MADGINFORD PARK INFANT SCHOOL, Merton Road, Bearsted, Maidstone,
Kent ME15 8LJ
MADGINFORD PARK JUNIOR SCHOOL, Egremont Road, Bearsted, Maidstone,
Kent ME15 8LH
Kent County Council is proposing to amalgamate Madginford Park Infant School and Madginford Park Junior Schools with effect from 1 September 2014. The amalgamation will be effected by the closure of Madginford Park Junior School and the expansion of Madginford Park Infant School by increasing the upper age range from 7 to 11 on 31 August 2014. The name of Madginford Park Infant School will also be changed to Madginford Park Primary School, in effect creating an amalgamated primary school.
These related proposals are referred to through this document.
Contact Details
The proposals to make prescribed alterations to Madginford Park Infant and Madginford Park Junior Schools are being published by Kent County Council, County Hall, Maidstone, Kent ME14 1XQ. Contact Name and Address: Jared Nehra, Area Education Officer (West Kent), Worrall House, 30 Kings Hill Avenue, West Malling, ME19 4AE. Tel: 03000 412209
School details
- Madginford Park Infant School is a community school.
- Madginford Park Junior School is a community school
Implementation and any proposed stages for implementation
Should the Cabinet Member for Education and Health Reform recommend that the proposal can go ahead Madginford Park Junior School would close on 31 August 2014. The expansion of Madginford Park Infant School by increasing the upper age range from 7-11 and change of name would take effect from 31 August 2014.
Objectives (including reason for closure of Madginford Park Junior School and how the wider proposal would increase educational standards and parental choice)
Madginford Park Infant School and Madginford Park Junior School are two separate schools serving the Bearsted Ward of Maidstone. Both schools are community schools.
The objective of this proposal is to seek the formal closure of Madginford Park Junior School, which currently provides education for pupils between the ages of 7-11, effective from 31 August 2014. However, this proposal is related to other proposals that would see Madginford Park Infant School alter its upper age limit, to enable it to provide education for pupils between the ages of 4-11, and enlarge the premises of the School to increase its capacity to become a three form entry primary school with effect from 1 September 2014. The amalgamated Madginford Park Primary School would operate on the existing sites of the Infant School and the Junior School.
Madginford Park Infant School is currently judged by Ofsted as Outstanding.
Madginford Park Junior School was inspected by Ofsted on 11 October 2013 and was found to require Special Measures. Madginford Park Junior School held an extra-ordinary Full Governing Body Meeting on 22 October 2013 and a new Chair of Governors was elected.
The Governing Bodies of Madginford Park Infant School and Madginford Park Junior School have appointed a Headteacher, with effect from 1stSeptember 2014. Subject to the amalgamation proposals proceeding, the appointee will become the Headteacher of Madginford Park Primary School.
The Governing Bodies of Madginford Park Infant School and Madginford Park Junior School have independently recommended to the Local Authority that the most appropriate solution to securing and sustaining outstanding education provision for both infant and junior age ranges at Madginford is to have a single all-through primary school.
This proposal is in line with KCC’s policy as set out in the Kent Commissioning Plan for Education Provision 2013-18, which states “when the opportunity arises, the Local Authority will consider the possibility of either amalgamation of separate infant and junior schools into a single primary school; or federation of the schools.”
All parties would like the amalgamation to take place as soon as possible to enable the benefits of amalgamation to be felt at the junior school thereby meeting the requirements in relation to the curriculum contained in section 78 of EA 2002(a). This is why the consultation document has said that the amalgamation should take place by 1 September 2014
Kent County Council and the Governing Bodies of both Madginford Park Infant School and Madginford Park Junior School believe that the proposed changes will promote the following benefits:
- strong leadership and governance
- promotion of high educational standards
- high quality, good teaching as a minimum
- consistency of approach to learning policies, curriculum planning and behaviour management
- stability of staffing and improved staffing structures and opportunities for staff development
- improved use of facilities – specialist teaching spaces, reception areas, outdoor area
Madginford Park Infant school currently provides a range of school clubs including early morning and after school, such as gym club, multi-skills (pupil premium), dodgeball, football, French club, art and Rock Chorus which runs across the two schools (Madginford Park Infant and Madginford Park Junior School.
Madginford Park Junior School currently provides a range of school clubs including early morning and after school club organised by school staff such as, netball, homework, football, art, construction, film Cricket, Drama, Tennis and Rock Chorus run by parents.
The provision would be enhanced in an all-through primary school by an increased range of clubs and offer as the expertise of the staff would be greater and some clubs could be open to Key Stage 1 and 2 children, rather than individually.
Pupil numbers and admissions
The number of pupils on roll at Madginford Park Junior School as at 29 April 2013 is 377, of which 193 are boys and 184 are girls. A breakdown of these pupils by age groups is provided in the table below:
Year Group / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / TotalNo. on Roll / 90 / 95 / 96 / 96 / 377
There are very few pupils on roll at the junior school with a Statement of Special Educational Needs. There are 32 pupils on School Action and 21 are on School Action plus.
Madginford Park Infant School currently has 9 classes with 30 children in each class. There are 147 boys and 123 girls and the total roll is currently 270. There are five children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs, 14 are on School Action and 8 pupils are on School Action plus.
Displaced pupils
It is anticipated that the pupils leaving Madginford Park Junior school roll as a result of its discontinuance will transfer to the roll of the expanded Madginford Park Infant School, which will change its age range to become an all-through primary. Should parents not wish their child to transfer school in the way described above, then it would be open to them to apply for an alternative place.
The school places that are discontinued as a result of this particular proposal are immediately replaced through related proposals to establish a primary school on the sites of the existing Madginford Park Infant School and Madginford Park Junior School.
Description of alteration and evidence of demand
In accordance with section 15(1) of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 that Kent County Council intends to discontinue Madginford Park Junior School, a community school for 360 pupils, Egremont Road, Bearsted, Maidstone, ME15 8LH on 31 August 2014. All pupils attending Madginford Park Junior School at the time of the closure will be transferred to the roll of Madginford Park Infant School.
In accordance with section 19(1) of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 that Kent County Council intends to make the following prescribed alterations to Madginford Park Infant School, Merton Road, Bearsted, Maidstone, ME15 8LJ.
- To expand Madginford Park Infant School by increasing the upper age range from 7 to 11 on 31 August 2014.
Pupil number forecasts indicate that the expanded Infant school would require as many classes as there are currently in Madginford Park Infant School and Madginford Park Junior School.
Impact on the community
The impact on the community of the closure of Madginford Park Junior School is likely to be minimal as pupils at the School would automatically transfer onto the roll of the primary school that is being created through related proposals (notwithstanding a parent wishing to access a different school place).
Within a radius of two miles of Madginford Park Infant and Madginford Park Junior schools there are 13 alternative schools: 5 Community Primary Schools, 1 Voluntary Controlled Infant School, 1 Voluntary Aided Roman Catholic Primary School, 1 Free School and 1 Academy.
Special educational needs (SEN) provision
As of 29 April 2014 there are very few pupils at Madginford Park Junior School with a Statement of Special Educational Needs.
Should further statements of special educational needs be issued before the implementation date, then those pupils would have their statements reviewed should the proposal to close Madginford Park Junior School be approved. It is anticipated any such pupils would transfer onto the roll of Madginford Park Infant School, should the related proposal to alter its upper age limit and increase its capacity be approved.
The overarching aim of Kent’s SEND strategy is to improve the health, well-being, attainment and progress, and the quality of provision, for children and young people with special education needs and/or disabilities. An important aspect of this is to develop the capacity of special schools – defining their existing offer and building in capacity to respond to future need, ensuring that the needs of Kent children are able to be met within their locality. KCC’s SEND Strategy can be obtained from the following link:
The bringing together of staff from both schools will enhance the quality of education provided through the sharing of skills and expertise, enable the curriculum to be broadened and enhance the extra-curricular opportunities.
This proposal is close Madginford Park Junior School is dependent upon the proposal to enlarge and expand Madginford Park Infant School. Therefore, there will be no displacement of pupils. As places at the amalgamated primary school would automatically be offered to children on the Junior School roll, there is likely to be little (if any) impact upon the length of journeys between home and school as a result of the implementation of these related proposals.
There are a variety of alternative school places available to parents (should they be minded to seek one as a consequence of these proposals) which fall within a radius of two miles. Therefore alternatives are likely to be within statutory walking distance to school (which is 2 miles for a primary aged pupil, accompanied by an adult as necessary) if the parent seeking that alternative place already lived within a reasonable proximity of Madginford Park Junior School.
There is no forced displacement of any Madginford Park Junior School pupils and sufficient places exist within a two mile radius to allow local families to continue to walk, cycle or use public transport to attend a different school to the all-through primary created through related proposals. Home to school transport will be provided in accordance with Kent County Council’s published policies with individual cases being considered on their merits.
All applicable statutory requirements to consult in relation to these proposals have been complied with.
A public consultation was carried out by the Local Authority from13 January 2014 to 28 February 2014. A consultation document was produced which included the dates of the public meetings. A copy of this document together with a copy of the Equality Impact Assessment can be obtained from KCC’s website:
The consultation document was distributed to statutory stakeholders, including but not limited to the following groups:
- The parents of all pupils attending Madginford Park Infant School and Madginford Park Junior School via their children’s schools, staff and governors
- The Department for Education
- The Diocese of Rochester, Canterbury and Southwark
- Elected Members (Kent County Council, Maidstone Borough Council)
- Maidstone Parish Councils
- Local MP
- Trade Unions
- Local Children’s Centres and pre-school providers
- Schools in Maidstone
- Local Libraries in the Maidstone area
- All stakeholders were able to access copies of these documents on the KCC website.
Public meetingswere held at Madginford Park Junior School on January 2014 and Madginford Park Infant School on 5 February 2014. The outcome of the consultation was reported to KCC’s Education Cabinet Committee on 14 March 2014. The Education Cabinet Report on the outcome of the consultation, including summaries of the public meeting and responses received, is available at this link:
Project costs and indication of how these will be met, including how long term value for money will be achieved;
The amalgamated all-through primary school would operate on the former sites of Madginford Park Infant School and Madginford Park Junior School. Project costs will be negligible because there will be no change of use of existing buildings.
As a result of the proposal, the school will continue to be funded through the delegated budget according to pupil rolls.
As a result of an amalgamation the two predecessor schools will become one school and consequently this would result in the removal of one of the lump sum funding allocations (£120,000). The amalgamated school would continue to be funded at 100% of the two lump sums for the remainder of the 2014/15 financial year from September 2014 to March 2015. TheSchool and Early Years Finance (England) Regulations 2013 provide funding protection for amalgamating schools for the first academic year. Therefore, it is proposed that protection will be provided on the lump sums at 85% from April 2015 to March 2016. (2 x £120,000 x 85% = £204,000). From April 2016 the amalgamated primary school would receive one lump sum, currently £120,000.
Staff, Site and Resources
It is proposed that all teachers and support staff employed at Madginford Park Junior School (at the time of the proposed amalgamation) will transfer to Madginford Park Infant School.
The freehold of the site will remain with Kent County Council.
Over time, economies of scale will result in savings from combined procurement and shared curriculum resources.
The procedure for responses: support; objections and comments
A public notice was published in a local newspaper on 3May 2014. The notice is displayedat all main entrances to the schools, in Maidstone Borough Council’s reception area and in local libraries. It is also available on KCC’s website:
Within four weeks from the date of publication, any person may send in a response supporting, objecting or commenting on the proposal to Jared Nehra, Area Education Officer (West Kent), Kent County Council, Worrall House, 30 Kings Hill Avenue, West Malling ME19 4AE. Tel: 03000 412209; or email . The final date for sending in written representations is 2 June 2014.
The School Organisation (Establishment and Discontinuance of Schools) (England) Regulations 2013
The School Organisation (Prescribed Alterations to Maintained Schools) (England) Regulations 2013