Faculty of Communication and Media Studies
acad. year<20XΧ-20YΥ
Project Title
student details (name, email)>
student details (name, email)>
project course
course name
Athens, monthyear
Abriefsummary, ofnomorethan 200 words, aboutthesubject, thecontentsandtheconclusionsofthereport.
As you consider appropriate, reference to any people or institutions that have helped you for this project in any way (information, comments, primary data, bibliography, infrastructures, financial resources, etc.) Iftherearenosuchpeopleorinstitutions, thissectioncanbeomitted.
University of Athensproject title
Faculty of Communication and Media Studiesstudent name
projectforcoursecourse namestudent name
month year
Table of contents
List of pictures
List of tables
2.Section title
2.1Subsection title
3.Section title
3.1Subsection title
List of abbreviations
Glossary of key terms
Appendix A
Appendix B
List of pictures
Εικόνα 1: Αύξηση του πλήθους ιστοχώρων σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο.
List of tables
Πίνακας 1: Αύξηση των χρηστών διαδικτύου στις χώρες της Ε.Ε.
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University of Athensproject title
Faculty of Communication and Media Studiesstudent name
projectforcoursecourse namestudent name
month year
The title of this section may be modified as you consider appropriate.
In any case, this section can be used for
- presentinganddelimitingthesubjectofyourreport
- anyclarificationsthatyourreadersshouldkeepinmindinordertobetterunderstandthecontentsofyourreport
- a brief reference to the contents of the sections that follow.
Splitting this section into subsections is not recommended but still it is allowed, if you consider that this is required for some reason.
Thesizeofthemainpartofyourreport, fromthisintroductorysectionuptoyourconcludingsection, shouldbebetween3,500 and 4,500 words, unless otherwise specified in the context of the course.
2.Section title
2.1Subsection title
The main part of your report can be split as you consider appropriate into sections and subsections. In order to facilitate your readers into following your line of presentation, it is not recommended to split your text further (into sub-subsections, etc.)
Whenthetitlesandpagesofsectionsandsubsectionschange, thetableofcontentswhichispre-includedatthefrontmatterofthisreportisupdatedautomaticallywhenyousaveandre-openyourfile.
Thefirst- andsecondlevelheadingsfornewsectionsandsubsections, respectively, canbecreated
- either by copying/pasting/editing an existing heading
- or selecting a title and using shortcut keys Alt-1 (for section titles) and Alt-2 (for subsection titles).
In both cases, the formatting and numbering of headings are updated automatically.
Forformattingasnormaltextyou can use shortcut keys Alt-0.
3.Section title
3.1Subsection title
Thepicturesandtablesneedtobeformattedand, incasetheyhavenotbeencreatedbyyoubutdrawnfromtheliterature, theyneedtoreferencethecorrespondingsources, asinthefollowingexamples.
The logarithmic rate of increase of the number of websites on the internet is presented in Picture 1.
Picture1:Increase of the number of websites on the internet.
[source: (Zakon 2006)]
The increase rate of internet users in absolute numbers and as a percentage of the population of EU countries during years 2000-2006 is presented in Table 1.
year / internet users / population / percentage2000 / 86,796,800 / 379,634,800 / 22.9 %
2002 / 143,415,551 / 379,634,800 / 37.8 %
2004 / 206,196,749 / 459,938,780 / 44.8 %
2006 / 230,396,996 / 462,371,237 / 49.8 %
Table1: Increase of internet users in EU countries.
[source: (Miniwatts Marketing Group 2006)]
The title of this section may be modified as you consider appropriate.
In any case, this section can be used for
- for a brief recapitulation of what has already been presented in the previous sections
- fortheformulationof conclusions based on the sources studied for this project and the contents of the previous sections of this report
- for bringing forward important issues that need to be further studied.
Splitting this section into subsections is not recommended but still it is allowed, if you consider that this is required for some reason.
Thereferencesofthereportmustbemadeinfullrespectoftheprovisionsagainstplagiarismandusingstandardreferencing styles, both for formatting the entries of the References list and for anchoring within the text.
UseoftheHarvardreferencing style is recommended. More details and guides foer using this style are online available on webpages such as the following:
(BournemouthUniversity, UK)
(AngliaRuskinUniversity, UK)
(University of SouthQueensland, Australia).
Thereferenceslisted(bibliography, articles, websitesetc.) needtobeaccompaniedbyonlineaccessURLs, if these are available, and annotated with brief comments on their contents.
Miniwatts Marketing Group 2006, European Union Internet Usage and Population Statistics, Miniwatts Marketing Group,
last accessedon 30.11.2006, <
a collection of statistical data for the penetration of the internet in European Union countries and worldwide
Zacon, R 2006, Hobbes' Internet Timeline v8.2, Robert H. Zakon, Zakon Group LLC, last accessedon 30.11.2006, <
acollectionofstatistical data for the quantitative expansion of the internet as well as former network services (Usenetand others) from 1993 until today
List of abbreviations
The following abbreviations are used in the present report.
pleaselist below, in alphabetic order, the abbreviations that you have used in your report, together with the explanation of each one, as in the following example
in this list you do not need to include abbreviations whose meaning is now widely known
ICT ...... Information and Communication Technologies
IS...... InformationSociety
Glossary of key terms
The following key terms are used in the present report.
pleaselist below, in alphabetic order, the key terms that you have used in your report, together with a brief but concise explanation for each one, as in the following example
in this list you do not need to include key terms whose meaning is now widely known; on the contrary, you need to include key terms which concern your specific subject, and/or key terms which within your subject undertake a meaning different from their common use
internetAn interconnected system of networks that links computers all over the world using the TCP/IPprotocol stack for data transmission.
world-widewebThe part of the internet that contains text and multimedia documents as well as web sites and applications linked together and accessed through unique reference addresses and graphical user interfaces.
Appendix A
Appendix title
Appendices can be used to provide primary data, detailed information etc that you may consider necessary in order to make your report self-sufficient and are not available on the internet or in the literature. Tothisend, youcanuseoneormoreappendicesdependingonyourneeds.
Still, incasesuchdataareavailableonlineorintheliterature, thecorrespondingappendicescanbereplacedbytherelevantreferences.
Appendix Β
Appendix title
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