RPCEA/Admin Agenda NOTES

Thursday, March 16th, 2017

TMS Library Conference Room, 3:45-4:45pm

Attendees: Yvonne Cobert, Matt Transue, Jen Bodlovich, Julie Synyard, Teresa Ruffoni, Ashley Tatman, Amie Carter

Meeting Start: 3:48pm

1.  Labor Management Meetings (LMMs) - 15 minutes

3:47p - New name ASC (Admin-Staff Communications)

Below were the items noted from February’s meeting and brought to the meeting for review of the RPCEA/Admin group. These meetings are solution-based and may roll out differently at different sites, yet this format is to support guidance to the communications. The ASC goal is to create dialogue between Admin and staff to foster efficient communication. If an item is brought up that a principal would like to put on a staff agenda, that is possible.

Objectives: Create dialogue and communication between Admin and Staff.

●  Be sure the LMM Site Reps and Site Leadership teams are communicating.

●  Bring forth specific examples and provide examples

●  Site Reps can go to their staff ahead the meeting to collect input to bring to LMM.

●  Concerns can be individual or collective.

●  Contractual items can be addressed.

●  Informal Step 1 grievances should be separate meetings.

●  Address positive items and note things going well too.

●  Demonstrate professionalism - keep focused to the topics

Outcomes: Keep communication fluid to understand, partner, and resolve.

Nature of Concern:
●  Contractual Violation OR non-contractual site issue
●  Proposed Solution / New Name
ASC Meeting - “Admin-Staff Communications”

2.  THS Cleaning Schedule (Floors, Desks) Update - 5 min

4:05p - CRPUSD are tenants of SSU and under SSU’s cleaning schedule. Julie will ask Josh Savage to obtain SSU’s schedule of the THS building. Over Spring Break the hallway walls will be painted and the floors cleaned, waxed, and stripped.

3.  Safety Evacuation Response, 3/8 - Board Policy Bomb Threat - RCHS - 10 min

4:09p - With the recent bomb threat at RCHS on March 8th, the teachers and students evacuated safely. There is safety protocol for bomb evacuations in the safety binder in the RCHS office. The day of the threat, parents were communicated different messages from NIXLE and the District as to informing them where students could be located for pick-up. These results will move the district to work on streamlining communications in the future. There is advocacy to get parents to sign up for NIXLE - a quick, efficient safety tech tool from RPPS. The Quickschools system is affected when mass emails are sent to all parents in the district.

If any type of emergency procedure occurs on campus, staff is to listen to Site Admin direction. If RPPS is in charge of the situation, then staff responds to their directives.

4.  Parent Complaint Process - Board Policy - 5 min

4:17p - If a parent has a complaint, teachers direct them to their principal. If the complaint continues by the parent and site admin is not solving it to the parent’s satisfaction, the complaint then goes to the district level, Assistant Superintendent, Julie Synyard.

There is Board Policy for Uniform Complaint procedures with steps and timelines for everyone.

5.  FERPA Rules in Posting Grades & Parent “Training” for Grading Work - 10 min

4:19p - FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) is to protect confidentiality of students.

●  In posting grades, use common sense and good judgement where student overall scores for end of trimester/semester grades are not revealed to classmates. If grades are posted, when possible use a numbering system to code students. Best practice is to keep all grades confidential. At the secondary level - Quickschools is resource to inform students privately of current grades. If a spreadsheet is posted with missing assignments, use your best judgement and note that grades would not be on such a list.

●  Parent expectations of confidentiality

○  In classroom - when grading, all grades are confidential

○  In classroom - behaviors of other students are confidential

○  On field trips - talk of another student’s behavior/family is not allowed

●  TA’s and Student “filers” - inform students to keep grades and other student information confidential. Set guidelines/expectations with TA’s and students who file other student work.

If a teacher feels uncomfortable handling a situation with a parent in regards to FERPA, they can ask their Admin to support in addressing the issue with the parent.

Discussion of creating some form of guide for parents to sign if they volunteer in the classroom was brought up by Teresa Ruffoni. Such a guide would inform parents and teachers of these confidentiality guidelines.

6.  District Survey Results - Next Steps - 5 min

4:28p - RPCEA will be informed and involved with results. Next steps will be created as the results are forthcoming and will power the dialogue.

7.  Time anticipation when chromebooks will be able to print - 5 min

4:30p - Chromebooks are not connected to district printers for student access to print. Students can “Share” their google docs with teachers (where teachers can print from their gafe accounts) but having student chromebooks be set up with printers directly is time and work efficient for student and teachers. Julie will inquire with Adam McKenna about such a timeline for this tech ability. There are challenges with connecting Chromebooks to specific printers. More information will be forthcoming.

8.  Board Resolution “Providing all Children Equal Access to Education” - When/How will staff be informed? - 5 minutes

4:34p - RPCEA advocates this item should be addressed in a staff meeting to inform educators of the topic along with providing important time for staff questions. All principals will address staff of this topic in a future staff meeting. This resolution doesn’t change current procedures nor add new procedures in CRPUSD. CRPUSD doesn’t obtain any immigration records and is not a “Safe Haven” district. However, this resolution can provide an opportunity to inform staff of such topics since it’s a current political issue and a percentage of our student population and families are concerned and could possibly be affected.

Meeting End - 4:49pm

Notes by Jen Bodlovich