profit goes towards the library

- Sign up to bring goodies to the teacher for teacher appreciation - one person a month brings something for the teachers to eat

- Fundraising committee- We raise funds for a multitude of thingslike the peer program, teacher requests, 100 nights of reading program, gifts for teacher retirements, grade6 camp, pancake breakfast, terry fox run treats, etc... We also have $9000left to raise to complete our playground.

- School lunch delivery

- School Run help

- Coaching team sports

These are just a few areas to think about helping with during this year’s school year. Thank you for taking the time to read through this and I hope to see you all in the near future.

Michelle Dick - PAC Chair

PAC Executive for 2014/2015

Michelle Rodgers- Vice Chair

Melanie Bauman- Secretary

Amanda Bosma - Treasurer

Kristen Radatzke - Parent Education

Michelle Dick - Chair