March 14, 2006
The Madison County Council was called to order by President Scott Tischler. President Tischler asked all present to stand for the Pledge to the Flag. Councilmembers present were: John Bostic, Jr.
Jeff Hardin
Mike Price
Gary Gustin
Dan Dykes
Absent Larry Crenshaw
Scott Tischler
Also present was County Auditor Kathy Stoops-Wright, first deputy Auditor Patty Mauck, and Council Attorney Jim Wilson.
President Tischler requested a motion be made to approve the minutes of the February meeting. A motion was made by Dan Dykes and seconded by Gary Gustin to approve the minutes as submitted.
Vote: 6 Ayes 1 Absent being Councilmember Larry Crenshaw. Motion Carried.
Mr. Denny Williamson representing the Courthouse requested a transfer of $2000.00 from #360 – Repairs and Maintenance into #320 – Communication and Transportation for cell phone expenses. A motion was made by Dan Dykes and seconded by Jeff Hardin to approve the transfer.
Vote: 6 Ayes 1 Absent being Councilmember Larry Crenshaw. Motion Carried.
Mr. Williamson also requested new money of $19,000.00 is appropriated into #150 – Part Time Help in the Courthouse budget. Mrs. Patty Mauck reminded the Council that no new money can be approved until we have a tax rate and the County budget has been State approved. Mr. Williamson changed his request into a transfer of $1800.00 from #360 – Repairs and Maintenance into #150 – Part Time Help. A motion was made by Dan Dykes and seconded by Mike Price to allow the transfer.
Vote: 6 Ayes 1 Absent being Councilmember Larry Crenshaw. Motion Carried.
The original new money request for $19,000.00 was continued until an approved budget is received from the State.
Commissioner John Richwine requested a transfer in the Commissioner – County General Fund budget of $77,019.68 from #340 – Insurance into #440 – Machinery and Equipment for voting machines one year lease. A motion was made by Jeff Hardin and seconded by Dan Dykes to approve the transfer.
Vote: 6 Ayes 1 Absent being Councilmember Larry Crenshaw. Motion Carried.
Mr. Morris Long representing the City of Anderson introduced Resolution 2006-R3, proposing an ordinance to repeal the County Option Income Tax (COIT ) Homestead Credit, and casting the common council of Madison County’s 31.35 of 100 votes in favor of this ordinance. A discussion was led by President Tischler, then the Resolution and Ordinance 01-06 was read by Dan Dykes. There was no public discussion on the issue. A motion was made by Dan Dykes and seconded by Mike Price to approve Resolution 2006 – R3. A roll call vote was taken as follows:
John Bostic, Jr. Yes
Mike Price Yes
Jeff Hardin Yes
Gary Gustin Yes
Dan Dykes Yes
Scott Tischler Yes
Vote: 6 Ayes 1 Absent being Councilmember Larry Crenshaw. Motion Carried.
Mr. Dave Surratt requested new grant money be appropriated into CJC/CPTF (Chemical People Task Force) into #112 – Case Manager at $13.777 per hour for a total of $7715.00, into #113 – Case Manager at $13.777 per hour for a total of $7715.00, and into #160161 – FICA of $1456.00. A motion was made by Jeff Hardin and seconded by Mike Price to allow the appropriations.
Vote: 5 Ayes 1 Oppose – Mr. John Bostic, Jr., and 1 Absent being Councilmember Larry Crenshaw. Motion Carried.
Captain Rick Garrett representing the Sheriff’s Photo Fund requested that $4000.00 be appropriated into #390 – Other Services and Charges. A motion was made by Gary Gustin and seconded by Mike Price to allow the appropriation.
Vote: 6 Ayes 1 Absent being Councilmember Larry Crenshaw. Motion Carried.
Captain Garrett also requested $30,000.00 be appropriated in the Jail 390-241 – Medical in the County General Fund. A motion was made by Dan Dykes and seconded by Gary Gustin to continue this request until the April meeting.
Vote: 6 Ayes 1 Absent being Councilmember Larry Crenshaw. Motion Carried.
Mr. Tim Stated, Court Administrator, requested $22,730.48 be appropriated into #310 – Professional Services in the Public Defenders’ Office in the County General Fund. A motion was made by Dan Dykes and seconded by Jeff Hardin to continue this request to a future meeting.
Vote: 6 Ayes 1 Absent being Councilmember Larry Crenshaw. Motion Carried.
Mr. Tom Shevlot, District V.P. of Insight Communications addressedthe Council about area business opportunities.
Mrs. Katherine Holtzleiter representing the YouthCenter requested she be allowed to hire a full time intake officer for the probation area. There’s only one at the present time. A motion was made by Jeff Hardin and seconded by Dan Dykes to approve the hiring.
Vote: 6 Ayes 1 Absent being Councilmember Larry Crenshaw. Motion Carried.
Mrs. Amanda Williams representing Voters’ Registration introduced Ordinance
#2006-3C which would establish fees for certain operations. A motion was made by Dan Dykes and seconded by Gary Gustin to approve the ordinance.
Vote: 6 Ayes 1 Absent being Councilmember Larry Crenshaw. Motion Carried.
Mr. Jerry Bridges of the Council of Governments introduced Resolution 2006-R2 which would allow disbursing economic development project funds from the County share of the Food and Beverage Tax Fund. This particular request is for the extension of utilities to the Kleenco Corporation. A motion was made by Dan Dykes and seconded by Mike Price to approve the resolution.
Vote: 6 Ayes 1 Absent being Councilmember Larry Crenshaw. Motion Carried.
Mr. Steve Ford representing the Health Department introduced Ordinance 2006-2C to establish new fees for this department. Birth and Death certificates would raise to $10.00, Paternity affidavits would raise to $15.00, etc. Councilmember John Bostic, Jr. requests the fees remain the same. A motion was made by Dan Dykes and seconded by Jeff Hardin to continue this issue until the April meeting.
Vote: 6 Ayes 1 Absent being Councilmember Larry Crenshaw. Motion Carried.
Mr. Ford also representing the HIV & STD Programs requested out of state travel to Jacksonville, Florida for five (5) employees at $750.00 each for a conference. This is paid with grant money. A motion was made by Dan Dykes and seconded by Jeff Hardin to approve the request.
Vote: 6 Ayes 1 Absent being Councilmember Larry Crenshaw. Motion Carried.
Attorney Ron Fowler representing the Public Defender Board addressed the Council about the public defender position which was split into two part time slots in Superior Court I. Presently there are no benefits for these slots. Mr. Fowler is asking for benefits to be added. There was a discussion. Councilmember John Bostic supported the issue, and President Tischler opposed the issue. The job was originally posted without benefits. There was no motion made, so the position remains without benefits.
Mrs. Cheryl Heath representing the CountyAssessor’s budget requested the Green Township Assessor salary increase which was continued in February be continued again until the State approves the 2006 budget. A motion was made by Jeff Hardin and seconded by Gary Gustin to continue this request.
Vote: 5 Ayes 2 Absent being Councilmembers Larry Crenshaw and Dan Dykes. Motion Carried.
Mr. Mike Hershman representing the Planning Commission requested he be allowed to purchase the vehicle he asked for in February. A motion was made by Mike Price and seconded by Jeff Hardin to continue this request until the budget for 2006 is approved by the State.
Vote: 5 Ayes 2 Absent being Councilmembers Larry Crenshaw and Dan Dykes. Motion Carried.
President Tischler addressed the Council about the contract for the FOP. This will give raises of 3% in January 2007 and 2008. A motion was made by Jeff Hardin and seconded by Mike Price to approve the FOP union contract. A roll call vote was taken as follows:
John Bostic, Jr. Yes
Jeff Hardin Yes
Mike Price Yes
Gary Gustin Yes
Scott Tischler Yes
Vote: 5 Ayes 2 Absent being Councilmembers Larry Crenshaw and Dan Dykes. Motion Carried.
President Tischler also addressed the Council about the AFSME contract for the Highway Department. This will give raises of 3% in January 2007 and 2008. A motion was made by Mike Price and seconded by Gary Gustin to approve the AFSME union contract. A roll call vote was taken as follows:
John Bostic, Jr. Yes
Jeff Hardin Yes
Mike Price Yes
Gary Gustin Yes
Scott Tischler Yes
Vote: 5 Ayes 2 Absent being Councilmembers Larry Crenshaw and Dan Dykes.
Motion Carried.
President Tischler set the next monthly meeting for April 11, 2006 at 4:00 P.M.
With no further business before the Council, a motion was made by Jeff Hardin and seconded by Gary Gustin to adjourn this meeting.
Vote: 5 Ayes 2 Absent being Councilmembers Larry Crenshaw and Dan Dykes. Motion Carried. Meeting Adjourned.