Dr. James E. Pollard 108 Berry Street Phone: 252-426-9621

Associational Missionary Hertford, NC 27944 Fax: 252-426-1127

www.chowanbaptist.org Cell: 252-340-1854

May 18, 2005

Dear Pastor:

I have received your résumé. This is an important first step in the process of seeking God’s direction for your future ministry. It is my prayer that you will find the place of service for which God has prepared you. Upon return of the following information, I will be happy to share your résumé with member churches of the Chowan Baptist Association as they seek my counsel with regard to their ministry search process.

Chowan Baptist Association is a member of Associations Cooperating Together Strengthens (ACTS). This group is dedicated to strengthening the church and has committed to this process for prospective ministers, We are in a unique position of knowing some things about our member churches and believe this process is an important second step, as it will assist us as we attempt to discern characteristics of leadership, styles of ministry, etc. within prospective ministers that will serve our churches well.

We recognize this as a new concept for many. However, we feel this process has major advantages for you as a prospective candidate as well:

1.  You need only to send a résumé and complete this inventory for one association. We will share the information with other member associations (currently representing about 10% of the Baptist Churches in North Carolina).

2.  As a candidate with some degree of screening beyond the normal process, churches will able to look at your résumé with a greater degree of assurance.

3.  Résumés will be kept on file for a longer duration than normal in our office.

Your completed questionnaire will be made available to member churches which request your résumé. Please understand this is an effort to make sure discussions between prospective candidates and churches are based on the fullest information possible, thereby strengthening the search process. It is simply an additional step to insure that the right candidate and the right church come together.

Member associations of the ACTS group include the following associations: Atlantic, Chowan, Mt. Zion, Sandhills, Sandy Creek, and Tar River.

I look forward to receiving the enclosed information. Please be advised that the ACTS group meets on a monthly basis. Your completion of the enclosed information in a timely manner will hasten my ability to share your résumé with member churches.

Respectfully yours,

Jim Pollard

Dr. James E. Pollard

Enclosures: Release Form, Questionnaire

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