Please note: there are 3 awards at this level
- Purpose
- To recognize outstanding Co-op/Intern students who have exceeded the usual expectation of a student employee.
- To recognize a Senior or Graduate student who has made outstanding contributions to their institution in the form of service, extracurricular activities or employment.
- Nature of Award
- A certificate and scholarship check of $150 are presented to the recipient(s).
- Eligibility
- Nominees for the co-op/intern awards shall have made a significant contribution to their co-op/intern employer and shall have received an outstanding performance evaluation. Nominees for the senior or graduate student award shall have made a significant contribution to their institution and is considered an exceptional individual. The nominees must be from an educational institution that is a member of the Kentucky Association of Colleges & Employers (KACE).
- Nomination Procedure
- Nomination forms may be submitted by employers or educational coordinators (faculty, counselors and/or administrators). Nomination forms should be completed and returned to the Awards Committee Chairperson by October 21, 2016.
- Selection Procedure
- The KACE Awards Committee will review all nominations and select one recipient in each category. The committee is not required to make a selection.
The following are needed to submit a nomination:
Ken Noah Award & Mary Bacon Award:
- Completed nomination form
- Employer’s statement of support
- List the student’s co-op/intern work related duties and responsibilities.
- Include a description of how well this student performed his/her responsibilities and any employment awards/recognition achieved.
- Student’s resume
- Student’s statement
- The statement should describe what co-op/intern participation has meant to you and how it has enhanced your
career goals.
- Explain and support your eligibility based on your achievements and your contributions to your employer.
- The statement should not exceed two typed pages.
Leadership & Service Award:
- Completed nomination form
- Career Services Center’s statement of support
- Indicate the student’s outstanding contributions to their institution in the form of service, extracurricular activities or on-campus employment.
- Include any employment awards/recognition achieved.
- Student’s resume
- Student’s statement
- The statement should include what your career objectives and goals are and what significance your education and experience has had in developing these goals.
- Include information about how career services benefited in your career development.
Outstanding Student Awards – Nomination Form
Nominator to complete: Date: ______
Please select the appropriate award for your nomination:
_____ Ken Noah Award_____ Mary Bacon Award_____ Leadership & Service Award
Student’s Name: ______
Student’s Permanent Address: ______
Students’ Email: ______
Student’s Cell Phone Number: ______
Student’s Educational Institution: ______
Student’s Internship Site/Employer: ______
Student’s Supervisor: ______
Title: ______Phone: ______
College/University Nominator’s Name: ______
Employer: ______
Title: ______Phone: ______
Address: ______
Email: ______
I hereby recommend ______for the award mentioned above. (Student Name)
Signature – Career Services or Co-op Office Official
Please return all requested information by October 21, 2016 to:
Ellie Kohler
University of Louisville
KACE Awards & Scholarship Committee Chair
(502) 852-0392
- Purpose
- To recognize an individual who has either made outstanding contributions to the advancement of the philosophy and practice of cooperative education, internships, career services or employment of post-secondary students and alumni, or to the promotion and advancement of the KACE Association.
- Nature of Award
- A certificate is presented to the recipient.
- Eligibility
- Eligible nominees could be faculty, college presidents or deans, corporate vice presidents or CEOs, professional staff, support staff or KACE members; however membership in KACE is not a requirement. Nominees shall have rendered an outstanding contribution or series of contributions to the overall advancement in the field of cooperative education and/or career employment. Members may not nominate themselves.
- Nomination Procedure
- Only KACE members may nominate a person for this award. Nomination forms should be completed and returned to the Awards Committee Chairperson by October 21, 2016
- Selection Procedure
- The KACE Awards Committee will review all nominations and select one recipient for this award. The Committee is not required to make a selection.
Distinguished Service Award – Nomination Form
Nominator to complete:
Nominee’s Name: ______Date: ______
Title: ______
Employer: ______
Address: ______
Email: ______Phone:______
Please discuss the nominee’s contributions to the advancement of KACE, Cooperative Education and/or Career Employment practices. Attach a separate sheet if necessary. ______
Nominator’s Name: ______
Title: ______
Employer: ______
Address: ______
Email: ______Phone:______
Signature: ______
Please return all requested information by October 21, 2016 to:
Ellie Kohler
University of Louisville
KACE Awards & Scholarship Committee Chair
(502) 852-0392
- Purpose
- To recognize outstanding effort and achievement by a faculty member in the promotion and development of Co-op/Intern programs or Career Services at his/her respective institution.
- Nature of Award
- A certificate is presented to the recipient.
- Eligibility
- Faculty members who have made an outstanding contribution to Co-op or Career Services at an institution where there are KACE members.
- Nomination Procedure
- Nomination forms may be submitted by co-op/intern coordinators, faculty members, school administrators, employers, students or alumni. If the nominee is not a member of KACE, the nomination must include the endorsement of a KACE member. Nomination forms should be completed and returned to the Awards and Scholarship Committee Chairperson by October 21, 2016
- Selection Procedure
- The KACE Awards Committee will review all nominations and select one recipient. The committee is not required to make a selection.
Outstanding Faculty Award – Nomination Form
Nominator to complete:
Nominee’s Name: ______Date: ______
Title: ______
College or University: ______
Address: ______
Email: ______Phone:______
Please discuss the nominee’s contributions and accomplishments to the field of Cooperative Education and/or Career Services. Attach a separate sheet if necessary. ______
Nominator’s Name: ______
Title: ______
Employer: ______
Address: ______
Email: ______Phone:______
Signature: ______
KACE Member Endorsement:
Institution/Employer: ______
Address: ______
Email: ______Phone:______
Please return all requested information by October 21, 2016 to:
Ellie Kohler
University of Louisville
KACE Awards & Scholarship Committee Chair
(502) 852-0392
- Purpose
- To recognize an employer and/or organization for outstanding effort or significant contributions in support of KACE or the field of cooperative education/internships, career services and/or employment.
- Nature of Award
- A certificate is presented to the recipient.
- Eligibility
- Organizations, either employers or educational institutions, which have rendered an outstanding contribution or series of contributions to the advancement of cooperative education and career employment practices. Nominees are not restricted to members of the Kentucky Association of Colleges & Employers (KACE), but nominators must be members. Employers/Organizations may not nominate themselves.
- Nomination Procedure
- Nomination forms may be submitted by members of KACE. Nomination forms should be completed and returned to the Awards Committee by October 21, 2016.
- Selection Procedure
- The KACE Awards Committee will review all nominations and select one recipient for this award. The committee is not required to make a selection.
Outstanding Employer and/or Organization Award – Nomination Form
Nominator to complete:
Nominee’s Name: ______Date: ______
Title: ______
Employer: ______
Address: ______
Email: ______Phone:______
Please discuss the employer/organization’s contributions to the advancement of Cooperative Education and/or Career Employment practices. Attach a separate sheet if necessary. ______
Nominator’s Name: ______
Title: ______
Employer: ______
Address: ______
Email: ______Phone:______
Signature: ______
Please return all requested information by October 21, 2016 to:
Ellie Kohler
University of Louisville
KACE Awards & Scholarship Committee Chair
(502) 852-0392
Kentucky Association of Colleges & EmployersAwards & Scholarship2016