Macbeth Creative Project

  1. Audio record or video record a scene. You should consider sound effects, lighting, and other staging details. If audio only, sound effects, voice inflection, and music are essential. In an introductory paragraph, explain how this new scene shows your understanding of the play
  1. Atmosphere is extremely important in the staging of Macbeth. Imagine that you are directing a production of this play. What atmosphere would you want to create and what theatrical devices (sound, lighting, costumes, make-up) would you use? Prepare a mock up as if you were directing the play complete with sketches, concept, and research. (If you’ve never taken drama, don’t do this one.) In an introductory paragraph, explain how this new scene shows your understanding of the play
  1. Lady Macbeth has a sleepwalking scene in which she reveals hidden memories and feelings. If Macbeth had a similar sleepwalking experience, what would he say? Write his monologue using what you know about his character at that time in the play. In an introductory paragraph, explain how this new scene shows your understanding of the play
  1. Rewrite an important scene as it would be done today. Use contemporary language and situations. DO NOT merely paraphrase into contemporary language. Think about what would actually be said and what kind of situation might actually occur. In an introductory paragraph, explain how this new scene shows your understanding of the play.
  1. Draw, paint, sculpt (or use any other medium) to depict a scene in Macbeth. Write a paragraph explaining why you chose the scene you did, and what you wanted to bring out through your art. Be sure to discuss elements of art including line, color, texture, etc.
  1. Write and perform a piece of music to be used in a movie version of Macbeth. Write a paragraph explaining why you chose the scene you did, and what you wanted to bring out through your music. Be sure to discuss key, chord progression, melody, harmony, tempo, etc.
  1. Find a piece of music (any genre from any time period that is school appropriate—if it’s questionable, ask me first) that really has similar themes, characters, or ideas to Macbeth. Type out the lyrics (if there are any) and print out to show class on projector; be sure to include the artist, title, album and year. On another sheet, make a comparison chart that talks about the similarities and differences of the play and the music. You may include information about the tempo, the sound of the music, the lyrics, the background sounds, etc. Write a well-developed paragraph (about a page double spaced) that explains the relationship between the play and the music you chose. Bring in the music for your presentation (we can play about 2 minutes, so pick out where you want to begin).
  2. You have been asked to make a soundtrack for the new movie version of the play Macbeth. Choose music that would be appropriate for each major scene in the movie/novel (and that would be appropriate for school—if it’s questionable, ask me first). Write a detailed explanation of your choices using support from the novel and the music itself. On a separate piece of paper, type out the key words from each song (if there are lyrics). Bring in the music (edited cuts, no more than 10 seconds a piece). Your paragraph should show how this music would enhance our understanding of the play.

*Honors English II
