Wolters Kluwer Health - Guide for Editors using Editorial Manager1

Guide for Editors with no Managing Editor

“How To Invite Reviewers, Edit Submissions and Make Decisions Using Editorial Manager™”

Table of Contents:


The Editor To-Do List

Key Folders:

Action Links

Key Actions:

Inviting Reviewers

Editing Submissions

Submitting Decisions

Submitting a Manuscript as an Editor

Accept on Submission

Sending Reminders

Automated Author Revision Reminder Report

Setting the Final Disposition

Transmittal to Production checklist

Tracking accepted submissions and setting lineups

Appendix 1. Suggested digital art procedures

Appendix 2: Common Administrative Tasks

How to send a username and password.

How to check author esignatures…………………………………………………………………35

How to add external correspondence to submission’s Correspondence History

How to update web pages

Making changes to an accepted paper after the Final Disposition has been set



Wolters Kluwer Health encourages the use of Editorial Manager (EM) by its editorial offices. This useful web-based tool enables smoother and more timely management of submissions as they move through the editorial process.

Wolters Kluwer Health adopted Editorial Manager to improve journal response time to authors, lower the costs of traditional manuscript trafficking, streamline editorial office procedures, meet print deadlines, and improve the overall quality of all Wolters Kluwer Health journals.

During the implementation of EM, many of journal offices have found ways to improve their editorial processes overall. However, the shift to a web-based workflow does not inherently mean drastic changes to your workflow will have to be made.

This guide presents an overview of the main actions Editors using Editorial Manager may take:

  • Inviting Reviewers
  • Editing Submissions
  • Making Decisions

For more in-depth instruction or for information regarding additional features, please contact Editorial Solutions.

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The Editor To-Do List

Upon logging in to Editorial Manager as an Editor, you will see the Editor Main Menu screen.

There are five key folders in your account to watch (the Editor ‘To-Do’ List, below). When submissions appear in any of these folders, you have work to do!

The numbers appended to each folder indicate how many submissions in each category are awaiting your attention.

Key Folders:

  • New Submissions Requiring Assignments*

This folder contains all new manuscripts submitted to the journal. You will first need to assign the paper to yourself, which will move the paper to the New Assignments folder. From there, you can then take any of the following actions: a) Invite Reviewers, b) Edit the Submission, or c) Make a Decision.

  • New Assignments

This folder contains papers awaiting an Editorial action: a) Invite Reviewers, b) Edit Submission, or c) Submit Editor Decision and Comments.

  • Submissions with Required Reviews Complete

Click here to see all submissions for which the required reviews have already been completed.

  • Submissions Requiring Additional Reviewers

This folder contains all submissions for which reviewers have been invited, but the number of required reviews has not been met.

This may be because a) the reviewer(s) declined to review the submission or b) the reviewer(s) were un-invited due to lack of response. You may invite additional reviewers or enter your decision from this folder.

  • Submissions with One or More Late Reviews

This folder contains all submissions currently under review for which one or more reviews are past the due date. You may invite additional reviewers, un-invite current reviewers, or enter your decision from this folder.

*Note: You may receive incoming submissions in this folder or the ‘Direct-to-Editor’ New Submissions folder. The primary difference is that the ‘Assign to Myself’ Action link replaces ‘Assign Editor’ in ‘Direct-to-Editor’ New Submissions.

To get started, click on the New Submissions Requiring Assignments link.

The following page will then be displayed:

Use the Assign Editor link to assign the paper to yourself.

Next, click on New Assignments.

You will then see the following screen:

Click on the appropriate Action Link (see below) to work on this submission.

Action Links

The Action Links menu appears at the left side of the page for every paper in the system. (some of the Actions available to you depend on the RoleManager permissions configured for your user role). The Actions which will be of the most use to you are discussed below.

Key Actions:

  • ViewSubmission

Opens a PDF of the submission.

  • Details
  • Opens the Details page for the submission. The Details page contains author information, the paper’s abstract & keywords, any comments to the Editor entered by the author at the time of submission, and the author’s answers to any custom questions that may be included in the submission process.
  • Key editorial information (initial date submitted, date revision due/received, Editorial Status date, Editor Status) is also contained on this page.
  • The Notes field may be used as a means of communication between the Editor and Editorial Office, or can be used to track supplemental information regarding the submission.
  • Edit Submission

Opens the Edit Submission interface. This can be used to add or remove files, such as permission forms or replacement figures.

  • InviteReviewers

Opens the interface for inviting reviewers.

  • ViewReviewsandComments

Opens a new window from which all reviewer and editor comments can be accessed.

  • SimilarArticlesinMEDLINE

Performs a Medline search using Aries’ Knowledge Finder software. The search is based on the title of the submission and shows all results. Once the search has been initiated, you will be logged into Knowledge Finder where further searches can be initiated.

  • OVID – Title and Keywords

Performs a Medline search using the Ovid search engine. The search is based on the title and keywords of the submission. Once the search has been initiated, you will be logged into Ovid where further searches can be initiated.

  • SubmitEditor'sDecisionandComments

Click this link to enter your decision. Enter your decision term, comments or special handling instructions for the editorial office, and comments for the author.

Inviting Reviewers

To get started, click on the Invite Reviewers link in the Action menu.

You will be taken to the ‘Reviewer Selection Summary’ page (next page).

1. Set the Required Number of Reviews

The current default number of reviews that must be received before the submission moves to the Required Reviews Complete folder is 2, as shown in the screen capture above. If you’d like to change this number, click on the link at the top of the Invite Reviewers page, as shown below:

Click on the Changelink, then enter the number of desired reviews.

Once the required number of reviews have been completed, the submission will automatically move to your Submissions with Required Reviews Complete folder.

2. Set the number of days the reviewer has to respond to the invitation

The default number of days a reviewer is given to respond to an invitation is configured in PolicyManager, according to the Article Type. It can also be changed on an individual submission basis on the Reviewer Selection Summary page. If a reviewer does not respond to the invitation in Editorial Manager in the given number of days, the reviewer will automatically be un-invited.

To change the number of days a reviewer has to respond to the invitation, click on the link at the top of the Invite Reviewers page, as shown below. If you would not like the reviewers to be automatically un-invited, change this number to ‘0’.

If you turn off the automatic un-invitation, be sure to check on your outstanding invitations regularly; you should send reminders and manually un-invite unresponsive reviewers as necessary. A guide to sending reminders to reviewers can be found in the Editorial Solutions knowledge base.

3. Set the number of days the reviewer has to complete the review after accepting

The default number of days a reviewer is given after accepting the invitation is configured in PolicyManager according to the Article Type. It can also be changed on an individual submission basis on the Reviewer Selection Summary page. If a reviewer accepts the invitation to review and does not complete the review in the allotted time they can be automatically un-invited.

Reviewers can still be manually un-assigned after they have accepted an invitation. The un-invite link next to these Reviewers is renamed ‘Un-assign’.

To change the number of days a reviewer has to complete the review before being un-invited click on the link at the top of the Invite Reviewers page, as shown below. If you would not like the reviewers to be automatically un-invited, change this number to ‘0’.

4. Search for Reviewers

Search for Reviewers: use this option to search for a specific person (e.g., by last name, email address, etc.).

Search by Classification Matches: use this option to search by classification matches (i.e., find reviewers whose classifications match those of the manuscript).

Search by Personal Classifications: search for reviewers based on their personal classifications (can be useful if no classifications have been entered for the submission).

Suggest Reviewers: Editorial Manager will suggest possible reviewers for the paper based on classification matches, reviewer availability, and your ‘Suggest Reviewer’ preferences.

Select Search by Classification Matches, then click Go.

Select the Classifications you’d like to search for corresponding reviewers with, then click Submit.

The matching candidates will be displayed on the ‘Search for Reviewers – Reviewer Candidates’ screen, shown below.

The following information is included in the search results:

  • Reviewer Name: full name of the reviewer. Clicking on the person’s name will open his or her People Information page, which shows that person’s contact information, availability, and previous reviewer and author activity.
  • Board Member: indicates whether or not the person is a member of the Editorial Board (this information must be entered in the user’s account).
  • Reviewer’s Institution
  • Classifications: the classification matches the person has with the manuscript.
  • Reviewer Statistics:
  • how many reviews are presently in progress
  • how many reviews the person has completed
  • how many times the person was un-invited after agreeing to review
  • how many times a review assignment was terminated after the person agreed to review
  • dates of last reviews completed, agreed to, or declined
  • average number of days a review is outstanding
  • Reviewer Rating (determined by the Editor)
  • Invitation Statistics: person’s overall reviewer performance record
  • Number of presently outstanding invitations
  • reviews agreed to
  • invitations declined
  • un-invited
  • terminated
  • total number of invitations

5. Select Reviewers.

There are three options available when selecting reviewers, as shown below: ‘Inv.’ (invite), ‘Asn.’ (assign) and ‘Alt.’ (alternate).

Check the ‘Inv.’ box for each reviewer to whom you would like to immediately send an invitation.

Check the ‘Asn.’ box to assign the submission directly to the reviewer (does not give the reviewer the option to accept or decline).

Check the ‘Alt.’ box to select a person as an alternate reviewer, who will be invited only if one of the invited reviewers declines or is un-invited.

Once you have selected your reviewers and alternates, scroll to the bottom of the page and click ‘Proceed’.

6. Confirm Selection / Customize Invitation Letters

On the Select Reviewers - Confirm Selection and Customize Letters page, shown below, you can select the invitation you’d like to send to each reviewer. To customize any invitation letter, click on the Customize link.

When you’re ready to invite the Reviewers, click on Confirm Selections and Proceed. Invitation letters will then be sent to the reviewers you chose to invite. Any alternate reviewers will not receive invitation letters unless the invited reviewers decline or are un-invited.


  • Until at least one reviewer responds to the invitation, the submission will remain in the ReviewersInvited – No Response folder. The Reviewers Invited – No Response report can be used to follow up on these outstanding invitations.
  • Once one or more reviewers have agreed to review, the submission will move to the Submissions Under Review folder. The Reviewer Reminder report can be used to follow up on these assignments.
  • If all the invited reviewers and the alternate reviewers selected for a submission either decline the invitation or are uninvited before the required number of reviews have been submitted, the submission will automatically move to your Submissions Requiring Additional Reviewersfolder.
  • When all of the required reviews have been received, the submission will move to the Required Reviews Complete folder.

Selecting Alternate Reviewers:

  • Selecting Alternate Reviewers saves time! If you select alternates at the same time you invited reviewers, you won’t have to log back in to invite new reviewers when one declines or is un-invited. You may select as many alternate reviewers as you like.
  • If an invited reviewer does not respond to an invitation within the set number of days (see above), that reviewer will automatically be un-invited. The first person in the alternate reviewers list will then automatically be invited.
  • If an invited reviewer is manually un-invited by an editor, the first person in the alternate reviewers list will then automatically be invited.
  • If an invited reviewer declines an invitation, the first person in the alternate reviewers list will then automatically be invited.
  • A grip tool ( ) with drag-and-drop functionality lets the user reorder the ranked list.

Revised Submissions:

Please keep the following in mind when inviting reviewers for revised submissions:

  • When you click “Invite Reviewers”, the default search criteria will automatically bring up the reviewers who reviewed the previous version of the submission. You will be able to include the reviewers’ comments regarding the previous version in your invitation email.
  • Be sure to reset the number of required reviews as necessary to reflect the number of reviewers that you actually invite.
  • Be sure to choose the proper invitation letter to ensure the reviewer understands that the submission has been revised and that he or she reviewed the previous version.

Additional Features:

A number of links are available at the bottom of the reviewer selection summary page. These links can be useful in managing reviewer invitations.

  • RequestUnregisteredReviewer –

If you would like to ask the editorial office for assistance in contacting a reviewer that is not in the journal’s database, click this button and provide any information that will help the editorial office contact the potential reviewer. The editorial office will locate an email address for this person, register them as a reviewer, and invite them to review the paper.

NOTE: This only applies for journals with a Managing Editor / Editorial Assistant.

  • Register and Invite New ReviewerorRegister and Select Alternate Reviewer –

If you cannot find a reviewer in the journal’s database, but you know the name and e-mail address of a prospective reviewer, click these links to register new reviewers to the system.

  • MySuggestReviewerPreferences–

Click this link to set your preferences for the “Suggest Reviewer” search described above. This screen allows you to prioritize and order the search results based on classification matches, editorial board membership, number of pending reviews, average days of reviews outstanding, and the date the last review was completed.

  • MyReviewerDisplayPreferences–

Click this link to set your viewing preferences for search results.


Follow the instructions below to edit a submission.

1. Click on the Edit Submission link.

2. Select ‘Edit the submission (and rebuild PDF)’ or ‘Edit the submission data only’.

NOTE: Selecting ‘Edit the submission data only’ means that you will be able to edit the title, author list, abstract, etc., aka, the ‘metadata’ for the submission. These changes will not be displayed until the next time the PDF is rebuilt.

3.Make any necessary changes. To upload new files or replace current files, click on the ‘Attach Files’ link in the list at the left side of the page.

4.To attach a new file, select the appropriate Submission Item type from the drop-down box provided. Then, click Browse to locate the file on your computer.

After you’ve selected file you’d like to upload, click on the ‘Attach This File’ button. The page will refresh, and the file will then appear in the attached files list.

5.To remove a file, click on the box to the right of the file, then click on the Remove button.

6. When ready to proceed, click on the Next link at the bottom of the page.