July 09, 2009

The Private Bank of Denny Ray Hardin

Denny R. Hardin, Agent

2450 Elmwood

Kansas City, Mo. 64127


Certified Mail # 7009 0960 0000 9902 2894

To: Credit Central, Inc.

Attn: Erim Clark

113 South Highway 52 Suite E

Moncks Corner, SC. 29461

Certified Mail # 7009 0960 0000 9902 2900



ATTN: Judge Ava Bryant Ayers

223 North Live Oak Drive

Moncks Corner, SC. 29461

Certified Mail # 7009 0960 0000 9902 2917

To: Douglas A. Churder, P.C.

712 East Washington Street

Greenville,SC. 29601

Subject: Fraud of Claims

Principal: Harley A. Mitchum

Account # 128-2147057-3 Case # 09H-0455



“Support Affidavit of Denny Ray Hardin”

Because so many “Mortgage Companies”, “Banks” and “Lending Institutions” have come under the control of “Foreign Agents” 22 USC 611 that act in violation of law. It has become necessary, to create a form letter to deal with all their correspondence. By the addressing of this letter to your “Corporation” you have been named as a “Defendant” of the “Criminal Complaint of Racketeering Activity” currently under investigation by federal authorities. Each and every “Defendant” will be lawfully challenged by the following common law principles:


“Corporations” have claimed the authority to contract with “foreign agents” to represent their interest in court. Because a corporation can not write, can not speak, it can not contract or be represented in court by any “foreign agent”. Every claim of a “foreign agent” to represent the rights, privileges and immunities of a “Corporation” is being lawfully challenged as “fraud” 18 USC 1001 in every court where it is presented against my principals. The challenge is simple, produce the “Plaintiff” in court, or the filing is barred by the 11th Amendment as a case commenced by a “Foreign State”. Filing of these cases is “Fraud on the court” by claiming the authority to violate the Constitution for the United States of America.


“Corporations”, “Banks”, “Foreign Agents” and “Government” have established a “Conspiracy” to allow bonding of “slaves” in violation of the current 13th Amendment. This is being carried over to the “Public Offices” of “trust” and “profit”, whereby all due process of law is being denied. This criminal conduct has been presented to those invested with the power and responsibility to stop this “Organized Crime” and our efforts are starting to have results. Governors of all 50 States have been given 60 days “Notice” to abolish their “BAR ASSOCIATIONS” or remove all “Foreign Agents” from all “Public Offices” of “trust” and “profit”. Failure to comply with the “Original 13th Amendment”, will constitute “Insurrection” for “interference with state and federal law” 10 USC 333. “JAG” will be petitioned in the “Admiralty Jurisdiction” 28 USC 1333 to put down this insurrection of state government. Every act of a foreign agent and corporation to violate any right, privilege and/or immunity of the people is “Trespass” and the crime of “Conspiracy against rights” 18 USC 241. These crimes are being presented in every court where they occur.


Corporations and foreign agents have been provided full payment for debts, have kept these payments, refused to credit the accounts and refuse to remove the obligations. Your letter is clear evidence of “Extortionate Credit Transactions” 18 USC 891-894 to collect debts paid in full. As a “Private Bank”, I have requested an “Audit” of my account. When it is received, I will have the authority to demand “Bank Examiners” investigate my “Bank Bonds” that are not accounted for by crediting my principals’ accounts. The will be asked to investigate the following crimes.

1.  Interference with commerce (Bonds not processed)

Because many corporation have refused to do their lawfully required duty to process “Commercial instruments as legal tender for the payment of debt” 31 USC 5118, I will send “Bank Examiners” to find my “Bank Bonds” 18 USC 8 last known to be in your possession. Failure to account for these bonds will constitute clear “Racketeering Activity” of “interference with commerce” 18 USC 1951.

2.  Embezzlement ( Bonds processed, not credited to the account)

It is a major possibility that payments have been processed and not credited to accounts. This constitutes embezzlement of funds by the financial institution. To establish this crime, I will ask all my principals to send me all their statements that reflect the payments have been credited. These will be crossed off the ledger and establish all accounts to be investigated.

3.  Extortionate Credit Transaction (still collecting debts paid in full)

All foreign agents who have been paid in full and are continuing to extort money from my principals, will be presented as grounds for investigation of all “Foreign Agents” within the “United States of America”. All who do not possess a “FAR” (Foreign Agent Registry) six digit number will be deemed criminals for failing to comply with federal law, that requires their registry. The “BAR” (British Atoned Registry) shows the allegiance of these “foreign agents” and their loyalties to “foreign powers”. Their threats, intimidation and coercion of the people are evidenced in their letters and is documented evidence of their crimes.

4.  Seditious conspiracy (banks, foreign agents, judges and government)

Because so many have lost their homes, retirement funds, savings and livelihood by the criminal acts of “foreign agents”, it is clear to see our government has been overthrown by foreign agents. Under the “Original 13th Amendment” no “foreign agent” can hold any office of “trust” or “profit”. This includes “Public Offices” of “profit” such as banks, corporations, mortgage companies and lending institutions. Because of the current state of our nation I believe the current state is an organized plot of foreign agents to disrupt our economy, our courts, our government and our future. The President will soon be present the “CONSPIRACY OF FOREIGN AGENTS”. This conduct is clear “Seditious Conspiracy”, “Treason” and “Conspiracy to overthrow government”. Banks may own the President, but they don’t own the world. The “Hague Convention” may prosecute these crimes of profit against humanity.

Each and every individual must account for criminal conduct. I have been persecuted by these foreign agents since 1991 and have come to understand my enemy. The people are understanding these foreign agents and their criminal practices to enslave us to them or take our property under the color of lawful action. Accountability is long overdue and soon it will be impossible to stop. Once prosecution begins all chances for evading our right of “Account” will cease and the individual will be held to the same due process of law he has denied to others, in a “Constitutional Court” operating under law, not a “Corporate Court” operating under rules, codes and regulations.


You may believe you are above the law, but I assure you, you are not. The law of commerce requires “NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW”. No “Affidavit” has been lawfully refuted to date and all stand as “truth in commerce”. You can continue believing you are invincible, can harm whomever you please without accountability and continue operating your “Organized Crime”, but sooner or later justice will come knocking and you will stand alone in front of a jury explaining your conduct. For a “Public Official” of trust or profit, to be represented by a “foreign agent” is clear evidence of “incompetence” and grounds for removal from that “Public Office”. All attorneys are deemed incompetent in law for accepting the “titles of nobility” of “esquire” in violation of Article I, Section 10 of the Constitution of the United States of America. You are given the choice, to act within the law that governs your conduct, or violate it and be forced to defend your criminal conduct. Every individual is given this choice and each is accountable for the choices they make.

28 USC 1746

I, Denny Ray Hardin, declare under the penalty of perjury, under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge , understanding and beliefs. This “Affidavit” is made without purpose of evasion or intent to mislead, if some fact is proved by facts, law and evidence to be incorrect, I reserve the right to amend it for the “truth” to be clearly stated. This “Affidavit” must be accepted as “Truth”, unless a “Counter Affidavit” signed under the penalty of perjury, is presented in dispute. “Truth is the law of “Commerce”. “Judgment” must follow the “Truth”. This “Affidavit” must be accepted as “Truth” in all Courts of the United States of America. Failure to do so is denial of the truth.

God’s will be done.


Denny Ray Hardin, Agent