Lydgate After School Club
Accident and Incident Policy
It is a legal requirement to keep an Accident and Incident Record File and maintain the records for three years.
Any injury, sign of illness or incident that is reported will be recorded in the Accident and Incident Record File the following information must be included:
- Time, date and place of any incident or accident
- A brief but full description of the circumstances
- Description of any first aid administered
- Staff involved and what they did
- Details of who/which organisations were also informed.
- Signature of staff member who administered first aid
- Signature of parent or child
- Signature of person making the report
The accident or incident will be recorded in the following way:
- Only one accident or incident shall be recorded per page
- Any personal details about the child or adult will be detachable and kept in a secure place
- There will be a reference system to allow personal data to be matched with the accident
- For non serious and serious accidents - records will be kept for at least 3 years
- Any incidents that uncover a child protection issue shall be kept until the child is 25 years of age
- Any accidents that evolve to become an industrial disease shall be kept for 40 years after the child or adult leaves the provision
- Any records of a fatal accident shall be kept for 21 years
In the Event of a serious accident, incident or illness
On registration parents/carers will complete and sign the Emergency Medical Treatment Form enabling the co-ordinator or any member of staff so empowered, to give permission for emergency medical treatment for their child in the event of a serious accident, incident or illness occurring at the club.
If this occurs, the following procedures will apply:
•The designated First Aider will be notified - they will assess the situation and decide whether the child needs to go straight to hospital or whether they can safely wait for their parent/carer to arrive.
•Staff should ensure the casualty is breathing and conscious and remain calm and talk to the casualty in a positive manner
•Unless the casualty is in further danger, e.g. from falling objects, they must not be moved
•If the casualty needs to go straight to hospital, an ambulance will be called. If the casualty is a child, the parent/carer will also be contacted. A member of staff will accompany the child to the hospital and will consent to medical treatment being given, so long as the Emergency Medical Treatment Form has been completed and sign.
•If the casualty does not need to go straight to hospital but their condition means they should go home, the parent/carer/other named contact will be contacted to collect the casualty. In the meantime, the child will be made as comfortable as possible and be kept under close supervision
•All such accidents or incidents will be recorded in detail and logged in the Incident and Accident Record Book. Parents/carers will be asked to sign in the relevant section of the book to acknowledge the incident or accident and any action taken by the Club and its staff.
•Parents/carers will be made fully aware of the details of any incidents involving their child’s health and safety, and any actions taken by the Club and its staff.
•Any serious accident, illness, injury or death of a child whilst in our care will be notified to Ofsted within 14 days of the incident occurring and where applicable reported under RIDDOR to the Health & Safety Executive and Sheffield Safeguarding Children Board.
•The management Committee, Co-ordinator and staff team should consider whether the accident or incident highlights any weaknesses in the Club’s policies or procedures, and act accordingly, making suitable adjustments where necessary.
All incidents will be recorded in the Accidents and Incidents Record File. The following will be considered important to report.
- Theft
- Attempted break-in
- Intruder and security incidents
- Challenging behaviour
- Personal injury
- Casualty requiring hospitalisation
- Flood damage
- Mass food poisoning
- Notifiable disease
Parents will be a given a duplicate copy of the report when their child is involved.
Closing the centre in an emergency
In very exceptional circumstances Lydgate After School Club may need to be closed at very short notice due to an unexpected emergency. Such incidents could include:
• Fire or bomb scare/explosion.
• Death of a member of staff.
• Serious assault on a staff member by the public.
• Serious accident or illness.
• Serious weather conditions (combined with heating system failure) – see Adverse Weather Policy
• Burst water pipes.
• Discovery of dangerous structural damage
In such circumstances, the Co-ordinator and staff will ensure that all steps are taken to keep both the children and themselves safe. All staff and children will assemble at the pre-arranged venue, where a register will be taken. – see Fire Safety & Emergency Evacuation Policy
Steps will then be taken to inform parents/carers and to take the necessary actions in relation to the cause of the closure. All children will be supervised until they are safely collected.
Dates policy adopted & reviewed
Policy adopted: 12.9.11
This policy should be reviewed at least annually
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