Liora Gvion Ph.d senior lecturer
The Kibbutizm College of Education, 149 Namir Road Tel Aviv, Israel
The Department of Clinical Nutrition, Hebrew University, Rehovot
Gvion @macam.ac.il
- Post Doctoral Studies: Department of Sociology and Anthropology. Hebrew University. Jerusalem. Israel. October 1991- September 1993.[1]
- Ph.D: Department of Sociology. State University of New York at Stony Brook. Stony Brook New York 11974. U.S.A. September 1986 – September 1991.
- M.A: Department of Sociology. Tel Aviv University. Tel Aviv. Israel. October 1981- July 1985.
- B.A: Department of Sociology and Department of Theatre. Tel Aviv University. Tel Aviv. Israel. October 1978 – July 1981.
1) Gvion, Liora. 2013. is there Jewish food in Israel? Studies in Contemporary Jewry. Forth coming
2) Stark, Aliza & Gvion, L. 2011/12. Food in Israel. In Ken Albala (ed.) Food Cultures Encyclopedia. California: Greenwood/ABC Clio.
3) גביעון, ליאורה. 2011. "אנחנו יותר משפחה עכשיו": אוכל, אמהות ומשפחה בקיבוץ המופרט. גילוי דעת, 1 (1):
4) Gvion, L. 2011. Cooking, Food and Masculinity: Palestinian Men in Israeli Society. Men and Masculinities. vol.14,4:pp.408-429.
5) Gvion, L. 2011. Higher Education as a means of constructing a Russian Ethnicity in Israel. Young. 19:1 (2011): 25–44.
6) גביעון, ל. 2009. הגוף הרעב והדואב: רזון ככלי עבודה בקרב מתכשרות להוראת מחול. דפים. 48: 134-162.
7) Gvion, L. 2009. What's Cooking in America: Cookbooks Narrate Ethnicity: 1850-1990. Food Culture and Society. Vol 12 (1): 53-76.
8) Gvion, L 2009. Narrating Modernity and Tradition: The Case of Palestinian Food in Israel. Identities. Vol 16(4): 391-413
9) Gvion, L. 2009. Organized Leisure as Promoting Nostalgia: Israeli Senior Citizens Singing in Yiddish. Leisure Studies. 28(1): 51-65.
10(ׂ גביעון, ל. לוצאטו, ג. רוצה להיות סקסית: עלייתו של הגוף הלסבי החדש. החינוך וסביבו. לא: 215-234.
11) Gvion, L. 2009. Entitled to Eat: Food Democracy and the Right to Maintain One's Culture. In Britt Unni Wilhelmsen and Sidsel Hadler Olson (eds). Democracy in Education. Norway. Bergen University College Journal: 85-96.
12) Gvion, L., & Trostler, N. 2008. From Spaghetti and Meatballs through Hawaiian Pizza To Sushi: The Changing Nature of Ethnicity in American Restaurants. Journal of Popular Culture. 41(6):950-975.
13( גביעון, ל. לוצאו, ד. 2008. ילדים חורגים לבירוקרטים: מי דואג לילדים עם צרכים מיוחדים? סוציולוגיה ישראלית. ט(2): 443-466.
14) Gvion, L. 2008. Dancing Bodies, Decaying Bodies: The Interpretation of Anorexia among Israeli Dancers. Young. Vol 16(1): 67-87.
15) Gvion L. & Luzzatto, D. 2008. Affluent Parents Advocacy for Special Education Children's Rights vis-à-vis Placement Committees in Israel. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice. Vol 3(2): 147-166.
16) גביעון, ל. 2008. על הקשר שבין אוכל לדמוקרטיה. החינוך וסביבו. ל: 215-232.
17) Trostler, N. & Gvion, L 2007. Trends in Restaurant Menus in 1950-2000. Nutrition Today. Vol 42(1).
18) Luzzatto, D., & L. Gvion. 2007. The Coming of the Young and Sexy Lesbian: The Israeli Urban Scenario. Journal of Social Semiotics. Vol 17(1): 21-41.
19) Gvion, L. 2006. The Social Construction of Russian Spaces: Higher Education as a Vehicle for Segmented Assimilation JETEN Vol 2(1): 55-67
20) גביעון ל. 2007. על ההבניה החברתית של מרחבים רוסיים. החינוך וסביבו. כט: 151-166
21) Gvion. L.2006. Cuisines of Poverty as a Means of Empowerment: Arab Food in Israel, Agriculture and Human Values. Vol 23:299-312.
22) Gvion, L. 2006. Culinary Knowledge and Discourses of Identity: Palestinian Food in Israeli Society. Journal of ETEN. Vol 1(2): 35-46.
23) גביעון, ל. 2006. אוכל, עוני, זהות לאומית והעצמה: המקרה הפלשתיני של אזרחי מדינת ישראל. החינוך וסביבו. 28: 165-180.
24) Gvion, L. & D. Luzzatto, 2005. Mobilizing a Lesbian Identity as a Means for Educational Achievement: Mizrachi Lesbians in Israel. in Helve, H. & Gunilla Holm (eds.), Contemporary Youth Research. October 2005. England. Ashgate: 185-196.
25) גביעון, ל. 2005. חומוס, קוסקוס, סושי: אוכל ואתניות בחברה הישראלית. בתוך א. קליינברג (עורך). בטן מלאה. תל אביב, כתר: 32-78.
26) Luzzatto, D., & L. Gvion. 2004. Feminine But Not Femme: The Dual Lesbian Body. Journal of Homosexuality. Vol 48(1): 43-77.
27)Gvion, L., & D. Luzzatto. 2004. The Pygmalion Syndrome: The Case of Mizrachi Lesbians in Israel. Identities. Vol 11: 65-87.
28) Gvion, L. & D. Luzzatto. 2004. Reflections on Participation in the Public Discourse: Parents to Children with Special Needs Exercising Democracy. In N. Hall. & Springate, D. (eds.),. Occasional Papers 2004. London The University of Greenwich: 63-73.
29)Gvion, L. & D. Luzzatto. 2003. The Route to Success Travels through Interethnic Love: Sexual Orientation, Ethnic Identity and Educational Achievement amongst Ethnic Lesbians in Israel. in N. Hall. & Springate, D. (eds.),. Occasional Papers 2003. London The University of Greenwich:13-26.
30) גביעון, ל. אליהו ר. 2003 עליו השלום: מודעות אבל כמשקפות שינויים אידיאולוגיים בחברה הישראלית. החינוך וסביבו. כה: 211-230.
31) Gvion, L. 2002. Who Is Afraid of Cooking Vegetables: Changing Conceptions of American Vegetarianism 1850-1990. European Journal of American Culture. Vol 21(3): 146-159.
32) גביעון, ל. אקשטיין, ת. 2002. מדוע הרקדנית כל כך רזה: הנורמליזציה של אנורקסיה נרבוזה בקרב רקדניות. החינוך וסביבו. 24: 91-106.
33) גביעון, ל. 2001. בטברנה מצ'נסטחוב: ההבניה החברתית של התרבות האידית בחברה רב תרבותית. החינוך וסביבו. 23: 221-240.
34) Gvion, L. & Trsotler, N. 2000. Street Food Vending: The Israeli Scenario. In Simpopoulos and Bhat (eds.), Street Foods. World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics: 155-168.
35) Gvion. L. 1990. Why Do Vegetarian Restaurants Serve Hamburgers: Toward an Understanding of a Cuisine. Semiotica. Vol 80(1/2): 61-79.
1) גביעון, ל. 2006. בגובה הבטן: הבטים חברתיים ופוליטים של המטבח הערבי בישראל. ירושלים: כרמל.
2) Gvion, L. Beyond Hummus and Falafel: Social and Cultural Aspects of Palestinian Food in Israel. Berkeley: University of California Press. (tentative title. See contract attached) forthcoming 2012/13
Conference Papers
1) Gvion, L. 2006. Old-Russian values”: Second generation of Russian immigrants in Israeli society. The Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the European Teacher Education Network. Hall, N. & Springate, D. (eds.)
2) Gvion, L. & D. Luzzatto. 2005. Mediating Between the Private and the Public Domain: Ethic Dilemmas and Informed Consent. Budrich-verlag CD Rom.
3) Gvion, L. & D. Luzzatto. 2004. Making Private Issues Public: Ethic dilemmas versus Moral Obligations. RC 33 Publications. Conference DC ROM.
4) Gvion, L. & D. Luzzatto. 2004. Saving Our Children: Placement Committees as a Discursive Field. The Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of the European Teacher Education Network. Hall, N. & Springate, D. (eds.),: 16-22.
5) Gvion, L. & D. Luzzatto. 2003. My Fair Lady: Ethnic Identity and Educational Achievement Amongst Mizrachi Lesbians in Israel. The Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference of the European Teacher Education Network. Hall, N. & Springate, D. (eds: 15-22.
6) Gvion, L.2002. Teachers to the Nature of Democracy in Israel: An overview of a College Curriculum as a Reflection of Politic. The Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference of the European Teacher Education Network. Hall, N. & Springate, D. (eds.),: 30-35.
1) Gvion, Liora. Is There Jewish Food in Israel?” paper to be presented at Global Gateways and Local Connections Participant. Paper to be presented at the Annual Meetings of AFHVS, ASFS, and SAFN. NYU, New York June 2012.
2) Gvion, Liora. The Privatization of the Kibbutz Communal Dining Room and its Effect on the Family in the Kibbutzpaper presented at Food& Agriculture under the Big Sky: People, Partnerships, Policies: the Joint Annual Meetings of AFHVS, ASFS, and SAFN.University of Montana, Missoula, June 2012.
3) Gvion, L. “‘I'd like to have hummus, tahini and shishlik’: Palestinian restaurants in Israel as political arenas for experiencing leisure” the 13th Annual Mediterranean Studies Association International, held at the Universidad de Salamanca, Spain, May 26-29, 2010.
4) Gvion, L. “Food Markets as Indices of Social Change: the Carmel Market in Tel-Aviv”. Paper presented at the ASFS meetings, May 2009. State College, Pennsylvania, USA.
5) מלכה ליום אחד: פנאי כמשעתק יחסי עצמה מגדריים ולאומיים בחברה הפלסטינית בישראל. המאמר מוצג בכנס תרבות הפנאי בחברות אסלאמיות האוניברסיטה העברית, ירושלים. ינואר 2009
6) Gvion, L. Cooking, masculinity and the guardians of culture: the case of Palestinian cooks in Israel. Paper presented at the ASFS meetings, July 2008. New Orleans, USA.
7) Gvion, L. Women's ways of innovating culture versus men's ways of preserving tradition: culinary practices in the course of identity formation: the case of Palestinian food in Israeli society. Paper presented at the British Sociological Association Meetings, April 2007, University of East London, London.
8) Gvion, L. Who Else Knows Who is Yevtushenko? Second Generation of Russian Immigrants in Israeli Society. Paper presented at the 16th annual Conference of the European Teacher Education Network. Leiden, the Netherlands. February 2006.
9) Gvion, L. Culinary Cultures and the Politics of Ethnic Identities: the Case of Palestinians in Israeli Society. Paper presented at an international conference titled: Making Use of Culture to be held at the University of Manchester, Manchester, GB in January the 22nd 2005
10) Gvion, L. The Coming of the Young and Sexy Lesbian: The Israeli Urban Scenario. Paper presented at an international conference titled: Childhoods 2005 Oslo, Children and Youth in Emerging and Transforming Societies (with Diana Luzzatto). Oslo, June 2005
11) Gvion, L. Dancing Bodies, Miserable Women and the Social Production of Anorexia Nervosa. Paper presented at an international conference titled: Childhoods 2005 Oslo, Children and Youth in Emerging and Transforming Societies.Oslo, June 2005.
12) Gvion, L. Negotiating Hierarchies of Inequality: The Case of Children with Special Needs. Paper presented at the 37th world congress of the International Institute of Sociology. Stockholm, July 2005(with Diana Luzzatto).
13) Gvion, L. Making Private Issues Public: Ethics Dilemmas Versus Moral Obligations. paper presented at the Sixth International Conference on Logic and Methodology. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. August 16-20. 2004 (with Diana Luzzatto).
14) Gvion, L. Domestic Knowledge as A Source of Identity Formation: Arab Women in Israel as Carriers of Culinary Knowledge. Paper Presented at the Annual International Conference of the Mediterranean Society; Barcelona, May 27-30’ 2004.
`15) Gvion, L. Saving Our Children: Placement Committees as a Discursive Field. Paper presented at the 14th annual Conference of the European Teacher Education Network. Viana do Castello, Portugal. February 2004. (with Diana Luzzatto).
16) Gvion, L. The New Lesbian Body as a Semantic Field”. Paper presented at the Conference: Sexuality After Foucault Manchester, England; November 28-30, 2003. (with Diana Luzzatto).
17) Gvion, L. Cuisines of Poverty as Means of Empowerment: Arab Food In Israel”. Paper presented at the Poverty, Food and Health in Welfare International Conference. Lisbon, Portugal. July 1-4. Lisbon Portugal.
18) Gvion, L. Food and the Politics of Identities: The Case of Arab Cuisine in Israel” Paper presented at the Annual conference of the Mediterranean Society Budapest, Hungary. May 2003.
19) Gvion, L. My Fair Lady: Ethnic Identity and Educational Achievement Amongst Mizrachi Lesbians in Israel”. Paper presented at the 13th annual Conference of the European Teacher Education Network. Groningen The Netherlands. February 2003. (with Diana Luzzatto).
20) Gvion, L. Teachers to the Nature of Democracy in Israel: An overview of a College Curriculum as a Reflection of Politic”. Paper presented at the 12th annual Conference of the European Teacher Education Network. London. England. February 2002.
I am serving as a referree for:
Food Culture and Society
Men and Masculinity
University of Illinois Press
תיאוריה וביקורת
סוציולוגיה ישראלית
החינוך וסביבו
The Israeli Science Foundation
International Journal of Hospitality and Management
Journal of Intercultural Studies.
Membership in Professional Associations:
The British Sociological Association
The Association of Food Culture and Society
The Mediterranean Studies Association
[1] Reading Ethnicity via American cookbooks: 1850-1990. Dissertation submitted to State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY, USA. Fall 1991.