M 315C/M375T- Foundations, Functions, and Regression Models
Unique#: 55530Fall 2011 TTH 12:30-2 PM PAI 4.08
Dr. Mark Daniels - Instructor
Office: RLM 10.114512-232-5767
FAX 512-232-1491
Office hours: Email/call for appt. or try dropping by, M or F 11-12 PM
Kelsey Payne: Teaching Assistant email:
Course Prerequisite: Precalculus (Calculus concurrently or completed is a plus)
Course Text: Functions in Mathematics: Introductory Explorations for Secondary School Teachers
Course Materials: a TI 83/84 calculator is optional (but if you have one bring it!), an open mind, creativity, and enthusiasm for learning, there is no textbook for this course so bring a large notebook
Attendance Policy:
Since a majority of this work hinges on group work done during the class time, attendance is of utmost importance. Therefore, attendance is extremely important and you are expected be in class each and every day. Two points will be deducted for each absence. If you contact your instructor before the class begins, only one point will be deducted. One point will be deducted for each tardy after the first. If you leave class early or consistently choose not to participate, points will be deducted. *Regarding consistent absences, I reserve the right to lower your grade by one letter or fail you for excessive absences.
Grading Policy:
Tests40 %
Written Assignments/Labs/Homework25 %
Attendance /Engagement and Contribution10 % *
Midterm Project10 %
Final 15 % (on Dec.9, 9-12 PM )
Total: 100 %
Final Grades will be determined by:
90-100 ptsA
80-89 ptsB
70-79 ptsC
65-69 ptsD
<65 ptsF
Late Work
In general, late work will not be accepted. One half of the assigned points will be deducted for work that is submitted after the due date if there is a legitimate excuse.
Major Topics:
Functions and Relations
Qualitative Graphing
Sequences/Patterns – Function Patterns
Mathematical Modeling - Data, & Regression, Matrices
Polar & Parametric Relations
Complex Numbers and Properties
Exponential growth and Decay Models
Course Objectives
In revisiting secondary mathematics, prospective mathematics teachers are expected to:
- Deepen and broaden function-related mathematical content knowledge from Algebra
through Calculus by exploring relevant topics in an inquiry based learning situation.
- Make connections between college mathematics and secondary school mathematics;
- Build preliminary knowledge of professional and state mathematics curriculum
- Use reflective and collaborative learning, and develop a stronger sense of
professionalism and leadership;
- Create efficient seekers of content knowledge;
- Explore and learn appropriate use of technology in the mathematics classroom
There will be frequent homework assignments, labs, and exams to test your knowledge of the concepts we are currently discussing in class. Tests and labs will be in class; homework needs to be finished outside of class time. You are expected to enhance classroom discussion with extended research of topics outside of the classroom. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR KNOWING ALL TECHNOLOGY TECHNIQUES PRESENTED IN CLASS.
Midterm Project SP09
You will explore the beauty of mathematics. Details will be given later.
Final Project: ONLY FOR THOSE IN M375T:
This project is designed to give you an opportunity to make sense of all that we have talked about. The grade for this project will be averaged with your final test grade. Details will be given later.______
Quick Grade Tracker:
1. Test Grades: _____, _____, _____ Total = _____
Average = _____ Average X 40% = _____
2. HmWk, Writing, Labs: _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, Total = _____ Average = _____ Av. X 25% = _____
3. Attendance/Participation – 10pts possible = _____
4. Midterm Project ____ X 10% = ______
5. Final : = _____ X 15% = _____
4. FINAL GRADE FOR THE COURSE: Total of Final Points from 1-5 above = ___
For Students with Disabilities:
The University of Texas at Austin provides upon request appropriate academic accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. For more information, contact the office of the Dean of Students at 471-6259, 471-4641.