M 121-876: College Algebra, Spring 2015
Department of Mathematics, Montana State University Billings
Instructor / Mr. Rick McIntyre
Office: LA840
Office Hours: MWF 9:30-11:10
Phone: 657-2011
Course Materials / [1] Textbook: Algebra and Trigonometry by Robert Blitzer, 5th Ed., ISBN-13:9780321837240.
[2] Online Companion: MyMathLab (mymathlab.com). To sign up in MyMathLab, you will need an access code which comes bundled when you purchase a new textbook. If you already have a textbook and do not want to purchase a new one, then you can buy just the access code online. In fact, you will have access to an electronic version of the textbook after you buy the access code. When you sign up for the course in MyMathLab, make sure to use the correct course id given in the attached MyLab & Mastering Student Registration Instructions.
[3] Graphing Calculator *Much of chapter 3 requires the use of a graphing calculator*
Course Description / 3 credits. Prerequisite: M 095 or appropriate placement score. A course that can meet the Mathematics requirement of General Education Courses, College Algebra introduces functions and associated equations. It covers the concepts of functions, linear and non-linear equations, complex numbers as solutions to quadratic equations, and systems of equations. Further, we investigate polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions and equations.
Learning Objectives / The main objective of college algebra is to enable students to read and evaluate real-world problems and quantitatively solve those problems using mathematical reasoning. Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to
[1] display a working understanding of the specific categories of functions and equations typical in a calculus series, such as polynomial, rational, trig, logarithmic, and exponential, and hence take higher level courses, such as finite math and calculus,
[2] comprehend and apply the fundamental concepts and techniques of algebra in one variable to a variety of applications,
[3] formulate, analyze and interpret quantitative arguments in a variety of settings, and
[4] read and understand mathematics, think critically, and express mathematical concepts precisely in writing.
Grading / Ch P Exam / 10% / ONLINE (taken as many times as you wish)
Ch 1 Exam / 10% / ONLINE (taken once)
Ch 2 Exam / 10% / ONLINE (taken once)
Ch 3 Exam / 10% / ONLINE (taken once)
Ch 4 Exam
The lowest of the above 5 scores will be dropped near the end of the term
Final Exam (includes Ch1-4) 20% / 10% / ONLINE (taken once)
Online Homework & Quizzes / 40%
Class Participation
A: 90-100 / B: 80-89 / C: 70-79 / D: 60-69
Exams / As stated below, the following 6 exams are part of this course: Chapters P, 1, 2, 3, 4, and the FINAL. Of the chapter exams, near the end of the term, your lowest chapter exam score will be dropped and each of those 5 exams will count 10% of your grade. The FINAL will count 20% of your grade and homework and quizzes will account for the other 40% of your grade.
Online Homework / MyMathLab homework problems focus on the understanding, interpretations and manipulations of the concepts discussed in class and the textbook. The problem sets closely correspond to the material covered in the class and will be assigned with deadlines throughout the semester. The website will provide you with immediate feedback when you submit your answers. You can attempt a problem any number of times. Some problems may take longer than others and hence I encourage you to start working on the problems well in advance of the due dates.
Online Homework & Quizzes / There is one homework assignment for Chapter P consisting of 51 problems. You only have one week to complete Chapter P homework and take the Chapter P Test. This test may be taken as often as you wish with only your highest score counting towards your grade.
Each of the other 4 chapters have 3 homework assignments (totaling between 40 and 60 problems each) and one quiz (about 8 problems/quiz). Each of these 4 chapters also include a test, which may only be taken onceand you will have a 3 hour window to complete each test. These tests will be available during the 3 days prior to the homework due date. There will be an announcement in MyMathLab reminding you of the upcoming test availability. It is important that you log in to MML regularly to make certain you have not missed an assignment or test.
Getting Help / You are always welcome to stop by my office or call me at any time to see if I am available. You are also encouraged to work in groups as much as possible in understanding the concepts and homework problems. Often, having a second perspective helps in the understanding process. However, please do your homework on your own.
The Academic Support Center, located in the Student Union, offers free tutoring in many areas of mathematics, statistics, languages, sciences and more. See more information.
Academic Integrity / Montana State University Billings is built upon a strong foundation of integrity, respect and trust. All members of the university community have a responsibility to be honest and the right to expect honesty from others. Any form of academic dishonesty is unacceptable to our community and will not be tolerated. As college students you should be very familiar with the requirements for academic integrity. Any student found to have engaged in academic dishonesty of any form will meet with disciplinary action, including, but not limited to, a failing grade in the course. For further information, consult the MSUB Student Policies & Procedures Handbook available online at the university home page.
Disability Statement / If you have a physical, learning, or psychological disability and require accommodations, please let me know as soon as possible. You have the responsibility to identify yourself, request appropriate accommodations and reasonable modifications. You are encouraged to contact Disability Support Services in College of Education Room 135, (406) 657-2283 (Phone), (406) 545-2518 (Video Phone).
Tentative Schedule / Week / Chapter/Section / MML Hwk Due
12/29 / Chapter P (Prerequisite) / 1/4/15
1/5 / Chapter 1 / 1/18/15
1/19 / Chapter 2 / 2/1/15
2/2 / Chapter 3 / 2/15/15
2/16 / Chapter 4 / 2/24/15
2/25 / FINAL EXAM (ONLINE available 2/25-2/27) / End of term
The policies in this syllabus are subject to change. Minor changes will be announced in class and substantive changes shall be communicated in writing.

M 121-005 Spring 2014 Syllabus, page 1 of 4