Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine
Document Name: Final Report Form for Researchers
vifm research advisory committee and VIFM ethics committee
final report form for researchers
section 1 – information for researchers
Final reports are to be:
- signed by the Principal Researcher
- submitted on the anniversary of the RAC or VIFM Ethics Committee approval each year until a Final Report is submitted
- emailed and sent to the Executive Officer of RAC or the VIFM Ethics Committee:
Dianne AnsellMs Fiona Leahy
Executive Officer, RACExecutive Officer, VIFM Ethics Committee
57-83 Kavanagh Street57-83 Kavanagh Street
Southbank VIC 3006Southbank VIC 3006
section 2 – project details
1.Project number(s) (e.g. EC 13/2009, RAC 012/2011)
2.Full title of project
3.Principal Researcher
5.Duration of Project
From: To:6.Summary of the nature of the project
section 3 – project conduct
1.Were any problems encountered in the following areas?
Study designYes No
EthicsYes No
Recruitment of participants or donorsYes No Not applicable
FinanceYes No
Facilities or equipmentYes No
If yes, please summarise the problems encountered
2.Were there any adverse events or unexpected problems?
Yes No
If yes, please give details
3.Were there any complaints?
Yes No
If yes, please give details
4.Did any participants withdraw from the project?
Yes No Not applicable
If yes, please provide details (including the reasons for withdrawal)
section 4 – project findings, presentation and publications
1.Have findings from the project been presented at a conference or seminar or are any presentations pending?
Yes No
If yes, please give details:
2.Have findings from the project been published or are any publications pending?
Yes No
If yes, please give details and provide a copy of the publication:
3.Are there any future plans for the project?
Yes No
If yes, please give details:
4.What are the ongoing arrangements for the storage or destruction of data or tissue provided for this project?
5.Have project staff members been participated in exit procedures at the end of the project? For example, an exit interview where staff members are reminded of their confidentiality obligations?
Yes No Project not complete
6.Please provide a one page summary of the project outcomes or findings, including a description of the value or benefits of the research:
section 3 – principal researcher declaration
I confirm that this project was conducted as originally approved by the VIFM Ethics Committee (subject to any changes subsequently approved) and that all adverse events were reported to the Committee according to the Committee’s guidelines for reporting of adverse events and the National Health and Medical Research Council National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007).
Principal Researcher Signature
Document ID: FR-07-0161-2.0 Page 1 of 8
Date Effective: 13/02/2012 AUTHORISED COPY OF FORMNext Review Date: 13/02/2014