Magistrates' Court General Civil Procedure (Miscellaneous Amendments) Rules 2016

S.R. No. 17/2016

table of provisions




2Authorising provisions


4Principal Rules


6Effect of noncompliance

7Application to set aside for irregularity

8Urgent cases


10Personal service on particular parties

11How ordinary service effected

12Acceptance of service by Australian lawyer

13Substituted service

14Application for leave

15Joinder of claims

16Addition, removal, substitution of party

17Defendant dead at commencement of proceeding

18Change of party on death, bankruptcy

19Failure to proceed after death of party

20Amendment of proceedings after change of party

21Procedure after counterclaim against another person

22Default by third party

23Claim against another party

24Definitions for Order 12

25Admission of claim

26Interpleader summons

27Neutrality of applicant

28Order in several proceedings

29Heading to Order 15 amended

30Definitions for Order 15

31Litigation guardian of person under disability

32Appointment of litigation guardian


34Rule 17.06 substituted

35Heading to Order 26

36Heading to Part 2 of Order 26

37Party under disability

38Form of document

39Seal of Court

40Scope of discovery

41Co-defendants and third party

42Inspection of documents referred to in pleadings and affidavits

43Source for answers to interrogatories

44Who to answer interrogatories

45Party an applicant

46Inspection of documents


48Voluntary admission of facts

49General power of amendment

50Inspection from prospective defendant


52Examination on affidavit

53Deposition as evidence

54Heading to Order 41A substituted

55 Payment of costs

56Application of Order 42A

57Objection by party to inspection by other party

58Removal of document

59Return of document

60Form of affidavit

61Affidavit by illiterate, blind or incapacitated person

62Annexures and exhibits

63Application of Order 44

64Report of expert

65No evidence unless disclosed in report

66Time for compliance

67Authentication of warrants


69When security for costs may be ordered

70Time for costs order and payment

71Bases of taxation

72Standard basis

73Indemnity basis

74Heading to Rule 63.68 amended

75Gross sum for costs

76Order in aid of enforcement

77Definitions in Order 68

78Notional possession of goods

79Examination of judgment debtor

80Minor amendments to Forms 4B, 5A, 7A, 7AA, 7AB, 7AC, 8A, 10A, 11A, 11B and 12A

81Notice of claim to goods taken in execution

82Minor amendments to Forms 12C, 19A, 21A, 21B and 22A

83Minor amendments to Forms 29A, 29C, 29D, 30A, 35A and35B

84Minor amendments to Forms 46A, 46B, 61D to 61I

85Minor amendments to Forms 61J, 61K, 61L, 61M, 67A and67D

86Minor amendments to Forms 68A, 68B, 69A, 71A to72E

87Minor amendments to Forms 82A and 82B




statutory rules 2016

S.R. No. 17/2016


Magistrates' Court Act 1989


Magistrates' Court General Civil Procedure (Miscellaneous Amendments) Rules 2016


Magistrates' Court General Civil Procedure (Miscellaneous Amendments) Rules 2016

S.R. No. 17/2016

The Chief Magistrate together with 2 Deputy Chief Magistrates jointly make the following Rules:


The object of these Rules is to amend the Magistrates' Court General Civil Procedure Rules2010—

(a)to ensure that, as far as possible, the Magistrates' Court General Civil Procedure Rules 2010 are consistent with the Supreme Court (General Civil Procedure) Rules 2015; and

(b)to make other miscellaneous amendments.

2Authorising provisions

These Rules are made under section 16 of the Magistrates' Court Act 1989 and all other enabling powers.


These Rules come into operation on 11 April 2016.

4Principal Rules

In these Rules, the Magistrates' Court General Civil Procedure Rules 2010[1] are called the Principal Rules.


Insert the following definition in Rule 1.13 of the Principal Rules—

"sheriff includes—

(a)the sheriff employed under section 6 of the Sheriff Act 2009; and

(b)any person to whom a warrant referred to in these Rules is directed;".

6Effect of noncompliance

(1)In Rule 2.01(1) of the Principal Rules, for "or a" substitute "or any".

(2)In Rule 2.01(1) of the Principal Rules, for "therein" substitute "in the proceeding".

7Application to set aside for irregularity

In Rule 2.03 of the Principal Rules, for "therein" substitute "in any proceeding".

8Urgent cases

In Rule 4.08 of the Principal Rules—

(a)omit"the Court may,";

(b)after "directs," insert "the Court may".


In Rule 5.12(4) of the Principal Rules, for "mustadjourn the further hearing and direct the plaintiff to give notice to the defendant by summons or otherwise." substitute—


(a)adjourn the further hearing; and

(b)direct the plaintiff to give notice to the defendant by summons or otherwise.".

10Personal service on particular parties

For Rule 6.04(d) of the Principal Rules substitute—

"(d)the Crown in right of the Commonwealth or the Commonwealth, on the Attorney-General of the Commonwealth or on a person appointed by the Attorney-General to receive service in accordance with section 63 of the Judiciary Act 1903 of the Commonwealth;".

11How ordinary service effected

In Rule 6.07(2)(a) of the Principal Rules, for "hisor her" substitute "the individual's".

12Acceptance of service by Australian lawyer

In Rule 6.09(2) of the Principal Rules—

(a)omit ", unless the Australian lawyer is shown not to have had authority to accept service,";

(b)after "made the note" insert ", unless the Australian lawyer is shown not to have had authority to accept service".

13Substituted service

For Rule 6.10(3) of the Principal Rules substitute—

"(3)The Court may make an order under paragraph (1) even though the person to be served—

(a)is out of Victoria; or

(b)was out of Victoria when the proceeding commenced.".

14Application for leave

For Rule 7.08(4) of the Principal Rules substitute—

"(4)If any document is served out of Australia byorder of the Court made under Rule 7.06 or 7.07(3), the following must be served with the document—

(a)a copy of the order, a copy of any affidavit made in support of the application for the order;

(b)unless the Court otherwise orders, a copy of any exhibit referred to in the affidavit.".

15Joinder of claims

For Rule 9.01 of the Principal Rules substitute—

"9.01 Joinder of claims

A plaintiff may join any number of claims against a defendant—

(a)whether the plaintiff makes the claims in the same or in different capacities; and

(b)whether the claims are made against the defendant in the same or in different capacities.".

16Addition, removal, substitution of party

In Rule 9.06(b) of the Principal Rules—

(a)omit ", namely";

(b)for "upon; or" substitute "upon;".

17Defendant dead at commencement of proceeding

In Rule 9.08(4) of the Principal Rules, after "Aproceeding" insert "commenced".

18Change of party on death, bankruptcy

For Rule 9.09(2) and (3) of the Principal Rules substitute—

"(2)If at any stage of a proceeding the interest or liability of any party is assigned or transmitted to or devolves upon some other person, the Court may order—

(a)that the other person be added as a party to the proceeding or be made a party in substitution for the original party; and

(b)that the proceeding be carried on as so constituted.

(3)Unless the Court otherwise directs, the person on whose application an order is made under paragraph (2)—

(a)must serve the order on every party to the proceeding and on every person who ceases to be a party or becomes a party as plaintiff by virtue of the order; and

(b)in the case of a person who becomes a defendant, must serve that person personally with the order and with the complaint.".

19Failure to proceed after death of party

In Rule 9.10(2) of the Principal Rules—

(a)for "(i)" substitute "(a)";

(b)for "(ii)" substitute "(b)".

20Amendment of proceedings after change of party

For Rule 9.11(1) of the Principal Rules substitute—

"(1)If an order is made under Rule 9.06 or9.08—

(a)the complaint filed in the Court must, subject to Rule27.02(5), be amended accordingly within the time specified in the order, and otherwise within 10days after the making of the order; and

(b)a reference to the order, the date of the order and the date on which the amendment is made must be indorsed upon the complaint or the other originating process.".

21Procedure after counterclaim against another person

In Rule 10.04(1) of the Principal Rules, for "showing who is plaintiff to the counterclaim andwho are defendants to the counterclaim." substitute—


(a)who is plaintiff to the counterclaim; and

(b)who are defendants to the counterclaim.".

22Default by third party

In Rule 11.11(2) of the Principal Rules, after "such order" insert "as".

23Claim against another party

In Rule 11.15(3) of the Principal Rules—

(a)after "this Order" insert "applies";

(b)for "applies as if" substitute "as if".

24Definitions for Order 12

In Rule 12.01 of the Principal Rules—

(a)in the definition of property in dispute, for "proceedings" substitute "a proceeding";

(b)the definition of sheriff is revoked.

25Admission of claim

In Rule 12.06 of the Principal Rules—

(a)in paragraph (a), for "given;" substitute "given; and";

(b)in paragraph (b), for "claimed;" substitute"claimed; and";

(c)in paragraph (c)—

(i) omit "the Court,";

(ii)after "the sheriff," insert "the Court".

26Interpleader summons

In Rule 12.07(1) of the Principal Rules—

(a)omit "the Court may";

(b)after "withdrawn," insert "the Court may".

27Neutrality of applicant

(1)In Rule 12.10(2)(a) of the Principal Rules, for "mentioned" substitute "referred to".

(2)In Rule 12.10(3) of the Principal Rules, for "mustaffect" substitute "affects".

28Order in several proceedings

For Rule 12.11(2) of the Principal Rules substitute—

"(2)An order made under paragraph (1)—

(a)must be entitled in all the proceedings in which it is made; and

(b)must be binding on all the parties to them.".

29Heading to Order 15 amended

In the heading to Order 15 of the Principal Rules, for "PERSON" substitute "PERSONS".

30Definitions for Order 15

In Rule 15.01 of the Principal Rules, in the definition of handicapped person, for "his or her" substitute "that person's".

31Litigation guardian of person under disability

In Rule 15.02(1) and (2) of the Principal Rules, for "his or her" substitute "the person's".

32Appointment of litigation guardian

(1)For Rule 15.03(1) of the Principal Rules substitute—

"(1)A person may be a litigation guardian of a person under disability if the first-mentioned person—

(a)is not a person under disability; and

(b)has no interest in the proceeding adverse to that of the person under disability.".

(2)In Rule 15.03(6)(b)(ii) of the Principal Rules omit "said".


In Rule 15.07(2) of the Principal Rules, for "hisorher" substitute "the person's".

34Rule 17.06 substituted

For Rule 17.06 of the Principal Rules substitute—

"17.06 Notice of defence under objection of person sued as partner

A person served with a complaint as a partner may file a notice of defence stating—

(a)that the person does so as a person served as a partner; and

(b)that the person denies that the person was a partner at any material time or is liable as such.".

35Heading to Order 26

In the heading to Order 26 of the Principal Rules, for "OFFER" substitute "OFFERS".

36Heading to Part 2 of Order 26

In the heading to Part 2 of Order 26 of the Principal Rules, for "OFFER" substitute "OFFERS".

37Party under disability

In Rule 26.06 of the Principal Rules, for
"him or her" substitute "the person".

38Form of document

(1)For Rule 27.03(5) of the Principal Rules substitute—

"(5)Subject to Rule 27.02(4) and (5), the heading of the document—

(a)must be indorsed on the first sheet of the document; and

(b)must be followed immediately by a short description of the document.".

(2)In Rule 27.03(12) of the Principal Rules, for"andtelephone number" substitute ",telephone number and email address".

39Seal of Court

In Rule 28.04(1) of the Principal Rules, for
"his or her" substitute "that person's".

40Scope of discovery

In Rule 29.01.1(4)(b) of the Principal Rules, for "his, her or its" substitute "the party's".

41Co-defendants and third party

In Rule 29.06(2) of the Principal Rules, for "shallapply" substitute "applies".

42Inspection of documents referred to in pleadings and affidavits

In Rule 29.10(2) of the Principal Rules—

(a)for "other party may" substitute "otherparty";

(b)after "that party," insert "may".

43Source for answers to interrogatories

For Rule 30.05(1)(b) of the Principal Rules substitute—

"(b)a party who has no knowledge of the fact or matter inquired after must be taken not to have a belief as to the fact or matter—

(i)where the party has no information relating to the fact or matter on which to form a belief; or

(ii)where, if the party has such information, for reasonable cause the party has no belief that the information is true;".

44Who to answer interrogatories

In Rule 30.08(1)(a)(ii) of the Principal Rules, for "his or her" substitute "that person's".

45Party an applicant

For Rule 32.06 of the Principal Rules substitute—

"32.06 Party an applicant

Rule 32.05 applies, with any necessary modification, if—

(a)the applicant is a party to a proceeding; and

(b)there is reasonable cause to believe thatthe applicant has or may have the right to obtain against a person who is not a party relief which the applicant could properly have claimed in the proceeding had the person been a party.".

46Inspection of documents

In Rule 32.09 of the Principal Rules, for "mentioned" substitute "referred to".


In Rule 32.11(1)(c) of the Principal Rules omit "of".

48Voluntary admission of facts

(1)In Rule 35.02(1) of the Principal Rules—


(b)after "another party," insert "may".

(2)In Rule 35.02(2) of the Principal Rules—


(b)after "Court," insert "may".

49General power of amendment

(1)For Rule 36.01(2) of the Principal Rules substitute—

"(2)In this Part document includes—

(a)a complaint; and

(b)an application; and

(c)a pleading.".

(2)In Rule 36.01(6) of the Principal Rules—

(a)for "The Court may, notwithstanding" substitute "Notwithstanding";

(b)after "commenced," insert "the Court may".

50Inspection from prospective defendant

For Rule 37.02(5) of the Principal Rules substitute—

"(5)On an application under this Rule, the Court may make an order for the costs and expenses of—

(a)the applicant; and

(b)the person against whom the order is sought.".


For Rule 37.03(1) of the Principal Rules substitute—

"(1)An application for an order under Rule 37.01 must be made by application—

(a)served on all parties to the proceeding; and

(b)served personally on each person who would be affected by the order if made.".

52Examination on affidavit

In Rule 40.04 of the Principal Rules—

(a)omit"may" (where first occurring);

(b)in paragraph (a), before "order" insert "may".

53Deposition as evidence

In Rule 40.07(1)(a)(ii) of the Principal Rules, for "his or her" substitute "the deponent's".

54Heading to Order 41A substituted

For the heading to Order 41A of the Principal Rules substitute—


55 Payment of costs

In Rule 41A.06 of the Principal Rules—

(a)after "amount" insert "(if any)";

(b)after "regulations" insert "(if any)".

56Application of Order 42A

In Rule 42A.01 of the Principal Rules, for "Rule" substitute "Order".

57Objection by party to inspection by other party

In Rule 42A.08(2) of the Principal Rules, for "hisor her" substitute "the plaintiff's".

58Removal of document

In 42A.11(3) of the Principal Rules, for
"his or her" substitute "the registrar's".

59Return of document

(1)In Rule 42A.12(1)(a) and (2) of the Principal Rules, for "his or her" substitute "the registrar's".

(2)In Rule 42A.12(3)(b) of the Principal Rules, for "his or her" substitute "the plaintiff's".

60Form of affidavit

(1)For Rule 43.01(2) of the Principal Rules substitute—

"(2)Unless the Court otherwise orders, an affidavit must state—

(a)the place of residence of the deponent and the deponent's occupation or, if the deponent has none, the deponent's description; and

(b)that the deponent is a party to the proceeding or employed by a party, if such be the case.".

(2)For Rule 43.01(3) of the Principal Rules substitute—

"(3)Notwithstanding paragraph (2), if a deponent makes an affidavit in a professional or other occupational capacity, the affidavit may, instead of stating the deponent's place of residence, state—

(a)the address of the deponent's place of business; and

(b)the position the deponent holds; and

(c)the name of the deponent's firm or employer, if any.".

(3)In Rule 43.01(7) of the Principal Rules—

(a)for "his or her" (where twice occurring) substitute "the person's";

(b)for "he or she" substitute "the person".

61Affidavit by illiterate, blind or incapacitated person

In Rule 43.02(1) of the Principal Rules—

(a)for "he or she" substitute "the person";

(b)in paragraph (c), for "his or her" substitute "the deponent's".

62Annexures and exhibits

For Rule 43.06(2) and (3) of the Principal Rules substitute—

"(2)An exhibit to an affidavit must be identified by a separate certificate annexed to it—

(a)bearing the same heading as the affidavit; and

(b)signed by the person before whom the affidavit is sworn.

(3)The certificate must—

(a)be in Form 43A; and

(b)contain in the bottom right-hand cornerof the page in bold type and in afont size not less than 20 points the distinguishing mark of the exhibit and a brief and specific description of the exhibit.".

63Application of Order 44

In the heading to Rule 44.02 of the Principal Rules, after "Application" insert "of Order".

64Report of expert

(1)For Rule 44.03(2)(e) of the Principal Rules substitute—

"(e)in respect of the opinion—

(i)the reasons for it;

(ii)any literature or other materials utilised in support of it;

(iii)a summary of it;".

(2)In Rule 44.03(3) of the Principal Rules, for
"his or her" substitute "the expert's".

65No evidence unless disclosed in report

In Rule 44.05 of the Principal Rules, for "Save" substitute "Except".

66Time for compliance

In Rule 59.03(5) of the Principal Rules—


(b)after "order," insert "may".

67Authentication of warrants

In Rule 60.07(a) of the Principal Rules, for
"his or her" substitute "the person's".


In Rule 61.13 of the Principal Rules, for
"he or she" substitute "the proper officer".

69When security for costs may be ordered

In Rule 62.02(1)(e) of the Principal Rules, for "his, her or its" substitute "the plaintiff's".

70Time for costs order and payment

For Rule 63.03(1) of the Principal Rules substitute—

"(1)The Court may in any proceeding exercise its power and discretion as to costs—

(a)at any stage of the proceeding; or

(b)after the conclusion of the proceeding.".

71Bases of taxation

In Rule 63.28 of the Principal Rules—

(a)in paragraph (a), for "a" substitute "the";

(b)in paragraph (b), for "an" substitute "the".

72Standard basis

In Rule 63.30 of the Principal Rules, for "a" (where secondly occurring) substitute "the".

73Indemnity basis

In Rule 63.30.1(1) of the Principal Rules, for "an" (where firstly occurring) substitute "the".

74Heading to Rule 63.68 amended

In the heading to Rule 63.68 of the Principal Rules omit "and interpretation".

75Gross sum for costs

In Rule 63.71(1) of the Principal Rules, for "isexcessive, only costs that were reasonable andproper must be allowed, and a registrar may assess those costs at a gross sum." substitute—

"is excessive—

(a)only costs that were reasonable and proper must be allowed; and

(b)a registrar may assess those costs at a gross sum.".

76Order in aid of enforcement

In Rule 66.15(2) of the Principal Rules, for "Sheriff" substitute "sheriff".

77Definitions in Order 68

(1)For the heading to Rule 68.01 of the Principal Rules substitute—


(2)In Rule 68.01 of the Principal Rules, the definition of Sheriff is repealed.

78Notional possession of goods

In Rule 69.07 of the Principal Rules, for "Sheriff" (where three times occurring) substitute "sheriff".

79Examination of judgment debtor

In Rule 72.04(6) of the Principal Rules, for
"his or her" substitute "the judgment debtor's".

80Minor amendments to Forms 4B, 5A, 7A, 7AA, 7AB, 7AC, 8A, 10A, 11A, 11B and 12A

(1)In Form 4B of the Principal Rules, for
"e.g. 5 September, 20" substitute "insert date".

(2)In Forms 5A and 7A of the Principal Rules, for "e.g. 5 September 20" substitute "insert date".

(3)In Forms 7AA, 7AB, 7AC and 8A of the Principal Rules, for "e.g. 5 September, 20" substitute "insert date".

(4)In Forms 10A, 10B and 11A of the Principal Rules, for "e.g. 5 September 20" substitute "insert date".

(5)In Forms 11B and 12A of the Principal Rules, for "e.g. 5 September, 20" substitute "insert date".

81Notice of claim to goods taken in execution

(1)In Form 12B of the Principal Rules, for "Sheriff" (wherever occurring) substitute "sheriff".

(2)In Form 12B of the Principal Rules, for
"e.g. 5 September 20" substitute "insert date".

82Minor amendments to Forms 12C, 19A, 21A, 21B and 22A

(1)In Form 12C of the Principal Rules, for
"e.g. 5 September, 20" substitute "insert date".

(2)In Forms 19A, 21A and 21B of the Principal Rules, for "e.g. 5 September 20" substitute "insert date".

(3) In Form 22A of the Principal Rules—

(a)for "e.g. 20 June 20" substitute "insertdate";

(b)for "e.g. 15 June 20" substitute "insertdate".

83Minor amendments to Forms 29A, 29C, 29D, 30A, 35A and35B

(1)In Forms 29A and 29C of the Principal Rules, for "e.g. 15 June 20" substitute "insert date".

(2)In Form 29D of the Principal Regulations, for "e.g. 20 June 20" (where twice occurring) substitute "insert date".

(3)In Form 30A of the Principal Regulations—

(a)for "e.g.20 June 20 ]" (where first occurring) substitute "[insert date]";

(b)for "e.g.20 June 20" (where secondly occurring) substitute "insert date".

(4)In Form 35A of the Principal Rules, for
"e.g. 15 June 20" substitute "insert date".

(5)In Form 35B of the Principal Rules, for
"e.g. 15 June, 20" substitute "insert date".

84Minor amendments to Forms 46A, 46B, 61D to 61I

(1)In Form 46A of the Principal Regulations—

(a)for "e.g. 20 June 20" substitute "insertdate";