MACT Tracker Instructions

The MACT Tracker is an Excel Spreadsheet that is a “go-to” document for MACT/GACT standards. It outlines all promulgated MACT/GACT standards to date.The MACT Tracker should be used as a guide. Due to the frequent changes in the standards, the Tracker will be updated periodically.

Within the MACT Tracker, it has the Subpart Name, associated Subpart letter, if the Subpart is major or area source, the promulgation date, amendments, the CFR reference, the current action of the standard and date of the current action.

Within each MACT/GACT standard listed in the MACT Tracker, there are hyperlinks associated with the Subpart letter and the amendments. The hyperlink for the Subpart letter is a direct link to the eCFR standard for that specific subpart and the hyperlink for the amendments for each subpart is a direct link to the U.S. EPA (or other state) webpage for each specific subpart.

There are notes in the major or area source section of the MACT Tracker that notes if Ohio EPA has accepted delegation over the major source requirements of the standard only and area source standards that are not exempt from obtaining a Title V permit (however -- not required to incorporate by reference into the permit).

The “general rule of thumb” is that Ohio EPA has accepted delegation over the major source, and/or major source requirements, of the MACT/GACT standardsonly, and U.S. EPA has delegation over the area source, and/or the area source requirements, of the MACT/GACT standards. However, this is not an absolute situation, and it should be noted that for all MACT and GACT standards, Ohio EPA accepts delegation only viaissuance of a final permit that uses the MACT/GACT reference approach. Ohio EPA does not accept the MACT/GACT standards wholesale without issuing a permit. That means the MACT/GACT standard is only accepted on a source-by-source and/or permit-by-permit basis.

Some of the MACT/GACT standards do not distinguish between major or area source. In this case, Ohio EPA only accepts delegation of the standard if the facility obtains a permit from Ohio EPA.

There are footnotes at the bottom of the spreadsheet to explain the asterisks used.

There is a second tab on the spreadsheet, “Table 2,” that contains a listed version of the information from the first tab, “Table 1”.

Engineering Guide #88 is a document permit writers can go to as well for additional MACT/GACTguidance.

This document may or may not represent Ohio EPA guidance concerning this subject. Questions concerning the applicability of the information in this guide should be directed to your district office or local air agency contact or you may contact Briana Mastriana at or at 614-644-3698.