CURVE NY – the designer lingerie, swimwear & men’s elegance show

February 24 – 26, 2013 – applications for grants now open!

Designer lingerie, swimwear, and men’s underwear (high-end in all categories) feature at this carefully-targeted exhibition which reaches buyers across the North American market - from top department stores to the best boutiques and online businesses, as well as leading hotels.

250 brandsshow each season at the Javits Center North,in Manhattan at the West end of 34th Street. Over 3,000 retailersattend regularly attend, and the show is an acknowledged venue for quality imported brands (30% of the exhibitors are from outside the USA).Curve New York is a great show for experienced exporters who want to developbusiness in the North American Marke, but it attracts buyers from all over the World..

Space is limited and allocated according to product type. Applications for space should be made now – contact

UKTI grants are available for this show (exclusively through UKFT). There is a lifetime limit of SIX grants per eligible company(five in any one market) as from 1st April 2009.The grant is a fixed sum of £1,200 towards your show costs (please see over).

UKFT offers help and advice to grant-aided companies, and promotes them with buyer mailings, trade ads, and,for the first time for Curve - The Loop, a video presentation of images and logos from companies exhibiting at the shows – you can see an example of one of these by clicking on the link to the sponsored group at the September 2012 New York Womenswear exhibitions - As recruitment continues, you will be contacted to provide images and a logo – but don’t send anything just yet please!

If you would like to apply for a grant, do not wait until you have received confirmation of space from the show organisers.

You should now:

1. Contact the organisers direct to book your space and undergo their screening if necessary.

2.At the same time, complete the UKFT grant application form and the UKTI TAP form, scan at same size and return to

3. Make your payment of £288 - for the UKFT Marketing Fee (£240 +VAT - see over)

Or make a bank transfer to: UK Fashion & Textile Association, Acct No: 24937282 Sort CODE: 56-00-27. Please email , quoting Ref Curve NY Feb 2013 if you do that. Or pay by Credit or Debit card (card details will be destroyed as soon as the payment has been made).

This fee will be returned to you if UKTI determines that you are not eligible for a grant, or you don’t get space, or you withdraw from the show and you let UKFT know at least SIX weeks before the show.

Your TAP form will then be sent to the office of UK Trade & Investment in your region – as they make the decision about your eligibility for grant support. They will probably telephone you, or they may email you to discuss your eligibility – please be sure to return their call or answer their email!! We will then let you know their decision as to your eligibility. This all takes several weeks.

Your two application forms (UKFT and TAP),and your payment must be with UKFT no later than 9 weeks before the show, but as we have only a limited number of grants for this show, you are advised to get these to us RIGHT AWAY!


Application for TAP grant reimbursement CURVE NY February 21 – 23 2013

UKFT, 3 Queen Square, London, WC1N 3AR Tel: 020 7843 9460

Government support takes the form of a reimbursement of £1,200, provided that you have paid a minimum of £2,400 in eligible costs directly related to the exhibition and stand costs, registration fees, catalogue charges, furniture, lighting, display aids and graphics, cleaning, collection transport, promotional items, photography etc. Travel, subsistence and UKFT fees cannot be included in the claim. Reimbursement will be made after the show – this usually takes around 3 to 4 months.

To be eligible for a UKTI reimbursement, you must be a UK-based SME(small or medium-sized enterprise)and new to export (according to UKTI’s definitions, see the Guidelines attached),and must demonstrate that you are selling goods originating substantially in the UK or adding significant value to a product of non-UK origin. After the exhibition you must provide us with proofs of payment within one month of the exhibition.

SHOW COSTS: Please apply direct to the Organisers for details

UKFT FEES:£288 (£240 + VAT) is payable towards UKFT’s marketing activities when you send us this form.

Please tick your payment method: Bank Transfer□ Cheque□ Card□

You can make a bank transfer to: UK Fashion & Textile Association, Acct No.: 24937282 SORT CODE: 56-00-27

Please quoting Ref Curve NY Feb 2013 if you do that.

This fee will be returned to you if UKTI determines that you are not eligible for a grant, if you don’t get space, or if you withdraw from the show,as long as you let UKFT know at least SIX weeks before the show.

Type of Credit/Debit card ______Cardholder’s name______

Card Number______Expiry Date ______

Last 3 digits on back of card______House Number & Postcode______

NB. Completing this form does not book your stand at the exhibition. You must also complete the Organisers’ application form/s before the deadline, submit to their vetting procedure if required, and pay their fees when due.

Company Name: ______Brand Name: ______

Contact Name: ______E-mail: ______

Registered Co No. ______VAT No ______

Merchandise description: ______

Address: ______

______Postcode: ______

Telephone:______Website: ______

I agree to inform UKFT immediately should the company withdraw from the exhibition for any reason.

I understand that if UKFT is not so informed, this fee cannot be returned. I agree to send UKFT proof of payment for the show by the required date and understand that, if I do not do so, a grant cannot be claimed.

Declaration: We agree to abide by the organisers’ and UKFT Terms & Conditions (available on request) and accept that cancellation may incur full costs, with no entitlement to a grant. I am an authorised signatory of the company:


Print name: ______Position: ______