Lunar Return Report for:
Drew Barrymore
February 22, 1975
11:51 AM
Culver City, California
Crystal Inphinity
8677 Villa La Jolla Drive, #1202
La Jolla, California 92037
The Lunar Return is a monthly chart calculated for the time when the Moon returns to the exact position it was in your natal chart. This happens every twenty-eight days; there are thirteen Lunar Returns in a year. These charts mark the principal events of the month for which the return was produced.
This report outlines possible events for that month and also gives some suggestions on how to deal with the positive as well as negative planetary aspects.
In some cases you will find contradictions; a planet may be beneficial in a certain area, while others may indicate the opposite. This means that you could have two types of situations in the same month. For example: a lover's quarrel and a following reconciliation. To get the most out of this report, it will be necessary to use your own logic and intuition, fitting the descriptions outlined here to your own particular case.
The objective of this report is to offer you a practical guide that helps you to analyze this month's perspectives and to benefit from them using your free will. Note that the accuracy of these calculations depends much on how precisely your hour of birth is known.
Sun 3 Pis 32 Neptune 11 Sag 41
Moon 17 Can 31 Pluto 8 Lib 47
Mercury 10 Aqu 11 Asc. 3 Gem 19
Venus 29 Pis 14 MC 13 Aqu 56
Mars 23 Cap 40 2nd cusp 27 Gem 56
Jupiter 24 Pis 16 3rd cusp 20 Can 02
Saturn 12 Can 18 5th cusp 13 Vir 40
Uranus 2 Sco 21 6th cusp 21 Lib 57
Tropical Placidus Daylight Savings Time observed
February 22, 1975 11:51 AM
GMT: 18:51:00 Time Zone: 8 hours West
Lat. and Long. of birth: 34 N 01 16 118 W 23 44
Lunar Return for: Culver City, California 34 N 01 16 118 W 23 44
Aspects and orbs:
Conjunction: 7 Deg 00 Min SemiSextile : 2 Deg 00 Min
Opposition : 6 Deg 00 Min SemiSquare : 2 Deg 00 Min
Square : 6 Deg 00 Min SesquiQuadrate: 2 Deg 00 Min
Trine : 6 Deg 00 Min Quincunx : 3 Deg 00 Min
Sextile : 4 Deg 00 Min
LUNAR RETURN: June 9, 2005 at 4:33:18 AM
Lunar Return Ascendant Taurus :
You have a need to find stability and emotional safety. There is a tendency to romanticism, intimacy and strong emotional attachments. Your economic sphere is emphasized and improvements are possible.
Asc in 12th natal house:
Confrontation with enemies is possible. There could be deceits, intrigues or mysteries and losses of articles or money. You may have to suffer the consequences of your own mistakes. There is a tendency to feel lonely and to withdraw. Take care of your health.
Lunar Return MC Aquarius :
A month of changes, surprises and reformation in your occupational environment. You are apt to be impatient and irritable with your superiors and can't tolerate your daily routine. The quality of life in your own home tends to be improved. Investments or purchases that increase the value of your home are possible.
MC in 9th natal house:
Your professional activity may require you to study, travel abroad or bring you in connection with educated people. You probably will sense your mission in life and your spirituality will be your best guide.
Moon in 3rd house:
Literary and intellectual activities are emphasized. Studies and communications in general are favored. It is likely to be a month of little routine. You probably will take a short trip, receive a letter bearing news or some important documents. There could be visits or encounters with relatives or neighbors. You also could be exposed to fights, family disputes, criticism or gossip within your family.
Moon Quincunx Neptune:
This aspect will be in effect for several months and could subject you to deceptions and deceits in your emotional world. Try to be more realistic and avoid being victimized. Accept your responsibilities and eliminate your fears.
A time of mystery or confusion when you could become the target of gossip or slander. Because of your emotional insecurity and fears you tend to be more susceptible to others now. It would be advisable to surround yourself with positive people and to avoid an inclination to any bad habits or immoral practices.
Lunar Return 3rd cusp conjunct natal Moon:
Your analytical mind may benefit through the enhancement of your imagination. Your sensibility will allow you to perceive situations and people with greater clarity, although your mind also could turn more variable and changing. Your way of thinking probably will be greatly influenced by your mother or other women around you.
Lunar Return 10th cusp conjunct natal Mercury:
Your professional ambitions and your current activity will induce you to develop new ideas and to achieve improvements. Your thoughts, studies, projects, analysis and conclusions with this regard will be very important. Achieving more success will predominantly be on your mind during this month. Your communication with others also will be very important.
Lunar Return Mars conjunct natal Venus:
You will have greater ability to respond to aggressions or tension of others in a calming and conciliating way. Nervous people may seek your company to be calmed, although other people also could find your calmness or passiveness irritating. This influence could bring a very passionate romance during this month.
Lunar Return Jupiter conjunct natal Pluto:
The optimism, happiness and protection you receive from others will allow you to make profound changes in your life. You are able to release the inner pressures or fears that held you back in the past, and you will be more secure and powerful because of this regeneration process. Spiritual people or people with a certain degree of wisdom will be most influential in this process.
Sun in 1st house:
Your self-respect, pride, vitality and sense of power will increase during this month. One of your fundamental goals will be to define your place in the world, and for this you will work with more energy, enthusiasm and authority. This renewed energy allows you to work incessantly toward achieving your objectives. On the negative side, you could become a bit arrogant with excessive pride and pretense. Listen to your INNER VOICE that will tell you what you really want to do. An ideal month to increase your self-esteem and confidence in yourself.
Mercury in 2nd house:
There is a possibility of earning more money in business, especially if it is related to communications, travel or journalism.
Venus in 2nd house:
You are likely to make investments and purchases that will improve the quality of your life. Try to be moderate with your purchases because there also is a tendency to waste or luxuries. You may spend money on jewels, art works, expensive clothes and other things that beautify your life or your home. This influence inclines to lose the practical sense somewhat and could lead to unnecessary or extravagant purchases.
Mars in 11th house:
There could be confrontations or fights with your friends because of your aggressive or selfish attitude. It would be better to share some sports or physical activity with your friends rather than trying to impose your opinions on them. Problems with groups or clubs are possible.
Jupiter in 5th house:
There is an increased desire to amuse yourself and to enjoy everything. If you are involved with someone, you will share very happy times together. It not, you may have a romance with someone of a different culture. There is a tendency to excesses and infidelity. Happy times with children are also possible.
Saturn in 3rd house:
You tend to become a bit pessimistic or negative at this time and may talk less than usual. Obstacles and delays with studies or short trips are possible. There also could be losses or delays in your correspondence and problems with brothers and sisters or other relatives.
Uranus in 11th house:
You tend to be attracted to friendships with new people and want to learn about different life styles or ways of novel and revolutionary thinking. Your desire to participate in political or group activities will increase.
Neptune in 10th house:
Your occupational environment tends to be confusing and disappointing to you. You could suffer social discredit, envy or betrayal from people who are after your position. Fears and doubts about your career could develop.
Pluto in 7th house:
This month could bring a profound change in your romantic relationship. If you are married, modifications in your habits or life style could be indicated. If you are single, you may become involved in a turbulent and intensive relationship. Either case will bring tense situations and transformation. The same applies to any other associations you may have.
LUNAR RETURN: July 6, 2005 at 11:03:02 AM
Lunar Return Ascendant Virgo :
You tend to be insecure and have a need to find structure in your life. It is a good time to put your life in order. You have to think before you act though. Occupational improvements are possible. It also would be a good month to start a diet.
Asc in 5th natal house:
This is a month for romance and enjoying life. Gains from games of chance are possible. You also may turn your attention to problems with children or children in general.
Lunar Return MC Gemini :
A change of occupation could be indicated. It is a month of changes, financial instability and boredom with your daily routine. You may take a trip in connection with your profession. Your home life will be less stable, but also filled with happy times. Receiving visitors from out of town could be possible.
MC in 1st natal house:
Your goals will be achieved successfully because of your own will. An ideal time to start a new business or career.
Moon in 10th house:
You will be more exposed to the public and this will increase your popularity. A month of honors or recognition in your professional activity. Your career and your goals are emphasized and you may attain some important objectives. You can count on the support of your superiors, influential people or other officials.
Moon Conjunct Sun:
Your sensibility will increase and your reactions tend to be a bit exaggerated. This month could bring new experiences and you should be able to advance your initiatives and to attain success in your objectives. It is a sentimental month with a need to strengthen your family ties.
Moon Square Mars:
You will be very susceptible during this month. You tend to respond to everything in an aggressive and rude way, which will complicate your social life and dealings with the public in general. You could be on the defensive and may show an unusual degree of authority and personal ego.
There is an inclination to fights, disagreements and family quarrels. Problems with women or your mother are possible. Guard against nervous exhaustion and accidents, cuts or burns.
Moon Sextile Asc.:
Your social life and contact with others will be very favorable during this month. You tend to look for intimate and heartfelt relationships and are willing to help and protect the people you love. You are likely to become very sensitive and receptive, and your understanding will be more intuitive.
Your are inclined to receive protection and benefit from certain female friendships and any contact with the public in general will be very profitable. Your charisma will increase and you will project an affectionate, congenial and warm image.
Moon Quincunx Neptune:
This aspect will be in effect for several months and could subject you to deceptions and deceits in your emotional world. Try to be more realistic and avoid being victimized. Accept your responsibilities and eliminate your fears.
A time of mystery or confusion when you could become the target of gossip or slander. Because of your emotional insecurity and fears you tend to be more susceptible to others now. It would be advisable to surround yourself with positive people and to avoid an inclination to any bad habits or immoral practices.
Lunar Return Sun conjunct natal Moon:
A month of great accomplishments and decision making for the future. The first day of this lunar return is especially important. You may meet someone who will be close to you and help you to keep your emotional balance.
Lunar Return Sun conjunct natal Saturn:
You are inclined to become rigid, inflexible or indifferent towards people who want to impose their authority on you. There is a tendency to want to protect or to act in a paternal way with someone.
Lunar Return Jupiter conjunct natal Pluto:
The optimism, happiness and protection you receive from others will allow you to make profound changes in your life. You are able to release the inner pressures or fears that held you back in the past, and you will be more secure and powerful because of this regeneration process. Spiritual people or people with a certain degree of wisdom will be most influential in this process.
Sun in 10th house:
This is a month of advance and progress. Your ambitions as well as your will to work and get your ideas across to others will be very strong. Your professional success and recognition of your work will increase. It is important that you trust your own decisions, ideas and intuition, because success only will come if you have confidence in yourself. You probably will make certain purchases or investments that will improve the quality of your life and change your social status or economical situation.
Mercury in 11th house:
Communication with your friends tends to be on a higher level, which will permit you to enhance your knowledge on certain topics or studies. Participation in group discussions will bring mental stimulation as well. Your social circle will increase and you may be able to do some business with people you know at this time. You also could meet or surround yourself with younger people.
Venus in 11th house:
You are likely to enjoy the company of your close friends and will receive much affection from them. This position favors public activities such as conferences, business meetings, etc. You tend to project a very favorable image that will reflect the same response from others. If you are not involved with anyone, you may begin a friendship that could turn to romance later on. Love manifests among your friendships at this time.
Mars in 8th house:
If you are married, you could have arguments related to the handling of community property or your money. There is a possibility of wasting your money. It is not a good time to request any type of credit or loan; your personal problems probably would be interposed before any transaction.
There could be a transformation of yourself due to your behavior or because of a confrontation with someone that will bring out your aggressiveness or ability to defend yourself.
Jupiter in 1st house:
A very positive month. You will be optimistic and happy and have the desire to go beyond your current limits. No matter how serious your problems, under this influence you tend to feel happy. You will have to watch your diet, because there is a tendency to excesses with consequent increase in weight.
Saturn in 11th house:
You tend to be less sociable and communicative during this month and prefer to visit only with people you trust. A time of loneliness and withdrawal.
Uranus in 6th house:
You probably feel stifled by your occupational routine and look for ways to liberate yourself. You tend to rebel against your duties and schedules and may have problems with your superiors. There is a tendency to changes of work or to modify your working conditions. A very stressful period.
Neptune in 5th house:
You will be very romantic and dreamy during this month and tend to idealize the person you love. Love during this time tends to be platonic. There is a possibility of confusion or deception in your romantic life. Your expectations may not be fulfilled, or situations of infidelity could occur on your part or that of your partner.
Pluto in 4th house:
There could be transformation and changes in your home. You will be opposed to any kind of control or manipulation and respond in an aggressive way to limitations of your own freedom. Changes, breaks or family separations are possible. You may have to confront problems or memories from your childhood and will begin to understand the meaning of them in your adult life.
LUNAR RETURN: August 2, 2005 at 4:57:39 PM
Lunar Return Ascendant Sagittarius :
You have a need to expand your personal growth and to attain more freedom. Your optimism, happiness and desire to conquer will increase. A month of adventure and general enthusiasm. A trip abroad is also possible.
Asc in 7th natal house:
Personal relationships and the need for sharing is emphasized. You are likely to associate more with close friends. A favorable month for legal litigations or procedures in general.