Luke 18 Participant Expectations
All Luke 18 participants must read and sign the following expectations. Please initial each guideline after reading, sign the form and return to Mike Huggins.
___ Speak and act with respect and regard for the value, person-hood, and uniqueness of each person present on the retreat.
___ All participants are expected to dress in a fashion that represents modesty, good taste, and respects other participants and God. Clothing must cover all under garments and not be too revealing, i.e. skin-tight clothing that shows the silhouette of your front and backside. Leggings/tight athletic gear should not be worn as pants and are considered undergarments. Leggings can only be worn with shorts, pants, or a skirt over them. Clothing that displays profane or offensive messages or images is not allowed.
___ There is a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for the possession or use of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco during the retreat weekend. Violation will result in immediate dismissal from the retreat and possible further disciplinary action.
___ All youth must be present at all times during the retreat, no one may leave Holy Redeemer or their sleep house without the permission of Mike Huggins, Director of Youth Ministry. Members of the adult youth ministry team must know where you are at all times.
___ As guests at Holy Redeemer and in parishioners homes (sleep houses) respect must be shown towards all property and the building itself. Should you intentionally damage someone else’s property, understand that you will be held liable for its replacement.
___ I understand that Luke 18 is an opportunity to get away and be present to Christ and those around me; ipods, iphones, ipads, and any other electronic devices which distract from the retreat experience shouldn’t be brought to this event.
I have read and agreed to the expectations outlined above by the Office of Youth Ministry at Holy Redeemer Parish. I understand that certain violations will result in dismissal from Luke 18.
______Youth Signature ______Date
______Parent Signature ______Date
Name of Student ______
Birth Date ______Age ______Sex ______
Parent/Guardian’s Name ______
Address______City and Zip ______
Telephone numbers: Home ( ) ______Work ( ) ______Emergency ( )______
I/we (name of parent/guardian) ______, grant permission for my child (name of
youth) ______, to participate in the Luke 18 Retreat October 6-8, 2017.
I understand that this activity will take place under the guidance and direction of Holy Redeemer Parish.
I agree on behalf of myself, my child’s other parent or guardian, my child named herein, our heirs,
successors, and assigns, to release, waive, indemnify and hold harmless and defend the parish, its
employees and volunteers or other agents and the Archdiocese of St. Louis, and the officers, agents,
representatives, volunteers and employees of the Archdiocese with respect to any and all actions, claims or demands that may be made or brought against the Archdiocesan Youth Office, its directors, employees and volunteers and the Archdiocese of St Louis.
Medical Matters: I hereby warrant that to the best of my knowledge, my child is in good health, and I
assume all responsibility for the health of my child.
Lost or Stolen Items: The Parish of Holy Redeemer and the Archdiocese of St. Louis will not be held liable for any valuables lost or stolen at the event described above.
I understand and agree that this release is required as contractual consideration to the Archdiocese of St.Louis for allowing my daughter/son to participate in this event, and that my agreeing to this release of liability is a required prerequisite for the Archdiocese and Parish to allow my/our daughter/son to participate in the above described Parish event.
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
In consideration for being allowed to participate in the above described Parish event, I hereby personally
assume all risks in connection with said event, and all activities related to or associated with event,
including travel, housing, meals and collateral entertainment for any harm, injury, loss or damage to any of my personal property, or damage that may befall me while I am participating in this event,
including all risks connected with the event, whether foreseen or unforeseen and whether obvious, hidden, understood or not understood by me.
Youth Signature Date
To the best of my knowledge, my child ______is in good health and has
my/our permission to attend the Luke 18 Retreat, October 6-8, 2017
In the event of circumstances which indicate that my child is in need of medical care, I/we authorize parish officials to consent to any necessary x-ray examination, medical or surgical diagnosis or treatment, and other evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, medication or hospital care in accordance with standard medical practice by licensed medical personnel. I/we release and agree to hold the parish harmless from any claims due to illness suffered by my child in the course of receiving such medical care and any consequences that may arise as the result of thisreatment.
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
(Please print)
Parent/Guardian’s Name ______
Home Address ______City & ZIP ______
Home Telephone ______Work Telephone ______
If you are unable to reach me, please contact:
Name ______
Home Telephone ______Work Telephone ______
Medical Information (Please print)
My/Our child’s physician is: ______Phone Number ______
My Child is allergic to ______
My child must take the following medication (indicate dosage and frequency)
Other Medical information ______
I (circle one) do or do not grant permission to employees and agents of the school to give my child nonprescription drugs(e.g. Tylenol, Ibuprofen, etc.) in the event that circumstances reasonably demonstrate that my child is in need of such drugs.
Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date ______
I hereby give permission to the Archdiocese of St. Louis and Holy Redeemer Youth Ministry to use any
photographs or video footage taken of my child in print and on their website for promotional
Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______