Luella High School School Improvement Plan, as of 6/8/16

Process Goal # 1 (Identify S.M.A.R.T. goal here): 100% of teachers will set, monitor, and reflect on professional learning goals related to the tenets of personalized learning.
Strategic Action / PD Component / Person Responsible / Resources Needed / Date PD will occur:
Teachers will complete a professional learning needs assessment survey in which they select at least three areas of focus for professional learning in SY16-17. / ¨ Construct Knowledge
¨ Transfer to Teaching
¨ Practice Teaching
¨ Promote Reflection / ●Personalized Learning Project Manager
●Personalized Learning Coach
●Administration / ●Professional Learning Needs Assessment Survey / April 2016 planning period meeting/s
Teachers will construct at least three goals for professional learning with their SY16-17 evaluator. / ¨ Construct Knowledge
¨ Transfer to Teaching
¨ Practice Teaching
¨ Promote Reflection / ●Administration / ●Individual survey results / Ongoing throughout SY16-17; aligned with TKES conference checkpoints
Teachers will complete both required and optional professional learning modules in Blackboard Learn. / ¨ Construct Knowledge
¨ Transfer to Teaching
¨ Practice Teaching
¨ Promote Reflection / ●Administration / ●Individual professional learning goals/plan / Ongoing throughout SY16-17
(timeline needed)
Teachers will complete self-reflections and upload artifacts to Google Drive portfolio for each of the required professional learning modules. / ¨ Construct Knowledge
¨ Transfer to Teaching
¨ Practice Teaching
¨ Promote Reflection / ●Administration / ●Potential artifacts list based on professional learning goals / Ongoing throughout SY16-17
(timeline needed?)

Process Monitoring of Goal #1

How will you monitor change in adult practice? How will you know if your staff is at full implementation? / Measure you will use/develop to monitor changes in adult practices:
Teachers reflection document continuously updated. iWalkthrough with specific feedback on own teaching. Specific guidelines for teaching artifacts.
Process you will use to monitor changes in teacher practices:
Teachers will participate in monthly professional learning activities that are offered by LHS project manager, personalized learning coach, administrators and HCS professional development activities.
What student achievement measure will you use to monitor the impact of this process?
How will you know if this process goal is impacting student learning (formative & summative)? / Measure you will use to monitor impact on student achievement:
MAP scores for Reading and Math.
Percentage of student failures and course failures measured at times when grades are officially posted.
What is your current baseline on this:
MAP scores: Student RTI scores on initial administration
Percentage of failures: Percentage of failures at the first nine weeks grade reporting
SLOs: Student pre-assessment scores
What is your goal/target on this measure:
MAP scores: 100% of students will increase their RTI scores from initial MAP administration to final MAP administration.
Percentage of failures: 25% decrease in the number of students who have at least 1 failure and 25% decrease in the number of failures of all courses.
Timeline for monitoring student performance via this measure:
Beginning to end of school year
Process Goal # 2 (Identify S.M.A.R.T. goal here): 100% of teachers will implement authentic, project-based learning opportunities (1 per semester) by collaboratively planning for Personalized Learning with grade level content and/or interdisciplinary teams.
Strategic Action / PD Component / Person Responsible / Resources Needed / Date PD will occur:
Teachers will work with Personalized Learning Coach, Project Manager, and/or academic coach to utilize the personalized learning model within the content area. (The collaborative roles are part of the protocol we follow with each grade level content PLC, which is part of the larger conversation about implementing the PL model.) / ¨ Construct Knowledge
¨ Transfer to Teaching
¨ Practice Teaching
¨ Promote Reflection / ●Personalized Learning Project Manager
●Personalized Learning Coach
●Core Content Academic Coach
●Administration / ● List of non-negotiable expectations
●Research-based, effective strategies
●Definitions of roles
●Teacher strengths/weaknesses activity / Pre-planning 2017
Teachers will collaborate throughout the year to design aflexible, blended learning environment in which students exercise choice and voice in learning experiences, designing pathways, learning activities, and assessment products for demonstrating mastery. / ¨ Construct Knowledge
¨ Transfer to Teaching
¨ Practice Teaching
¨ Promote Reflection / ●Personalized Learning Coach
●Core Content Academic Coach
●Administration / ● LHS Collaborative Planning Form
●Meeting Norms
●HCS Competencies / Post/Pre-planning 2016-17;
Ongoing meetings twice per month throughout SY 2016-17
Teachers will collaborate throughout the year to plan common formative and summative assessments in order to utilize flexible groupings of students. / ¨ Construct Knowledge
¨ Transfer to Teaching
¨ Practice Teaching
¨ Promote Reflection / ●Personalized Learning Coach
●Core Content Academic Coach
●Administration / ●LHS Collaborative Planning Form
●Meeting Norms
●HCS Competencies / Post/Pre-planning 2016-17;
Ongoing meetings twice per month throughout SY 2016-17
Teachers will collaborate throughout the year to examine student data, assess student work, and provide feedback to students. / ¨ Construct Knowledge
¨ Transfer to Teaching
¨ Practice Teaching
¨ Promote Reflection / ●Personalized Learning Coach
●Core Content Academic Coach
●Administration / ●LHS Collaborative Planning Form
●Meeting Norms
●HCS Competencies / Post/Pre-planning 2016-17;
Ongoing meetings twice per month throughout SY 2016-17
Teachers will be provided Project Based Learning planning materials and sample unit(s) from peers. Teachers will receive PBL training from LHS teacher leaders throughout the school year. / ¨ Construct Knowledge
¨ Transfer to Teaching
¨ Practice Teaching
¨ Promote Reflection / ●Personalized Learning Coach
●Personalized Learning Project Manager
●PBL teacher leaders
●Academic coaches / ●PBL101 planning materials
●Buck Institute sample units
●Diana Laufenberg sample units
●Sample teaching strategies for authentic PBL / Post/Pre-planning 2016-17;
Ongoing throughout SY 2016-17
Teachers will develop both content-specific and cross-curricular authentic, project-based assessments which engage our community partners and stakeholders. / ¨ Construct Knowledge
¨ Transfer to Teaching
¨ Practice Teaching
¨ Promote Reflection / ●Personalized Learning Coach
●Personalized Learning Project Manager
●PBL teacher leaders / ● Process for finding community partners
●List of LHS experts
Teachers will use both content specific HCS Competencies and the HCS Graduation Competencies to drive authentic, project-based planning and instruction. / ¨ Construct Knowledge
¨ Transfer to Teaching
¨ Practice Teaching
¨ Promote Reflection / ●Personalized Learning Coach
●Personalized Learning Project Manager
●PBL teacher leaders / ●HCS Competencies
●Webb’s Depth of Knowledge materials
●PBL101 planning materials
Teachers will incorporate student voice and choice into authentic, project-based assessments. / ¨ Construct Knowledge
¨ Transfer to Teaching
¨ Practice Teaching
¨ Promote Reflection / ●Personalized Learning Coach
●Personalized Learning Project Manager
●PBL teacher leaders / ● Strategies to include voice/choice

Process Monitoring of Goal #2

How will you monitor change in adult practice? How will you know if your staff is at full implementation? / Measure you will use/develop to monitor changes in adult practices:
Locally developed Collaborative Planning form, iWalkthrough, PL Team observations
Process you will use to monitor changes in teacher practices:
Teacher Knowledge:
Personalized Learning Coach and academic content coaches will develop a pre, formative, and summative survey (Google Form) to determine each content PLC’s understanding of collaborative planning (i.e. use of formative/summative common assessments, examining student data, assessing student work).
Teacher Implementation:
Personalized Learning Coach/Project Manager/Academic Coaches/Administrators will conduct planning period walkthroughs for each content PLC once each 4.5 week period to monitor the % of PLCs consistently using collaborative planning time. Further, data from the Collaborative Planning Form will be compiled and examined for trends (across grade level, across content area) to identify consistent use over time, and areas where additional PD or support from PL Coach or academic coach is needed.
What student achievement measure will you use to monitor the impact of this process?
How will you know if this process goal is impacting student learning (formative & summative)? / Measure you will use to monitor impact on student achievement:
MAP scores
Milestones End-of-Course tests
What is your current baseline on this measure:
MAP scores: Student RTI scores on initial administration
Milestones End-of-Course tests: EOC scores - Spring 2016
What is your goal/target on this measure:
MAP scores:
Timeline for monitoring student performance via this measure:
MAP scores: 100% of students will increase their RTI scores from initial MAP administration to final MAP administration.
Milestones End-of-Course tests: Percentage of students scoring at Level 3 or 4 will increase by at least 5% for each End-of-Course test.
SLOs: Each student will increase her/his SLO score by at least 1 point from pre-assessment to post-assessment administration.
Process Goal # 3 (Identify S.M.A.R.T. goal here): 100% of teachers will utilize technology to enhance classroom instruction to include Odysseyware, Membean, Turn-It-In, Enriching Students, Google Tools (Docs, Drive, Forms), and Blackboard Learn.
Strategic Action / PD Component / Person Responsible / Resources Needed / Date PD will occur:
Teachers will be provided training on a variety of technology resources (listed above). Other resources will be added as needs are determined through collaborative planning time. / ¨ Construct Knowledge
¨ Transfer to Teaching
¨ Practice Teaching
¨ Promote Reflection / ●Personalized Learning Coach
●Core Content Academic Coaches / ●Training modules in Blackboard Learn
●In person professional development on various technologies
●Technology form for teachers to access and submit for technology needs / Pre-planning 2016-17;
Ongoing during planning period meetings throughout SY 2016-17
Teachers will utilize HCS Learner Profiles to assist students in setting, monitoring, and achieving academic, college, career, and/or personal goals. / ¨ Construct Knowledge
¨ Transfer to Teaching
¨ Practice Teaching
¨ Promote Reflection / ●Personalized Learning Project Manager
●Administration / ●Training and procedures for students on how to set a SMART goal.
●Training on how to use Learner Profile. / Pre-Planning 2016-17
Teachers will utilize the HCS Learner Profiles to engage students’ interests and to design student learning pathways relevant to each student’s academic, college, career, and/or personal goals. / ¨ Construct Knowledge
¨ Transfer to Teaching
¨ Practice Teaching
¨ Promote Reflection / ●Personalized Learning Project Manager
●Administration / ●Procedures/guidelines for how to monitor/implement
Advisory teachers will utilize the HCS Learner Profiles to build relationships with students, monitor student progress towards academic, college, career, and/or personal goals, build electronic portfolio submissions, and engage students in grade level activities which build school culture. / ¨ Construct Knowledge
¨ Transfer to Teaching
¨ Practice Teaching
¨ Promote Reflection / ●Personalized Learning Project Manager
●Administration / ●Weekly grade level activities
●Goal setting/progress monitoring materials
●Advisory walkthrough form / Pre-planning 2016-17;
Ongoing throughout SY 2016-17
Teachers will be provided research and examples of best practices for blended instruction. Teachers will be shown videos and/or samples from LHS 2015-16 implementation. / ¨ Construct Knowledge
¨ Transfer to Teaching
¨ Practice Teaching
¨ Promote Reflection / ●Personalized Learning Coach
●Personalized Learning Project Manager
●Core Content Academic Coaches / ●Research based blended instruction strategies
●Videos, samples, and testimony from LHS teachers / Pre-planning 2016-17;
Ongoing throughout SY 2016-17
Teachers will build timely, blended learning activities in Blackboard Learn (LMS) to encourage flexible self-pacing for students. / ¨ Construct Knowledge
¨ Transfer to Teaching
¨ Practice Teaching
¨ Promote Reflection / ●Personalized Learning Coach
●Personalized Learning Project Manager
●Core Content Academic Coaches
●Administration / ●Research based blended instruction strategies
●Videos, samples, and testimony from LHS teachers / Pre-planning 2016-17;
Ongoing throughout SY 2016-17

Process Monitoring of Goal #3

How will you monitor change in adult practice? How will you know if your staff is at full implementation? / Measure you will use/develop to monitor changes in adult practices:
Teacher and student surveys throughout the year (3) and Advisory walkthroughs
Process you will use to monitor changes in teacher practices:
Student surveys - comparison of results of at least 3 administrations
Faculty surveys - comparison of results of at least 3 administrations
What student achievement measure will you use to monitor the impact of this process?
How will you know if this process goal is impacting student learning (formative & summative)? / Measure you will use to monitor impact on student achievement:
Student and faculty surveys throughout the year - 3 administrations - both in participation and survey results showing positive trends
Completion in the each student’s learner profile: academic, college, career and/or personal goals; multiple submissions in electronic student portfolio in personal learner profile.
What is your current baseline on this measure:
Student and Faculty surveys: baseline determined by final survey data for school 16.
Completion status in student learner profiles at the end of school year 2016
What is your goal/target on this measure:
Positive trends in both student and faculty survey data that demonstrate an increase in the use of technology to enhance the student experience in classrooms.
100% of students will upload to the personal learner profile: academic, college, career and/or personal goals; multiple submissions in electronic student portfolio in personal learner profile.
Timeline for monitoring student performance via this measure:
Beginning to end of school year