Magdalena M. Wiedermann
Ph.D. Student
Dept. of Ecology and Environmental SciencePhone: +46 - (0)90 - 786 6459
Physiology Building, 4th floor Fax: +46 - (0)90 - 786 6705
Umeå UniversityE-mail:
SE - 901 87 Umeå
Currently visiting researcher
Professor Monica G. Turner Lab
Department of Zoology, 436 Birge Hall Phone: 608-265-8001
University of Wisconsin, 430 Lincoln Dr.
Madison, WI, 53706, USA
Alpine and Boreal Vegetation • Nitrogen and climate change impacts on vegetation • Plant-parasite interactions with focus on parasitic fungi • Nutrient impacts on peatlands • Sphagnum responses to enhanced nitrogen supply
My current research is focused on how enhanced nutrient supply and climatic change (manipulation of snow conditions and temperature) drives plant parasite interactions and ecosystem change. I am working in an area with very low N background deposition (~2kg ha-1 yr-1) which enables us to study initial responses of strictly N limited ecosystems. My main study areas are a boreal mire, Degerö Stormyr (64º11’N, 19º33’E; 270 m a. s. l.) and a very nutrient poor pine heath, likewise being situated in the area. Due to strong nitrogen limitation both systems show a considerable time lag in response. Yet, after 8 years of N addition the experiment at the boreal mire shows striking changes in plant dominance. Especially the close Sphagnum carpet had collapsed.
In order to achieve a better understanding of driving factors of ecosystem change following enhanced N supply I have studied the interactions between parasitic fungi infecting the dwarf shrubs. My ongoing work addresses physiological responses of the disappearing Sphagnum. The results from combined studies, a transect study – along a nitrogen deposition gradient in Sweden – and experimental data from Degerö Stormyr are now used to clarify causes of the observed Sphagnum decline associated with enhanced nitrogen deposition.
Supervisors: Prof. Lars Ericson and Prof. Annika Nordin
August 1999 – August 2000Erasmus-Exchange student at the university of Umeå, Sweden
MSc 2001 Biology at the University of Vienna
Specialization in Ecology
with main focus on vegetation Ecology (Plant Sociology)
M.Sc. thesis: “Characterization of the vegetation of the inundation meadows next to the river Danube, eastern of Vienna, with additional investigations of the ecological position of various typical vascular plants in the region” under scientific guidance of: Prof. Harald Niklfeld
September 2003 – presentPh.D. Student
Dept. of Ecology and Environmental Science, Umeå University, Sweden
July & August 2003Research assistant “Recent immigrants or ancient witnesses of recurrent climate change? The fate of rare arctic plants in the Alps revisited.” by Dr. Peter Schönswetter. Sampling of plant material in Italy, France, Switzerland and Austria.
July & August 2002Research assistance at the Mountain Research Station Niwot Ridge, Colorado (Prof. Willam D. Bowman & Dr. Katharine Nash Suding)
Mid August – Mid September 2001Research assistant at Dart-Project (Prof. Lauri Oksanen) in Northern Scandinavia
Mid June – Mid August 2001Research assistant in Arctic Siberia (Prof. Andreas Richter) investigating nutrient cycling and ecotone reactions to global warming
August 2000Floristic mapping of alpine regions in the alpine parts of Italy
June 2000Research assistant at Dart-Project (Prof. Lauri Oksanen) (dynamic response of the forest-tundra ecotone to environmental change) in Northern Scandinavia
Mai & September 1998 Floristic mapping of alpine regions
2006Responsible for program and organization of one week excursion on advanced level course in “Conservation Biology” Dept. of Ecology and Environmental Science, Umeå University.
2005Responsible for program and organization of one week excursion on advanced level course in “Conservation Biology” Dept. of Ecology and Environmental Science, Umeå University.
Graduate Teaching “Ecology I” Dept. of Ecology and Environmental Science, Umeå University.
2004 Graduate Teaching on advanced level course in “Conservation Biology “Dept. of Ecology and Environmental Science, Umeå University.
Graduate Teaching “Winter-Ecology; Botany” (one week excursion) Dept. of Ecology and Environmental Science, Umeå University.
Graduate Teaching “Systematik and Species Identification - Protista, Fungi & Plantae” Dept. of Ecology and Environmental Science, Umeå University.
2006Research money for own project “Responses of Sphagnum species to elevated nitrogen supply in their uptake properties for inorganic and organic nitrogen sources.” from Stiftelsen Anna och Gunnar Vidfelts fond för biologisk forskning; 100 000 SeK ($17 000).
2004 – 2007 Conference/course, travel, field work equipment, from several stipends from Swedish agencies, totaling 88 000 SeK ($15 000).
Wiedermann M. M., A. Nordin, U. Gunnarsson, M. B. Nilsson, L. Ericson. 2007. Global change shifts vegetation and plant-parasite interactions in a boreal mire. Ecology 88: 454-464.
Bowman, W. D., J. R. Gartner, K. Holland, and M. Wiedermann. 2006. Nitrogen critical loads for alpine vegetation and terrestrial ecosystem response: Are we there yet? Ecological Applications 16:1183-1193.
Schönswetter, P., Schneeweiss, G. M., Wittmann, H., Tribsch, A. & Wiedermann, M. 2001. Equisetum arvense subsp. boreale auct. eur. (Equisetaceae) – ein bisher übersehenes, arktisch-alpines Floren-element der Alpen. Neilreichia 1: 149-164.
Wiedermann M. M., A. Nordin, U. Gunnarsson, M. B. Nilsson, L. Ericson. ”Sphagnum response to enhanced N - A transect study and experimental data from Sweden.” –oral presentation at Symposium on Carbon in Peatlands, April 15–18 2007, Wageningen, Netherlands.
Wiedermann M. M., A. Nordin, U. Gunnarsson, M. B. Nilsson, L. Ericson. ”Raised temperature and enhanced nitrogen availability leads to Sphagnum decline: causes and consequences.” –oral presentation at 13th Conference of the International Boreal Forest Research Association (IBFRA) August 28–30 2006, Umeå, Sweden.
Wiedermann M. M., A. Nordin, M. B. Nilsson, U. Gunnarsson, L. Ericson. ”Global change shifts vegetation and plant parasitic interaction on a boreal mire.” –poster presententation at the XVII International Botanical Congress (IBC). July 17–23 2005, Vienna, Austria.
Wiedermann M. M., A. Nordin, M. B. Nilsson, U. Gunnarsson, L. Ericson. “Global change and trophic interaction on a boreal mire.” –oral presentation at Oikos Symposium February 7–9 2005, Umeå, Sweden.
Wiedermann M. M., A. Nordin, M. B. Nilsson, U. Gunnarsson, L. Ericson. ”Enhanced nitrogen supply leads to changed plant chemistry and vegetation shift in boreal mire.” – oral presentation at Symposium Reduced Nitrogen in Ecology and the Environment October 13–18 2006, Obergurgl, Austria.