M. Grant Logsdon

911 N 87th

Seattle WA.


Home phone: (206) 527-0935

Cell phone: (206) 399-9170


Objective / My primary interests are structural geology, neotectonics, geophysics, field mapping and other fieldwork, and GIS.
Education / 2004 – current Central Washington University Ellensburg, WA.
Graduate student, Geological Sciences
  • I am currently a graduate student in the department of geology at Central Washington University. I am investigating the earthquake time-history and seismic hazards of western Sumatra, Indonesia.
1998 – 2002 Whitman College Walla, WA.
Bachelor of Arts in Geology
  • Completed courses in general chemistry, physics, and calculus, as well as more specialized courses in geosciences including: historical geology, paleontology, sedimentation and stratigraphy, structural geology, geomorphology, mineralogy, petrology, and a field-mapping course. I fulfilled the field-mapping requirement by completing the six-week at the Yellowstone-Big Horn Research Field Center, University of Pennsylvania in the summer of 2001. In addition, I have completed courses in earthquake geology and Cordilleran tectonics. My primary interests are field mapping, structural geology, and tectonics.
1994 - 1998 Garfield High School Seattle, WA.
High School Diploma
  • I graduated in four years with a 3.8 cumulative GPA. I played on the tennis team for two years and on the high school championship Ultimate Frisbee team for four years.

Employment / Summer 2002 & 2004 University of Washington Seattle, WA.
Field and Lab Technician
  • Field and laboratory technician for the Department of Fisheries at the University of Washington. My responsibilities included data collection in the field and lab analysis.
June-December 2003 Bureau of Land Management Shoshone, ID.
GIS/GPS Technician
  • GIS/GPS technician at the Bureau of Land Management office in Shoshone, ID. My primary responsibilities included the creation and manipulation GIS data, instruction of coworkers on GPS equipment, and data management support.
Summer 2000 University of Washington Seattle, WA. GIS Internship
  • Using ArcInfo to delineate a watershed boundary for Big Beef Creek on the Kitsap Peninsula in Puget Sound in order to record salmon migration patterns in the region. My responsibilities included delineating a basin boundary using a digital elevation model, testing that boundary against field observations and adjusting the data to match, and developing a GIS database to aid in future research.
Summer 2000 University of Washington Seattle, WA. Lab Technician
  • Chemistry laboratory technician on-board the research vessel Atlantis. My primary responsibility was running chemical analyses on water samples taken from black smoker vents near the south-western edge of the Juan De Fuca plate.

Awards / 1990-1998 Boy Scout Troop 125 Seattle, WA.
Eagle Scout
  • As member of troop 125, I acted in several leadership roles including patrol leader, senior patrol leader, and troop guide. I worked as a staff member at Junior Leader Training summer camp in 1997. For my final eagle scout project I worked with the non-profit organization, Treemendous Seattle, to organize work crews for tree maintenance and replanting in inner city Seattle.

Presentations / 2001 Puget Sound Research Conference Bellevue, WA.
Poster Presentation
  • A Spatial Database for Big Beef Creek, Washington. This presentation was based on work I had completed during the summer of 2000 at the University of Washington.
2001 Whitman Undergraduate Conference Walla Walla, WA.
Oral Presentation
  • Oral presentation on salmon migration patterns Big Beef Creek, Washington, using GIS work.

References / Charles M. Rubin, Ph.D., Professor, Geological Sciences; (509) 963-2827.
Tom O’Keefe: Ph.D., Research Coordinator, Aquatic and Fishery Sciences; (206) 543-1567.
Pat Spencer: Ph.D., Professor, Sedimentation and Paleontology; (509) 527-5222.
Kevin Pogue: Ph.D., Associate Professor and Chair, Structural Geology and Geophysics; (509) 527-5955.
Karen Schmitt: Ph.D., Dean of Career Education; (907) 465-8773.