Cop Lane, Penwortham, Preston, Lancashire PR1 9AE
Tel: (01772) 743131
Headteacher: Miss P Carter BA (Hons) PGCE NPQH
This term’s value is; SERVICE. Based on 1 Corinthians 12:5
Macmillan coffee morning -Many thanks to everyone for your support. Special thanks for all your cake and biscuit donations we made £441!
Y5 Harvest Worship
Well done to Year 5 for a lovely Harvest Worship this week. It was great to see so many of their families able to join us.
School is a collection point for Penwortham Food Bank and we ask for donations all year round but especially in the Autumn during the Harvest thanksgiving.
Y6 and School Councillors Tuck Shopwas a huge success yesterday. Thank you so much the children raised £100
Young Apprentice Week next week beginning 10th Oct
As part of an apprentice and fund raising week next week, all classes will be seeking to make a profit on £25 investment the PTFA have loaned them. You are invited to the Young Apprentice Market, sales of their products and/or services, which will take place next Friday 14th October at 2.30pm in classrooms. The class making the greatest profit will have their investment doubled to £50 to spend on any materials or equipment of their choice. All other profits will go towards our Ipad project. The class who made the greatest profit and were “hired,” will be announced on Friday before half term.
Parents’ Information Evening Tuesday 18th October
Please come along from 6pm to view your child’s books at our information evening which will be held on Tuesday 18thOctober from 6.00-8.00 pm. You are invited to meet your child’s teacherand support staff, review progress and collect their autumn term personal targets.
The timetable for teacher presentations is :-
Mrs Barnes/Mrs Bourne 6.00pm Miss Levett 6.15pm
Mrs Hicks 6.30pm
Mrs Lowe 6.45pm
Mr Costas-Walker 7.00pm
Mrs Ball 7.15pm
Mrs Hodgson 7.30pm
What’s On?
Mon 10thYoung Apprentice week
Fri 14thApprentice Market 2.30pm – Parents invited
Tues 18thParent’s Information Evening 6pm to 8pm
Wed 19thY5 to visit Jodrell Bank
Thurs 29thY4 to visit Knowsley Safari Park
Wed 26thY3 Class Bible Worship
Fri 28thSchool closes at 3.15pm for the half term holiday
Mon 7thSchool reopens at 8.45am
Wed 9thY4 Tuck Shop
Wed 16thY6 Class Worship
Fri 18thChildren in Need
Mon 5thChristmas Lunch for children
Wed 7thY5 Tuck Shop
Mon 12thInfants Production Dress Rehearsal
Tues 13th 10am Infant Production
Wed 14th10am Infant Production
Mon 19thParty Year 5 and 6 – Children may wear their own clothes
Tues 20thParty Year 3 and 4 – Children may wear their own clothes
Wed 21stCarol Service at St Mary’s Church 10am approx.
Party for all infants – Children may wear their own clothes
Thurs 22ndSchool closes at 2pm for Christmas Holidays Reopens on Mon 9th January 2017