Lyon County Sheriff’s Office /

Instructions and How To’s




Short Dashboard…………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………….6

Kitchen Sink …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….7

Pages / Posts / Press Releases………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….8


Documents: Pdfs / word………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Parent Page………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Publish / Update / Date / Private………………………………………………………………………………………………


Expand / Collapse………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………




Emailing Posts…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..




Logging In…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Login Page

The login page can be found at

The page should look like this:

It is recommended to use Internet Explorer 9, Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome to make changes an view the website.


1. This link will take you back to the webpage, but in editable mode from there you can add/edit pages, posts, and media.

2. This area lists all posts or press releases for the website.

3. This area contains all of the media for the website. That includes all pictures, videos, music and documents. From here you can arrange and attach these files to various pages as well as some simple editing.

4. This area contains all links and their respective categories.

5. This is the Page area, within it all pages for the website are listed including private and unpublished pages.


1. By clicking on dashboard will take you back to the full dashboard.

2. By clicking on Add New will allow you to create new posts and pages.

3. While the dashboard bar is visible you may navigate to a given page or post and edit that page.

Pages / Posts /Press Releases

1. This button creates a hyperlink over the highlighted text or image. Be sure to type in the full path in the hyperlink for it to work.

2. This button is used to import word documents into wordpress while keeping most of the original format. I highly suggest using word to create documents that will become pages or posts.

3. The Kitchen Sink. Clicking this will show or hide extra options such as the insert word document option.

4. Within the publish box you can change a page/post between public, private, password protected, published, unpublished and date published on. When you are done remember to click publish or update to make all changes live.

5. Page attributes allow you to reorganize the navigation bar as well as define if the page is standalone or needs a parent.

6. Uncheck this box if you do not want the page to appear in any menus but still want it to be accessible by address.

7. These tabs allow switching between visual editing (easier) and html editing (more control, options) The only time most people will need the html tab is when using the [more] attribute.

8. This is the address the rest of the world uses to view the post/page that is being edited. This address is often useful when creating hyperlinks.

9. From here you can upload/insert pictures, music, videos, and documents. If you are uploading documents that are intended to be downloaded they need to be PDFs.

10. Title bar for the page or post.

11. Some more familiar options that can be found in word

12. Always remember to update or publish so the post/page changes can be seen.


  1. Highlight the picture or text that is going to become the hyperlink
  2. Clicking on the gold chain will allow you to create the link
  3. Clicking on the broken chain will remove the hyperlink of the selected item

  1. Type the full path to the item you want to link to in the URL box
  2. This Item can also be a email address by using the mailto: inside the URL box
  3. Clicking Add Link will finalize the link.