Maidstone Specialist Teaching & Learning Service would like to invite you to an inspiring day full of practical and supportive ideas to take back to the workplace; enabling pupils to engage in solutions to help them manage their levels of stress and anxiety.


Self Esteem Team

Following on from the success of Natasha Devon we have invited a member of Natasha’s team to discuss practical advice & strategies to support children displaying high levels of anxiety in a setting or classroom.

Maggie Johnson - Senior Speech and Language Therapist

Discussing practical strategies to support children & parents who have high levels of anxiety and how to create an anxiety free environment.

Beck Ferrari - Child and Adolescent Counsellor

Looking at adult anxiety and strategies to support staff wellbeing

Elizabeth Sackville West - Music Therapist

Supporting children with anxiety & stress through music.


22nd February 2018

9am – 4pm

Refreshments available from 8.30am

Mercure Hotel, Ashford Road, Hollingbourne, Maidstone ME17 1RE


£45.00 per delegate

Price includes refreshments & lunch

To book a place complete the booking slip overleaf and return with payment


*PLEASE NOTE: Once the booking form is received your booking will be confirmed via email.

Please do not assume you have a place, until you have received the confirmation email*

Setting /
Delegate Name:
Job Title:
Delegate Email:
Address of School/Setting
Payment Enclosed / Sent / Invoice
Dietary Requirements:

Payment Options

Cheque: Please make payable to Five Acre Wood School

(Include payment ref: Maidstone STLS Conference)

BACs payment: Account no: 83298320 Sort Code: 60-60-08

(Include payment ref: Maidstone STLS Conference)

Invoice: Please add this option on your booking form

(Please quote payment ref: Maidstone STLS Conference)

Please return this form with payment to:

Tracey Bradley – Senior Administrator

Specialist Teaching & Learning Service

Five Acre Wood School

Boughton Lane

Maidstone ME15 9QF