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Dear ,

On behalf of the faculty in the Department of 0 and the College of Human Medicine, it is my pleasure to recommend to the administration at Michigan State University that we extend to you a 0 appointment at the rank of 0in the Health Programs (HP) Faculty Appointment System. It is my sincerest hope that you will find the terms of this offer, as described below and in the attachments, favorable and that you will accept this offer to join the MSU faculty.

This initial appointment will be made on an annual-year (12-month) basis to commence on and will continue for a 0 period to conclude on . This appointment carries no presumption of academic tenure or reappointment beyond the stated date. Your appointment will be reviewed and discussed with you annually and may be renewed beyond the initial term in accordance with University policies.


Your initial total compensation for this appointment will be and will consist of the following components:


Effective with the starting date above, your university base salary, based on time, will be paid in twelve installments on the last working day of each month. Your salary will remain unchanged for the first year. Following the initial year, you will be eligible for annual merit-based salary adjustments that are generally awarded on the first day of October.


In addition to the university base salary, we will establish a Health Services Related Component (HSRC) to your salary which you may earn through the College of Human Medicine’s Medical Service Plan. The HSRC will not accrue university benefits, and will be subject to usual federal, state, and FICA taxes. Your HSRC, based on percent time, will be per year. The Department of 0will guarantee payment of your HSRC for your first0. We have established the HSRC guarantee to allow you to reestablish and expand your practice during your employment with the Department of 0. This amount will be paid to you in monthly installments during your first 0 of employment.

After the first 0of employment, your HSRC will not be guaranteed but will be adjusted according to the productivity-based physician compensation plan in place at the time as determined either by the department or by the MSU HealthTeam. Recommendations for adjustments in your HSRC will be made to the dean of the college on or before October 01 of each year and will be retroactive to the July 01 start date of the medical service plan’s fiscal year. Disbursements of HSRC funds must be consistent with the medical service plan and may be made only after all obligations associated with the costs of practice have been met.

All fees for services associated with the practice of medicine or otherwise included within the college’s medical service plan must be directed to the department’s patient accounts management system. Should you terminate your relationship with the department, all accounts receivable will revert to the department.

C. START UP FUNDS(Include if applicable Delete Paragraph if not part of offer)

As further evidence of our interest in you and our commitment to your success as a faculty member at Michigan State University, we will provide you with 0 research startup funding of . These 0 funds may be used for . You will be required to provide a plan for the use of these resources, and a review of expenditures, on an annual basis to the department chair and the college’s associate dean for research.

D. MOVING EXPENSES (PERSONAL) (Include if applicable Delete Paragraph if not part of offer)

The department will provide you up to to cover reasonable expenses associated with relocating you, your family and personal belongings to Michigan. These funds may also be applied to trips to the 0 area to locate housing. Helpful information about moving expenses can be found on the Payroll website.

E. CME SUPPORT DOLLARS (Include if applicable Delete Paragraph if not part of offer)

The department also provides its faculty, budget permitting, per year to cover CME expenses, books, dues, subscriptions, memberships, and software (within university guidelines).

F. OTHER SUPPORT (Include if applicable Delete Paragraph if not part of offer)



The principal responsibilities of Health Programs faculty members in the College of Human Medicine are in the areas of patient care, teaching, scholarly activity/research and institutional service/leadership. Activity in all of these areas is essential for reappointment and promotion. General expectations concerning your department responsibilities are indicated below and will be further clarified by me, in consultation with you, after your arrival. We will discuss and negotiate your effort and assignments in each of the categories to develop a plan that will ensure a successful future for you here at MSU while fulfilling departmental and college needs. These duties will be reviewed annually and may change over time according to your needs and/or the needs of the department and college. However, I call to your attention the university’s general expectations regarding each faculty member’s responsibilities in instruction as specified in the Code of Teaching Responsibility. Your assigned duties will be:


As a faculty member of the Department of 0, you will be expected to maintain and, where possible, expand your clinical practice of . It is expected that you will perform services only in those facilities operated and/or approved by the chair of the Department of 0. All fees for services associated with clinical practice must be directed to the department.

It is expected that the nature of your clinical activities will remain consistent and supportive of the teaching, research, and programmatic objectives of the department, and that your clinical volume will be sufficient to generate “net revenue” (a sum greater than one’s costs of practice plus HSRC) to be used in advancing the mission of the department.

You will also be expected to participate in faculty “on-call” which will include, but not be limited to, supervising resident on-call activities and conducting on-site weekend and holiday rounds for our in-patient teaching service. You will also be expected to participate in health plans with which the MSU HealthTeam and the Department of 0participate.


Teaching assignments can include formal course instruction, student advising, precepting individuals or small groups, and course, program or curriculum development. You will also be expected to mentor students. These activities may involve students at all levels. You will be expected to participate in department- sponsored activities such as . In addition, you will be expected to participate as a teacher in the Residency Training Program sponsored by the department.

Development of CME or continuing education programs for presentation at university conferences and hospitals will be considered a component of your academic activity. Additional teaching responsibilities for training other health care providers may be requested from time to time. You may also be assigned or elected to department and college educational or clinical committees in accordance with academic governance guidelines at Michigan State University.


Participation in research or other scholarly activity is an important expectation of your academic appointment. In addition to the scholarship of discovery as evidenced by peer-reviewed external funding or by publication of original research in a peer-reviewed journal, Health Programs faculty may demonstrate scholarship through publication of review articles or book chapters; publication or presentation of case reports, didactic lectures, or clinical series at local, regional, or national professional or scientific society meetings; or leadership roles in professional societies. Note that all research proposals where you are the primary investigator, and/or when you have been invited to participate with primary investigator(s) from another academic unit, must be submitted to the department chair for review and approval prior to the initiation of any basic scientific, animal, or human subjects research.

It is the expectation of the college and this department that you will maximize efforts to obtain external funding for your scholarly activity.


All faculty are expected to undertake service activities within their department, the college or the university. For example, you will be asked to participate in regular college and departmental committee assignments.


Michigan State University provides its employees with a variety of benefits that are among the best in academia. You will have the opportunity to participate, subject to the terms and conditions of the respective plans, in a comprehensive package of benefit plans ranging from health, prescription drug, dental, life, disability and other insurance programs to savings and retirement plans and an array of work/life effectiveness programs. Please refer to Summary of Benefits for Faculty and Academic Staffon the MSU Human Resources website. You will be able to access personalized benefit plan information and enroll in selected benefits on the web after your MSU NetID, your university e-mail account, is activated. See Attachment B for additional information about benefits.

All requests for vacation and leave, administrative and medical, must be submitted to the department chair for approval. During each twelve months of appointment you will be eligible for one month (22 weekdays) of vacation. Medical leave will be approved according to university personnel policies.


This offer of employment is contingent on satisfactory criminal background check results and degree verification, which are prerequisites for all faculty appointments. Following your acceptance of this offer, you will be contacted with instructions on how to initiate the background check process. Additionally, this offer requires that you obtain and keep valid a license to practice medicine in the State of Michigan and is contingent upon your successfully obtaining medical staff privileges through the MSU HealthTeam at Michigan State University, staff membership at Sparrow Hospitaland provider credentialing in healthcare plans with which MSU faculty participate. All full-time clinical faculty members at Michigan State University are required to participate in the Medical Service Plan and be members of the MSU HealthTeam. This offer also requires completion of a U.S. accredited residency program, a Michigan board license (or proof of board eligibility), a Board of Pharmacy license, and a federal DEA license. This offer requires full cooperation with the university’s risk management program and compliance with the rules and regulations of the MSU HealthTeam, the terms and conditions of the MSU Medical Service Plan, including restrictions on clinical practice, and all applicable university policies and procedures. If you have not already done so, please provide to the department the following information that is necessary for credentialing.

1.Name and title, birth date, current clinical address, medical school and date of graduation.

2.Photocopy of both State of Michigan Medical and State of Michigan Controlled Substance licenses. A copy of a current out-of-state Medical and Controlled Substance license will be accepted if accompanied by documentation of current application to the State of Michigan for medical license.

3.Photocopy of current DEA license

4.Photocopy of Board Certificate or admissibility

5.Photocopy of Residency Certificate of Completion

By accepting this offer you warrant that you have disclosed any disciplinary and/or ethical matter that may constitute a restriction of any form on your ability to practice medicine or perform other assigned duties.

Liability insurance for malpractice claims will be provided by or through Michigan State University and is paid through the Medical Service Plan from individual practice income. Continuing coverage is dependent on your meeting the above-stated requirements.

Additionally, this offer is contingent upon receipt ofthe signed appointment memorandum and a completed US Citizenship and Immigration Services Form I-9. See Attachment B for more details about the Form I-9. This position is a contract position that may be terminated by the university for cause in the event you breach the terms of the appointment. Further, although the department is fully committed to fulfilling the terms of this contract, an unanticipated lack of funds to support the position is grounds for termination. In the unlikely event that this situation should occur, you will be provided written notice at least four months before the termination date.


The terms of this memorandum shall not be assignable by either of the parties. You agree that after termination of your employment with Michigan State University, you will refrain from and not re-engage in the practice of for a period of one year within a fifteen mile radius of any practice location where you have provided clinical service as a Michigan State University HealthTeam provider, which you agree is a reasonable duration and a reasonable geographic area. You also agree that during this restrictive period, you will not solicit any patients of Michigan State University HealthTeam to become your patients in another practice.

You understand that you will not be bound by said restrictions in the event that Michigan State University does not provide a renewal employment agreement to you and you are in good standing with the MSU HealthTeam. In the event of a breach of the promises made pursuant to this provision, the university has the right to seek all remedies available in law and equity including entitlement to preliminary and permanent injunction restraining the provider from doing or continuing to do any act in violation of this provision.


In order to assist you in your transition to Michigan State University, you are expected to attend the university’s new faculty orientation program. The orientation program provides an overview of the university, identifies expectations of the university community, and covers many important issues that will assist you as you begin your career at Michigan State University. An introduction to various university facilities and services, employee benefits and information on cultural activities, both on and off campus, is also provided. The next scheduled orientation program is in August and you will be notified of the exact date when it is determined. Separately, you will also be invited to a College of Human Medicine New Faculty Orientation usually held in early autumn. You are expected to attend this orientation as well.

The attachments to this letter describe important issues pertaining to faculty appointments at Michigan State University. Please read them carefully and note the signature requirement on all attachments. Attachment B contains important information to help prepare for your arrival. Please read it carefully and retain it for future reference.

Should you have any questions or concerns about the nature of this letter of offer, please feel free to contact at by phone or e-mail at .

Enclosed are two signed originals of this offer. Please indicate your acceptance of this offer by signing one of the originals where indicated below and returning it all signed attachments to me by . With your acceptance, I will take pleasure in finalizing your appointment recommendation. While I do not anticipate any difficulty in obtaining approval for your appointment, I am advised to inform you that the right of final approval rests solely with the provost.

, on behalf of the faculty of the Department of 0, I look forward to welcoming you as a colleague and a member of our Michigan State University community.






Norman J. Beauchamp Jr., MD, MHSDate

Dean, College of Human Medicine

My signature below constitutes acceptance of this offer of an appointment recommendation and acknowledges my understanding and acceptance of the terms and conditions of the appointment being recommended, as described in this letter and the attachments.



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Re-enter date

Attachment A: Disclosure of Relevant Background Information

Final approval for your appointment rests solely with the [President/Provost/Board of Trustees]. As part of the final approval process of your appointment, the university will conduct a criminal background check, including degree verification. Any falsifications related to your degree or academic credentials may constitute grounds to revoke your offer of appointment.

Additionally, I must inform you that the decision to recommend an academic appointment takes into account all available information regarding an applicant’s professional and personal conduct. Your appointment is contingent on the university having your cooperation in learning information needed to assess your candidacy. For this reason, the university requires you to disclose all relevant facts needed to give the university a full and fair understanding of any past conduct that could adversely affect your ability to fulfill successfully your responsibilities as a [faculty or academic staff] member, including:

1) Professional misconduct or sanctions (e.g., debarment by a federal agency; any form of professional discipline or license restriction or surrender; and admission or determination that you have committed research misconduct);

2) Any formal employment disciplinary action;

3) Any civil rights violation that you admitted or were determined by a court or other adjudicative process to have committed (e.g., sexual or racial harassment or discrimination); or

4) Any felony crime for which you were arrested and charged or any serious crime (e.g., drug distribution; sexual offenses; violence involving physical injury to another person; child abuse, molestation, or child endangerment; theft or embezzlement) for which you were convicted or pled “no contest”.

Finally, during the course of your appointment, if any of these arrests, conviction or events occur, you are required to self-disclose this information within 72 hours or at the earliest possible opportunity via the Michigan State University Self-Disclosure Form.

Engagement in any such conduct will not, in and of itself, disqualify you for an appointment at the university or result in termination of your current appointment. But, your failure to disclose such information, or any misrepresentation you make in connection with the disclosure, would be grounds to revoke your offer of appointment or terminate your current appointment.