Mineral County School District

Attendance Advisory Committee


January 5, 2010

I.  Call to Order:

Meeting called to order at 1:34 p.m.

Members Present: Sandra Essenpreis, MCSD Board of Trustees

Cheri Emm-Smith, District Attorney’s Office-Chairperson

Merna West, Parent

JoAnn Jackson, Social Services

Randy Adams, Juvenile Probation Office

Judy Kelly, Schurz Elementary School Representative

Kandee Mortenson, DCFS

Teri White, Superintendent

Members Absent: Cary Jordan, MCSD Counselor-MCHS

Earl Perry, MCSO Representative

Guests present: Kristin Reeves-MCSD SAIN Administrator

Curtis Schlepp, Juvenile Probation

Walt Hackford, Principal

Tammy Carrera, TYCM

II.  Action and Consent Items:

Item 1 – Minutes from the November 3, 2009 meeting were approved. A motion was made by Cheri Emm-Smith and a second was made by Judy Kelly/Sandra Essenpreis. Vote 7-0.

Item 2 – Minutes from the November 24, 2009 meeting were approved. A motion was made by Cheri Emm-Smith and a second was made by Judy Kelly/Sandra Essenpreis. Vote 7-0.

III.  Action Items:

Item 1-Discussion and appropriate action to invite, Kandee Mortenson, a representative of Department of Child and Family Services to be a committee member. A motion was made by Sandra Essenpreis and a second was made by JoAnn Jackson. Vote 7-0.

Item 2-Discussion and appropriate action to allow Teri White and Kristin Reeves to compile attendance information and definitions of other districts. Once compiled, they will give it to the principals and have them share with the teachers for feedback. Teri and Kristin will compile feedback into one document to bring back to committee. A motion was made by Randy Adams and a second was made by Cheri Emm-Smith. Vote 8-0. Randy amended motion by adding we need to have clarification on JPO and the School Districts roles to the Attendance Officer. A motion was made by Randy Adams and a second was made by Sandra Essenpreis. Vote 8-0.

Item 3-Discussion and appropriate action for naming a date and time for the next meeting-Meeting set for February 2, 2010, at 1:30 p.m. A motion was made by Merna West and a second was made by JoAnn Jackson. Vote 8-0.

IV.  General Public Comment: None

IV. Adjournment: 3:13 p.m.