Lymington Town Sailing Club
Bath Race
Parental / Guardian Disclaimer 2017
To be completed by parent / guardian of any person participating in the above-named event who is under the age of 18
In consideration of your accepting (Name of Child) ………………………………………
At my request to participate in the events of the Lymington Town Sailing Club, I agree that I will not for myself or for the above named, hold the Club, its Officers, members or assistants liable for any injury or damage or loss suffered by the above named while engaged in the above-named Race.
Parents and guardians are warned that the Club is only able to provide supervision cover during the Bath Race event. Outside these event, parents and guardians have sole responsibility for their children and wards and must appreciate that the Club cannot be expected to exercise supervision or control. Even during Club events, the Club cannot accept responsibility for children, or any other person, not engaged in Club events.
The Club management team do not accept responsibility for any loss, damage or injury suffered by persons and / or their property arising out of, or during the course of their activities whilst taking part in this event.
- I accept responsibility for his / her conduct whilst participating in this activity.
- I undertake to ensure that he / she will be suitably clothed while taking part in the Bath Race, with long hair tied back.
- I understand that my child may be photographed by the Club or its agents and the photograph used for promotional purposes and waive any copyright.
- I understand that the decision to allow the above named to participate in any event or training activity is my sole responsibility.
- I declare that the above named can swim 25m unaided.
Child’s Date of Birth………………………
Will you help……………………………..How?......
I declare that I have disclosed any medical problems that might affect the above named during the course of the Club activities. I consent to any emergency medical treatment necessary during the course of any event.
Medical conditions………………………………………………………………………….
Signed………………………………. Relationship / Capacity……………………………
Your Full Name(Capitals)………………………………………………………………….
Your Address……………………………………………………………………………….
Contact Phone numbers (that can be used whilst child is participating in a club activity):
(1)……………………………………(2) …………………………………………
Lymington Town Sailing Club Member Yes / No
Royal Lymington Yacht Club MemberYes / No
Other Please State what club you belong to: ……………………………………………..
LTSC Parental Disclaimer 2017 July 2017