Madrid City Council
Regular Meeting
July 3, 2017
5:30 p.m.
The City Council meeting was called to order at 5:30p.m. with Mayor Dirk Ringgenberg presiding.
Present at Roll Call:Steve Burich, Kurt Kruse, Val Chapman, and Dave Cook. Lane Shaver was absent.
Other City Officials Present: City Clerk Mary Jo Reese,Deputy City Clerk Deb Biegger, Library Director Angie Strong, Public Works Director Scott Church, Public Safety Director Rick Tasler, City Treasurer Don Fatka and City Attorney John Jordan.
Motion by Councilperson Burich, seconded by Councilperson Kruse to approve the agenda for July 3, 2017.
Ayes: All Present Motion Carried
Motion by Councilperson Cook, seconded by Councilperson Kruse to approve the City Council Meeting Minutes of June 19, 2017.
Ayes: All Present Motion Carried
Motion by Councilperson Cook, seconded by Councilperson Chapman to approve the claims for July 3, 2017 in the amount of $81,638.84.
Ayes: All PresentMotion Carried
Frank Vander Broek of 439 North Water Street approached the Council to ask they consider his request to purchase two vacant lots owned by the City, adjacent to his property. The City currently has plans to sell those vacant lots. Vander Broek stated he has been maintaining the lots many yearsand feels he should be given consideration for the years of care he has given to the property. He also stated he was told his fence is currently located on the city owned property. He does not feel the lots are prime real estate, and flooding occurs on the lots. The City intends to list the two lots for sale with The Larson Agency. Attorney John Jordan advised Vander Broek to contact the real estate agency if he is interested in purchasing the lots. Mayor Ringgenberg stated the City is currently looking at selling many vacant city owned parcels and correcting property which is listed improperly with the county. Ben Loomis of 433 North Water Street also approached the Council and advised it is his understanding that all former railroad property which is north of the electric substation on North Water Street was eminent domain, and everything south of the power station was purchased by the City. He feels the eminent domain land should revert to the former property owners. Mayor Ringgenberg stated the former railroad property should be dissolved back to the adjacent property owners.
Mary Swalla Homes of the Madrid Area Chamber of Commerce invited everyone to attend the next MACC meeting which will be held July 12th. She stated she would be signing a new contact with MACC to work 10 hours per week. Holmes will be working on grant opprotunities for the cabin at Edgewood Park and a CDBG grant which would benefit downtown area restoration. MACC is currently working on the MACC website and the roll out of the welcome packets for new residents. Holmes advised Madrid has been selected by the Iowa Economic Development Association to participate in a downtown exchange program. Madrid has been paired with Gowrie. Representatives from each town will visit the sister town to evaluate downtown areas.
Scott Church updated the Council on the West 2nd Street project. The original bid for repairs to the area between State Street and Water Street was $93,000. Upon further investigation, the area will require much more work than that bid covered. Church is currently working with City Engineer Perry Gjsersvik to develop a five-year plan to cover the new estimated cost of $309,000. Church plans to complete the necessary work in stages beginning with replacement of the storm drains. The Council would like to see that first stage of the work completed before the Madrid Labor Day Celebration. Motion by Councilperson Kruse, seconded by Councilperson Chapman to approve phase one of the West 2nd Street project at a cost of $119,790.
Ayes: All Present Motion Carried
Church stated the Annex Road project is nearly complete. The target date for opening the road will be July 7th.
Motion by Councilperson Chapman, seconded by Councilperson Cook to approve a contract with Iowa Demolition to demolish two city owned properties at 504 W. 4th Street, and 405 W. 21st Street. The cost to demolish the structures and remove trees and debris from the two areas is $27,254.00
Ayes: All Present Motion Carried
The Council reviewed the employment contract originally issued to Scott Church. Church is at the end of his probationary period. The Council recommended to extend Church’s contract an additional five years for a total of seven years. The new contract calls for a pay increase of 6% and the ability to roll over six weeks of vacation time. Motion by Councilperson Chapman, seconded by Councilperson Cook to approve the updates to Church’s contract.
Ayes: All Present Motion Carried
Mayor Ringgenberg stated the city engineer will be developing plans to replace the cabin at Edgewood Park. Perry Gjersvik will then put the plans out for bid.
Motion by Councilperson Kruse, seconded by Councilperson Chapman to approve a contract with A to Z rental for tents to be used at the Madrid Labor Day Celebration. The cost of the tent rentals will be $1,631.65.
Ayes: All Present Motion Carried
Mayor Ringgenberg stated that work is being done on the can drop at the Market of Madrid. The can trailer will accept only can and plastic. No glass will be accepted.
Library Director Angie Strong stated the next board meeting will be July 5th at 5:30 p.m. Upcoming programs include Lego Crew, Pinterest Party, Movie Night, Chess Club, and a presentation by the Blank Park Zoo.
Motion by Councilperson Kruse, seconded by Councilperson Chapman to approve the annual contract from the Boone Area Humane Society.
Ayes: All Present Motion Carried
Public Works Director Rick Tasler stated the city has received the new patrol car. The radios and graphics will be installed on the vehicle soon. Graphics will also be installed on the Ford Explorer police vehicle.
Tasler asked the Council’s approval to hire Dave Weidt as part time police officer. Weidt was previously employed by the City of Madrid, and has recently moved back to the area. Motion by Councilperson Cook, seconded by Councilperson Burich to approve the hiring.
Ayes: All PresentMotion Carried
The Council reviewed the annual review for Tasler. Motion by Councilperson Kruse, seconded by Councilperson Chapman to approve the evaluation and a pay increase of 6% for FY 17-18.
Ayes: All Present Motion Carried
Mayor Ringgenberg asked for members of the Council to participate on a committee to create a rental ordinance. Councilperson Chapman and Councilperson Cook agreed to serve on the committee.
Motion by Councilperson Kruse, seconded by Councilperson Chapman to approve a request from Mary Jo Reese to attend classes from Iowa Municipal Professionals Institute Training. The cost of the classes will total $540.00.
Ayes: All present Motion Carried
City Treasurer Don Fatka advised the IBM stock currently owned by the Madrid Library has been sold. Proceeds from the stock which is just under $3,000 should be received in the upcoming week. Fatka also advised the Council that CD’s are available short term of 6 to 12 months at a rate of 1.25 to 1.35 percent. This rate is higher than the rate currently being received from City funds being held in a savings account. He recommended the City wait until the next budget is complete before deciding how much money to invest in CD’s.
The Council reviewed an agreement proposed by The Larson Agency to sell two City owned parcels of land located on North Water Street. Don Lincoln, representing the agency stated the Larson Agency has agreed to broker the sale of the property for a fee of $1.00. He plans to research the value of the two lots. Motion by Councilperson Chapman, seconded by Councilperson Burich to accept the agreement for Larson Agency to sell the lots on the City’s behalf.
Ayes: All Present Motion Carried
City Attorney John Jordan reported inspections are being completed on the two buildings on West 2nd Street the City has deemed as dangerous. Trial dates have been set for fall of 2017. A trial date for the former Pizza Palace has been set for December 2017. Mayor Ringgenberg noted that a barrier has been placed around one building on West 2nd at the recommendation of the engineer.
Councilperson Kruse advised he has received many comments regarding fireworks. Councilperson Chapman has also received many comments from citizens concerned with fireworks. She also asked in there was an update to reopening the post office. She was advised a contractor had been hired to complete the repairs on the building. Councilperson Cook stated a constituent contacted him about living in his camper on his property at 4th and Main. The person wished to have water and sewer hooked up to his camper. It was explained to the person he would need to attend a planning and zoning meeting to discuss his plans to build on the property.
Motion by Councilperson Kruse, seconded by Councilperson Chapman to approve resolution # 01-17-18 “Resolution Setting the Salaries for Appointed Officers and Employees for the City of Madrid for FY 17-19.” The salaries of Scott Church and Rick Tasler will be adjusted an additional 1% per previous vote of the Council.
Ayes: All Present Motion Carried
The Council agreed to table Resolution # 02-17-18 “Resolution Closing Certain Streets During Labor Day Celebration.” Some discrepancies were noted in the resolution. Deputy City Clerk Deb Biegger will review the ordinance and recommend changes.
Ayes: All PresentMotion Carried
Motion by Councilperson Kruse, seconded by Councilperson Burich to approve Resolution # 03-17-18, “Resolution Naming Depositories.” The Resolution increases the amount of funds the City of Madrid can keep in one depository at any given time. Up to $3,000,000 in funds can be held with City State bank, and up to $500,000 with Bank of the West in Boone.
Ayes: All Present Motion Carried
Motion by Councilperson Kruse, seconded by Councilperson Chapman to approve the refund of liquor license fees to Elmo’s Bar and Grill which recently closed.
Ayes: All PresentMotion Carried
Motion by Councilperson Cook, seconded by Councilperson Burich to approve the renewal of Liquor License for Tiger Bowl.
Ayes: All Present Motion Carried
Motion by Councilperson Burich, seconded by Councilperson Kruse to approve a special events liquor license for Flat Tire Lounge. The event will be held on August 5th. Chief Tasler asked the City to determine where proceeds from the event will be dispersed.
Ayes: All PresentMotion Carried
Mayor Ringgenberg encouraged any interested person to run for City Council. Elections will be held in November 2017. He advised anyone interested to be aware of the time involved in participating in the office.
Mayor Ringgenberg commented he has had many complaints about the fireworks policy for the City of Madrid. He plans to suggest the Council revisit the issue before the next fireworks event in December.
Motion by Councilperson Kruse, seconded by Councilperson Cook to adjourn the City Council Meeting at 6:55 p.m.
Dirk D. Ringgenberg
Mary J. Reese
City Clerk