Ma Maison Teaching Notes

Ma Maison Teaching Notes

Ma maison

The following activities have been used with équipe 3 chapter 4 Le Monde est à moi: Chez Moi page 62

  1. Activity 1 is a PowerPoint to revise where one lives and in what kind of house one lives in.
  2. Activity 2 provides an introduction/revision of the rooms in the house. It also provides an introduction to en bas/en haut, au rez-de-chausée/ au premier étage. Il y a is introduced also as it is used several times throughout the chapter.
  3. Activity 3 – this is a speaking exercise. It is a complete survey of the sort of houses that pupils live in, with whom and what rooms there are in the house. This exercise worked well with middle to high ability pupils. It will work with SEN pupils but it might be an idea to omit the Avec qui? Question.
  4. Activity 4 – this is another speaking exercise. It is an information gap activity using the rooms in the house and also consolidating en bas and en haut. This exercise is aimed at middle to high ability pupils.
  5. Activity 5 – this is a reading exercise. Pupils read the letter and replace the pictures with the correct words from the word bank. This is aimed at SEN pupils but could be used with middle ability pupils if the word bank isn’t used.
  6. Activity 6 – this is a listening activity. Pupils have to tick the rooms mentioned. They have to write in the number of bedrooms mentioned. There is a sound wave with each person so the length of the listening can be reduced. The master and script accompany these teachers’ notes (see below). This listening exercise can be used for all pupils.
  7. Activity 7 - the reading activities here are aimed at sen pupils. They consolidate the rooms in the house.
  8. Activity 8 – this is a vocabulary list of the rooms in the house designed for SEN pupils who have difficulty reading from a board or projector.
  9. Activity 9 – this is an ICT exercise. Pupils log onto an estate agents website, down load the pictures to produce a PowerPoint Presentation on the houses in the local area and also the rooms in the houses.
  10. Activity 10 – these are pellmanism cards to help pupils understand the du/de la/ de l’ rule. Photocopy and cut out the cards. Pupils then use the à côté + the correct form of de + the room in the house. Pupils then see how many phrases they can accurately produce in a limited amount of time. This exercise works very well with sen pupils and works with middle and higher ability pupils. The person who produces the most sentences that are accurate wins a prize.

Activity 6 Master and Script.

NOM / cuisine / séjour / Quantité chambres / Salle de bains / Salle à manger / Bureau / Jardin
Elodie / * / * / 2 / *
Philippe / * / * / 4 / * / *
Candice / * / * / 4 / * / *
Laurent / * / * / 2 / * / * / *


Bonjour je m’appelle Elodie et j’habite un appartement en banlieue à Marseille. Chez nous c’est petit mais moderne. Il y a une petite cuisine et un grand séjour. Comme on habite un appartement il n’y a pas de jardin. Mais il y a un jardin public près de l’appartement. Il y a deux chambres – la chambre de mes parents et ma chambre. Il y aussi une salle de bains.


J’habite une grande maison dans un village à la campagne. Chez moi il y a quatre chambres. En bas il y a trois pièces, le séjour, la salle à manger et la cuisine. En haut il y a les quatre chambres et la salle de bains.


On habite une petite ville dans le sud-ouest de la France tout à côté de la frontière espagnole. Chez moi c’est grand. Au rez-de-chaussée il y a deux grandes pièces, la cuisine et le séjour. Au premier étage il y a deux chambres et la salle de bains. Au deuxième étage il y a encore deux chambres. Ma chambre donne sur notre grand jardin.


J’habite un pavillon près du centre ville. Chez moi c’est assez grand. Il y a un bureau où je fais les devoirs. Il y a une petite cuisine et une assez grande salle à manger. La chambre de mes parents est en face de la salle de bains et ma chambreest à côté du salon.