Examination December 2011
B.A. (Third Year)
First Paper
Macro Economic Analysis
Time : 3 Hrs.M.M. : 70
veesš–Fme ØeMve he$e ceW Ûeej Keb[ nQ~ Gòej osves kesâ henues efveoxMeeWkeâes meeJeOeeveerhetJe&keâ heÌ{W~
(This Question Paper consists of 4 Sections. Read Instructions carefully before attempting the Questions.)
KeC[–De (Section–A)
Deefle ueIeg GòejerÙe SJeced Jemlegefve‰ Øekeâej kesâ ØeMve
(Very Short Answer and Objective Type Question)
meYeer ØeMve DeefveJeeÙe& nQ~10 1 = 10
(All Questions are Compulsory)
1.Øeefle JÙeefòeâ DeeÙe mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nw?
What do you means by percaprita income?
2.peer.[er.heer. keâe hetje veece efueKeW~
Write the full name of G.D.P.
3.je°^erÙe DeeÙe keäÙee nw?
What is national income?
4.jepekeâes<eerÙe veerefle keäÙee nw?
What is fiscal policy?
5.ceewefõkeâ veerefle mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nQ?
What do you means by monetary policy?
6.efJeefveceÙe oj keäÙee nw?
What is exchanges rate?
7.yetce keäÙee nw?
What is boom?
8.cegõe keäÙee nw?
What is money?
9.JÙeeheej-Ûe›eâ efkeâmes keânles nQ?
What is Trade cycles?
10.hetBpeer Glheeo Devegheele mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nQ?
What do you understand capital out put ratio?
KeC[–ye (Section-B)
ueIeg GòejerÙe ØeMve (Short Answer Type Questions)
efkeâvneR ome ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej oerefpeÙes~10 2 = 20
(Attempt any Ten Questions)
11.je°^erÙe DeeÙe kesâ ceeheve keâer efJeefOeÙeeW keâes meb#eshe ceW mecePeeFS~
Explain in brief the methods of measurement of national income.
12.je°^erÙe DeeÙe kesâ ceeheve keâer keâef"veeFÙeeW keâes yeleeFÙes~
Mention the difficulties in the measurement of national income.
13.hetCe& jespeieej Øeehle keâjves kesâ ceeheve yeleeFÙes~
Give the measures to achieve full employment.
14.hesves keâerefvmeÙeve kesâ efJeefveÙeesie efmeæevle hej mebef#ehle efšhheCeer efueefKeS~
Write the short note on Pane Keynesian theory of investment.
15.keâervme kesâ lejuelee hemevoieer keâe cegõe keâer ceebie kesâ meboYe& ceW JeCe&ve keâerefpeS~
Describe the demand for money in terms of keynes liquidity preforences.
16.JÙeeheej Ûe›eâ kesâ cenlJe keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeS~
Describe the importance of trade cycle.
17.efjkeâe[eX kesâ efJekeâeme cee@[ue hej mebef#ehle efšhheCeer keâerefpeS~
Write the short note on development model by 'Ricardo'.
18.DeeefLe&keâ veerefle mes keäÙee DeeMeÙe nw? Fmekesâ GösMÙe yeleeFÙes~
What is the meaning of economic policy? Give objectives.
19.cegõe kesâ keâeÙeex keâe meb#eshe ceW JeCe&ve keâerefpeS~
Describe briefly the functions of money.
20.hetBpeerJeeoer DeLe&JÙeJemLee ceW cegõe keâe cenlJe yeleeFS~
Give the importance of money in a capitalist economy.
21.ceewefõkeâ veerefle kesâ GösMÙe keâes meb#eshe ceW mecePeeFS~
State briefly the objectives of monetary policy.
22.jepekeâes<eerÙe veerefle kesâ cegKÙe œeesleeW keâe meb#eshe ceW JeCe&ve keâerefpeS~
Describe briefly main sources of fiscal policy.
23.›eâÙe mecelee efmeæevle keâe meb#eshe ceW JeCe&ve keâerefpeS~
Describe briefly the parchasing power pority theory.
24.efJeefveceÙe oj ceW GÛÛeeJeÛeve kesâ keâejCe yeleeFS~
Give the causes of fluctuations in the exchange rates.
25.DeeefLe&keâ veerefle kesâ cegKÙe efmeæevleeW keâe meb#eshe ceW cetuÙeebkeâve keâerefpeS~
Evaluate briefly the main theories of economic policy.
KeC[–me (Section-C)
efJeMues<eelcekeâ/mecemÙeelcekeâ ØeMve (Analytical/Problematic Questions)
efkeâvneR oes ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej 350 MeyoeW ceW oerefpeS~2 10 = 20
(Attempt any Two Questions in 350 words.)
26.je°^erÙe DeeÙe mes keäÙee mecePeles nQ? je°^erÙe DeeÙe kesâ ceeheve keâer efJeefOeÙeeW keâes efJemleejhetJe&keâ mecePeeFS?
What do you means by national income? Explain its methods of measurement.
27.cegõe keâe DeLe& SJeb keâeÙe& yeleeFS leLee cegõe kesâ cenlJe keâer JÙeeKÙee keâerefpeS~
Give the function & meaning of money and explain its importance.
28.nwje@[ kesâ efJekeâeme cee@[ue keâer cegKÙe efJeMes<eleeDeeW keâe DeeueesÛeveelcekeâ JeCe&ve keâerefpeS~
Critically describe the main feature of Harrod development model.
29.JÙeeheej Ûe›eâ mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nw? JÙeeheej Ûe›eâ keâer efJeefYeVe DeJemLeeDeeW keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeS~
What do you means by trade cycle? Describe its defferent phases.
30.cegõe keâer ceebie Je hetefle& kesâ meboYe& ceW keâervme lejuelee hemevoieer efmeæevle keâer DeeueesÛeveelcekeâ JÙeeKÙee keâerefpeS~
Critically explain the demand for money in term of keynes liquidity preferences theory.
KeC[–o (Section-D)
oerIe& GòejerÙe ØeMve (Long Answer Type Questions)
efkeâmeer Skeâ ØeMve keâe Gòej 700 MeyoeW ceW oerefpeS~1 20 = 20
(Attempt any One Question in 700 words.)
31.efjkeâe[ex Je nwj[ kesâ efJekeâeme cee@[ue keâer ØecegKe efJeMes<eleeDeeW keâe DeeueesÛeveelcekeâ JeCe&ve keâerefpeS~
Critically describe the main feature of development Model of Ricardo and Harrod.
32.ceewefõkeâ veerefle keâe DeeMeÙe Je GösMÙe yeleeFÙes leLee Fmekeâer meerceeDeeW keâe DeeueesÛeveelcekeâ JeCe&ve keâerefpeS~
Give the meaning and objectives of monetary policy and critically describe its limitations.