Seminole High School Band Parents Association

Is Selling

Fresh Cut, Premium Fraser Fir

Christmas Trees

Poinsettias and Fresh Wreaths

Preorder dates: Now – November 10


Purchase your Premium Fraser Fir Christmas Tree, Poinsettiaor Wreathfrom SeminoleBand Parents Association and receive a higher quality Christmas Tree priced 15% BELOW THE AVERAGE RETAIL LOT. Funds will help sponsor our band’s activities. Help make this, our 17th year of this sale, a success with your continued assistance.

Trees and Wreaths are selected for this sale from the award winning grower in North Carolina. They are PREMIUM FRASER FIR in either 6’ to 7’ or 7’ to 8’. Wreaths, approximately 24 inches overall, are handmade and undecorated. Larger trees (above 8 feet) can be special ordered. Trees will be cut just prior to the sale to ensure maximum freshness. . We also offer beautiful poinsettias in 8 ½” or 6 ½” pots, loaded with blooms! These make GREAT GIFTS!

Santa’s Trees, Inc., a locally owned retail/wholesale Christmas tree business, will be providing the trees, wreaths, and poinsettias for this sale. Celebrating their 43rd year in Central Florida, they proudly guarantee their product. They will ensure that you find a premium tree that meets your specifications!

Trees, wreaths and poinsettias will be picked up at the Seminole High School parking lot (front side of school) on Wednesday, November 29th between 2:30p.m.-6:30p.m. In the event of a conflict or emergency, an alternative will be available. Bring cash or check for payment at pickup.

For additional information and/or prices of larger trees, contact:

Dyneshia Cadman at 407-506-3041or email:

______cut and turn in ______



Name ______Cell______Home Phone ______

Email: ______ (Please fill in your email; a reminder will be sent)


Band Member’s name______

**Pay only the deposit now:Checks/money orders for deposit made payable to SHSBPA

QuantitySize Price Tax Total Deposit Balance (due at pick-up)

_____6’ – 7’ Fraser Fir$59.95 $4.20 $64.15$15.00 $49.15

_____ 7’ –8’ Fraser Fir$67.50 $4.73 $72.23$15.00 $57.23

_____ 24” Wreath (undecorated)$17.75 $1.24 $18.99$ 5.00 $13.99

_____ 8 ½” Poinsettia (Great Gift!) $20.00 $1.40 $21.40$ 5.00 $16.40

_____ 6 ½” Poinsettia $10.00 $0.70 $10.70$ 2.50 $ 8.20

_____ I need a bigger tree! Please call me with prices and sizes. Deposit on larger trees is $20.00.

Total deposit enclosed: ______Check ____ Money Order _____ Cash ______

Note: When picking up your order, make checks payable to Santa’s Trees, Inc.