Lyon’s Gate Community Association

October 20, 2016

General Session

Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors

Board of Directors in Attendance:

Erik Larsson

Pamela Bacigalupo

Tony Richardson

Diana Cline

Linda Auda

Also in Attendance:

Mark Breinig, Community Manager, City Property Management Company

Call to Order

There being a quorum present, Erik Larsson called the meeting to order at 6:33p.m.

Open Comments

  • After Hours Parking Patrol Update
  • Parking by mailboxes near Cluster Homes
  • Mr. Brent requests that the minutes reflect his concerns over street parking enforcement
  • Street Theme requirements discussed

Previous Meeting Minutes

September 15, 2016 Regular Session

Pamela Bacigalupo made a motion, seconded by Linda Auda, that the following resolution be adopted:RESOLVED, that the previous general session meeting minutes held on September 15, 2016, are true and accurate records of the meeting and are hereby ratified.

MOTION was carried and the resolution adopted by a unanimous, affirmative vote.

Management/Financial Report

Community Manager Mark Breinig presented the Management/FinancialReport ending

September 30, 2016 and provided status updates on current projects.

Architectural Requests

Lot #116 Street Theme Alteration Request

Tony Richardson made a motion, seconded by Erik Larsson, that the following resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that the Street Theme Alteration request is approved with conditions that the pink rocks must be removed from street theme.

MOTION was carried and the resolution adopted by a unanimous, affirmative vote.

Lot #111 Exterior Paint Request

Tony Richardson made a motion, seconded by Erik Larsson, that the following resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that the Exterior Paint request is approved as submitted.

MOTION was carried and the resolution adopted by a unanimous, affirmative vote.

Lot #27 Exterior Paint Request

Tony Richardson made a motion, seconded by Erik Larsson, that the following resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that the Exterior Paint Request is approved as submitted.

MOTION was carried and the resolution adopted by a unanimous, affirmative vote.

Lot #25 Exterior Paint Request

Tony Richardson made a motion, seconded by Erik Larsson, that the following resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that the Exterior Paint request is approved as submitted.

MOTION was carried and the resolution adopted by a unanimous, affirmative vote.

Lot #962 Block Wall, Gate & Walkway Request

Tony Richardsonmade a motion, seconded by Erik Larsson, that the following resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that the Block Wall, Gate & Walkway request is approved as submitted.

MOTION was carried and the resolution adopted by a unanimous, affirmative vote.

Lot #666 Security Door Request

Tony Richardson made a motion, seconded by Erik Larsson, that the following resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that the Security Doorrequest is approved as submitted.

MOTION was carried and the resolution adopted by a unanimous, affirmative vote.

Lot #56 Street Theme Tree Replacement Request

Tony Richardson made a motion, seconded by Erik Larsson, that the following resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that the Exterior Paint Request is approved as submitted.

MOTION was carried and the resolution adopted by a unanimous, affirmative vote.

Lot #739 Exterior Paint Request

Erik Larsson made a motion, seconded by Tony Richardson, that the following resolution be adopted:

RESOLVED, that the Exterior Paint Request is approved as submitted

MOTION was carried and the resolution adopted by a unanimous, affirmative vote.

Lot #1489 Street Theme Granite Color Request

Erik Larsson made a motion, seconded by Tony Richardson, that the following resolution be adopted:

RESOLVED, that the Street Theme Granite Color request is denied. Rock must match original street theme. Please re-submit

MOTION was carried and the resolution adopted by a unanimous, affirmative vote.

Lot #339 Exterior Paint Request

Tony Richardson made a motion, seconded by Erik Larsson, that the following resolution be adopted:

RESOLVED, that the Exterior Paint Request is approved as submitted.

MOTION was carried and the resolution adopted by a unanimous, affirmative vote.

Lot #111 Pergola Request

Erik Larsson made a motion, seconded by Tony Richardson, that the following resolution be adopted:

RESOLVED, that the Pergola Request is approved as submitted.

MOTION was carried and the resolution adopted by a unanimous, affirmative vote.

Committee Reports

Social Committee

Linda Auda presented the Social Committee report and provided an update on upcoming community events.

Communications Committee

Tony Richardson presented the Communications Committee report.

Old Business

2017 Budget

Erik Larsson made a motion, seconded by Tony Richardson, that the following resolution be adopted:

RESOLVED, to increase Pool & Spa line item 5340 to $26,000 (annually).

MOTION was carried and the resolution adopted, by a unanimous, affirmative vote.

Pamela Bacigalupo made a motion, seconded by Tony Richardson, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, to increase Reserve Analysis line item 5860 to $3500 (annually).

MOTION was carried and the resolution adopted, by a unanimous, affirmative vote.

Pamela Bacigalupo made a motion, seconded by Erik Larsson, that the following resolution be adopted:

RESOLVED, to decrease Social Expenses line item 5870 to $15,000 (annually).

MOTION was carried by a 3-2 vote.

Pamela Bacigalupo made a motion, seconded by Linda Auda, that the following resolution be adopted: To decrease Management line item 5740 to a 3% increase. MOTIONdid not pass due to a 2-3 vote. (Pamela Bacigalupo and Linda Auda voted in favor of the 3% increase)

Tony Richardson made a motion, seconded by Diana Cline, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, to leave Management line item 5740 at a 5% increase. Motion was carried by a 3-2 vote.

Cluster Homes 2017 Budget

Pamela Bacigalupo made a motion, seconded by Tony Richardson, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, to increase the Cluster Homes Landscape Extras line item 6620 to $3600 (annually). MOTION was carried and the resolution adopted by a unanimous, affirmative vote.

Tony Richardson made a motion, seconded by Pamela Bacigalupo, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, approve the 2017 Master and Cluster Homes Budgets with the provisions listed above.

MOTION was carried and the resolution adopted by a unanimous, affirmative vote.


There being no further business to discuss, Erik Larsson made a motion, seconded by Tony Richardson, that the following resolution be adopted:

RESOLVED; that the October 20, 2016, general session meeting be adjourned at 8:17p.m.

MOTION was carried and resolution with a unanimous, affirmative vote.

Respectfully Submitted,

Monique Samarah

Recording Secretary