Madison Central Little League

2015 Safety Plan

Madison Central Little League Safety Plan

Table of Contents

Contact Information 2

Little League Parent/Volunteer Pledge 3

Madison Central Little League Safety Code 4

Madison Central Little League Code of Conduct 5

Parent/ Family Expectations 6

Player Expectations 6

Coaching Expectations 7

Managers’ and Coaches’ Responsibilities 7

Teaching Fundamentals of the Game 8

Preventing Injuries 10

Pitcher Safety 11

Pitching “Days of Rest” Rules 12

Facilities 13

First Aid 14

Checking a Victim. Where do I Start? 14

Broken Bones 14

Sprains 15

Head Injuries 16

Facial Cuts 16

Heat Exhaustion 17

Nose Bleeds 17

Sunburns 18

Knocked-Out Tooth 18

Weather Awareness 19

Rain 19

Lightning 19 Excessive Heat 19

Hydration 20

Concession Stand Safety Tips 21

Hand washing Poster 22

Madison Central Little League Accident Report Form 23

Contact Information

Madison Central Little League Board of Directors

President / Shane Cisco
Safety Officer / Chuck Rhea
Treasurer / Anthony Myers
Sponsor Chairman / Bart Whitnell
Equipment Manager / Shonda Vargson
Scheduling Chairman / Kevin Dillon
Information & Sponsor Officer / Matt Shelton

Madison Central Little League Player Agents

4/5 & 6 Yr Division / Jason Snider / Grant Boykin
7/8 & 9-10 Yr Division / Chad Scott / Mike Chouiard
11/12& 13+ Yr Division / Chuck Rhea / Bubba Scarbrough

Emergency Contacts

Emergencies / 911
League Safety Officer / 217-2528
Madison County Sheriff Dept / 423-6000

Tennessee Little League District 1 Administrator

Keith Wish

Little League Volunteer/Parent’s Pledge

I will teach all children to play fair and do their best

I will positively support all managers, coaches, and players

I will respect the decisions of the umpires

I will praise a good effort despite the outcome of the game.

Madison Central Little League Safety Code

·  Responsibility for safety procedures should be that of all adult members of the local league.

·  Arrangements should be made in advance of all games and practices for emergency medical services.

·  Managers, coaches, and umpires should have some training in first-aid. First-aid kits and ice packs are available in the concession stand.

·  No games or practice should be held when weather or field conditions are not good, particularly when lighting is inadequate.

·  Play area should be inspected frequently for holes, damage, glass, and other foreign objects.

·  Only players, managers, coaches, and umpires permitted on the playing field during play and practice sessions.

·  Responsibility for keeping bats and loose equipment off the field of play should be that of a regular player assigned for this purpose.

·  Procedure should be established for retrieving foul balls batted out of the playing area.

·  During practice sessions and games, all players should be alert and watching the batter on each pitch.

·  During warm up drills, players should be spaced so that no one is endangered by errant balls.

·  Equipment should be inspected regularly. Make sure it fits properly.

·  Pitching machines, if used, must be in good working order (including extension cords, outlets, etc.) and must be operated only by adult managers and coaches.

·  Batters must wear protective NOCSAE helmets during practice, as well as during games.

·  Catchers must wear catcher’s helmet (with face mask and throat guard), chest protector and shin guards. Male catchers must wear long model chest protector (divisions below Junior/Senior/Big League), protective supporter and cup at all times.

·  Except when a runner is returning to a base, head first slides are not permitted.

·  At no time should “horse play” be permitted on the playing field.

·  Parents of players who wear glasses should be encouraged to provide “safety glasses.”

·  Players may not wear watches, rings, pins, jewelry, or other metallic items.

·  Catchers must wear catcher’s helmet, face mask, and throat guard in warming up pitchers. This applies between innings and in bullpen practice. Skull caps are not permitted.

·  Batting/ catcher’s helmets should not be painted unless approved by the manufacturer.

·  Regulations prohibit on-deck batters. This means that no player should handle a bat, even while in an enclosure until it is his/her turn to bat.

·  Players who are ejected, ill, or injured should remain under supervision until released to a parent or guardian.

·  Managers and coaches may not warm up pitchers under any circumstances per Little League rules.

Madison Central Little League Code of Conduct

No Board Member, Manager, Coach, Umpire, Player, Parent or Spectator shall:

  1. At any time, lay a hand upon, push, shove, strike, or threaten to strike an official.
  2. Be guilty of personal verbal or physical abuse upon any official for real or imagined belief of a wrong action, decision, or judgment.
  3. Be guilty of an objectionable demonstration of dissent at an official’s decision by throwing equipment or other articles or any other forceful unsportsmanlike action.
  4. Be guilty of using any unnecessarily rough tactics in the play of the game against an opposing player.
  5. Be guilty of a physical or verbal attack upon any board member, manager, coach, umpire, player, parent, or spectator.
  6. Be guilty of the use of profane, obscene, or vulgar language in any manner at any time.
  7. Appear at any Madison Central Little League field of play, stands or other venue in an intoxicated state. Intoxicated state may be defined as am odor or behavioral issue.
  8. Be guilty of gambling upon any play or outcome of any game or at any practice with anyone at any time.
  9. Smoke while in the stands, on the playing field, or in any dugout at any time.
  10. Be guilty of publically discussing in a derogatory or abusive manner any play, decision, or personal opinion about a Board member, Manager, Coach, Umpire, Player, Parent, or Spectator during the game.
  11. No manager or coach shall fraternize or mingle with spectators during the course of the game.
  12. Be guilty of speaking disrespectfully to any official, manager, coach, or player, before, after, or during the course of the game.
  13. Be guilty of tampering or manipulation of any league rosters, schedules, draft positions or selections, any official scorebooks, rankings, financial records, or proceedings.
  14. Be guilty of challenging the umpire’s authority. Umpires shall have the authority and discretion during the game to penalize an offender in an appropriate manner up to and including removing the offender from the game and Madison North complex.

The Madison Central Little League Board will review any infractions of this code of conduct at its regular monthly meetings or at an emergency session, depending on the seriousness of the offense.

All Coaches, Managers, League Officials and Volunteers complete the 2014 Little League Volunteer Application Form and are subject to background checks.

All coaches and Managers will follow Little League Rules published in the official rule book including proper equipment.

Parent and Family Expectations

·  To come out and enjoy the game.

·  To cheer and make ALL players feel important

·  Read, re-read, and follow the Code of Conduct

·  Players are not allowed to leave the dugout unless they need to use the restroom. Coaches will notify a family member to assist the player to the restroom.

·  Siblings are NOT allowed in the dugout.

·  Allow the coaches to coach and run the team.

·  Do not bring food in the dugout.

Player Expectations

·  All players MUST wear proper equipment to practices and games, i.e. protective cups, cleats, and baseball hats.

·  Do not wear any jewelry, including earrings to practice or games.

·  Be on time for all practices and games.

·  Arrive 30 minutes prior to scheduled game start for warm-ups. The line-up is made in advance.

·  Please contact your Manager if you are going to be late or miss a game or practice.

·  Always try your BEST either in the field or on the bench.

·  Be cooperative at all times and share team duties.

·  Respect everyone including the other team and also respect yourselves.

·  Do not bring food into the dugout.

·  Be a positive teammate at all times.

·  Try not to become upset at or with you own mistakes or those of others… We will all make mistakes and we must support each other positively.

·  Understand that winning is only important if you can accept losing, as both are important parts of any sport.

·  HAVE FUN!!!

Managers and Coaches

Coaching Expectations

·  Be on time for all practices and games.

·  Be as fair as possible in giving playing time to all players.

·  We will do our best to teach the fundamentals of the game.

·  We will be positive and respect each child as an individual.

·  Set reasonable expectations and goals for each child and for the season.

·  To teach the players the value of winning, losing, good sportsmanship, and the importance of being a team player.

·  To be open to ideas, suggestions, or help.

·  Never verbally abuse any member of our team, the opposing team, or umpires.

·  Any confrontations will be handled in a respectful, quiet, and individual manner.

·  Try not to question my leadership or the leadership of our coaches. All players will make mistakes and so will we.


Managers’ and Coaches’ Responsibilities

The Manager of the team is appointed by the president of Madison Central and approved by the Madison Central Board of Directors. The managers are responsible for the team’s actions on the field and to represent the team in communications with the league, the umpires, and the opposing teams. Managers are responsible for the team’s conduct, observance of the rules, and deference to the umpires. The manager is also responsible for the safety of the players and the actions of the designated coaches. If a manager should have to leave the field, one of the coaches shall be designated as the Substitute Manager and shall have the duties and responsibilities of the Manager.

The Manager, during the pre-season will:

·  Take possession of the League Safety Manuel

·  Appoint a volunteer team parent.

·  Meet with parents to discuss Little League philosophy and safety issues.

·  Cover the basics of safe play with their team before the first practice.

·  Teach players the fundamentals of the game being mindful of positive coaching practices while advocating for safety.

·  Notify parents if a child is injured or becomes ill.

·  Encourage players to bring water bottles to practices and games.

·  Advise parents to bring sunscreen for themselves and their children.

During the regular season, the manager will:

·  Ensure equipment is serviceable, safe, and in good working order.

·  Ensure there is a telephone accessible at all activities including practices.

·  Help their players strive to do their best.

·  Teach safety, team work, good sportsmanship, and respect for one another.

·  Ensure the Code of Conduct is being upheld by the coaches, players, and parents.

·  Ensure that all safety rules are being followed.

·  Ensure that injury reports are completed and files with the Safety Officer when an incident has occurred.

·  Review fields for safe play prior to games and practices.

·  Ensure dugouts are cleaned and trash in placed in containers after practices and games.

·  Ensure that no child has been left alone at the field after practices or games.


Teaching Fundamentals of the Game

How do you wish to be remembered by the children you coach? Just think of teaching or coaching baseball as “Passing the ToRCH” – Throw, Run, Catch, and Hit. Be firm but fair and try not to show favoritism towards one child or over-criticize you own child. The fundamentals that should be taught to all children are as follows:

·  Proper catching fly balls and pop-ups

·  Proper fielding of ground balls

·  Light tosses short distance

·  Light tosses long distance

·  Medium tosses medium distance

·  Regular tosses medium distance

·  Simple pitching motion for balance

·  Sliding correctly

Along with teaching fundamentals, warm-ups are especially important in developing skills while reducing the potential of common “cold-muscle” injuries. It is a good practice to enforce a rule that no bats or balls are permitted on the field until all players have done their proper stretching. This should apply during both practice and games. A good warm-up session includes stretching muscles in the following order, followed by a light jog around the field: Calf muscles, Hamstrings, Quadriceps, Groin, Back, Shoulders, Elbow/ Forearm, Arm Shake-Out, and Neck.

During the game, Managers will:

·  Make sure that all players carry all gloves and other equipment off the field and to the dugout when their team is up to bat.

·  No equipment shall be left lying on the field or “in play.”

·  Keep all players alert.

·  Maintain discipline at all times.

·  Be organized.

·  Keep players and substitutes sitting on the team’s bench or in the dugout unless participating in the game or preparing to enter the game.

·  Make sure catchers are wearing the proper equipment.

·  Encourage everyone to think Safety First.

·  Observe the “no on-deck” rule for batters and keep players behind the screen at all times.

·  No player should handle a bat in the dugouts at any time.

·  Keep players off of the fences.

·  Get players to drink often so they do not dehydrate.

·  Do not play children that are ill or injured.

·  Attend to children that become injured in a game.

·  Do not lose focus by engaging in conversation with parents or others.

After the game, Mangers will:

·  Cool down exercises with the players.

·  Light jog.

·  Stretching, as noted before.

·  Pitchers and catchers should ice their shoulders and elbows.

·  Catchers should ice their knees.

·  Notify parents if their child has been injured, no matter how small or insignificant as the injury may seem. There are NO exceptions to this rule. This protects you, Madison North, and Little League Baseball, Inc. If there is an injury, make sure an accident report is filled out and given to the Madison North Safety Officer. If a near miss occurs, fill out an accident report and identify the report as a “near miss.”