Phone: 5152 4662 Mobile: 0438524662 Fax: 5152 1792


Website: Date: 30.03.17


Lucknow Values – Respect: Care: Honesty: Inclusiveness: Commitment


Friday 30th / ·  School banking
Friday 31st / ·  Last day of term 2.20pm dismissal
·  Assembly at 1.45
·  No school buses (Dysons town bus will run)
·  Grade 4 camp payment due
Tuesday 18th / ·  First day of term 2
Wednesday 19th / ·  Grade 4 camp

Principal’s Report

Sun smart

Daily UV levels still continue to be high, above at least the level 3, until the end of April and even beyond for some locations. Whenever UV levels are 3 or higher, sun protection is needed. Please continue to be sun smart while on the holiday break. Students will be required to wear their hats at the commencement of the Term 2 until the end of April. Please be sure to check the daily sun protection times for your nearest location on the free SunSmart app or at or

End of Term

Just like that, the end of Term 1 is here. It has certainly been a busy term for staff and students. Students have worked very hard in the classroom and shown steady growth in a wide range of academic areas, setting strong foundations for the rest of the year. A big thank you must go to our parents, families and special friends for their tireless support - be it at home, in the classroom or on excursions. Your contributions are invaluable.

Tomorrow is the last day of the term and will be a 2.20 dismissal time. Buses will not be running with exception to the Dysons town bus.

Have a wonderful term holiday and Easter celebration. Enjoy the time with your family, friends and loved ones and travel safe.

Alli Hopkins

Assistant Principal

Junior School Council

At our school lately kids have been stealing other children hats. Due to our school rules kids have to wear their hats outside in the warmer seasons. We will not be wearing our hats in winter but right now it’s crucial to have them. If you are not wearing your hat then you will spend your break in the shade which limits your play. You should have your hat labelled so when it is found it can be returned to you. If this happens tell a teacher on yard duty and they will sort it out.

Aiden Scott and Sophie Hoxley

On behalf of Junior School Council

East Gippsland Interschools Gymkhana

On Wednesday 29 March Milly Mahon, Sophie Alexander, Ebony and Bree Harvey represented Lucknow Primaryin the interschools gymkhana at Bairnsdale. The girls had a wonderful time winning many individual ribbons in jumping, games and dressage events. At the end of the day the girls received a lovely surprise placing 4th out of 28 teams and receiveda broad sash and bucket full of prizes.

Fun Run Fundraiser Results

This year we combined the cross country and fun run which proved to be extremely successful.

As a result of the children’s hard work they managed to raise a grand total of $10110.75. The profit for our school was $7077.53 which was an outstanding effort.

This year Hudson Tarling from 4FM raised $635.00, which was the most amount of money raised. Congratulations Hudson!! Hudson will receive a special prize for such an outstanding achievement.

The grade that raised the most money was 4FM. They raised a total of $1034.00 which was a great group effort. Well Done 4FM!

4FM will receive $50.00 to have a class party to celebrate such a wonderful achievement.

We had a number of children who raised $100.00 or over. Congratulations to the following children – Angus Wren - $205, Rustan Bazley - $110, Blayton Kohte - $320, Tori Williams - $158, Anders Cox - $170, Lucas Savige - $110, Chaston Cox - $390, Ryder Aiken - $161.50, Darvi Chippindall - $310, Imogen Ceveri - $150, Tylah Rowe - $100, Bradon Savory - $100, Harry Hocking - $160, Mitchell Johnson - $117, Chloe McCole - $170, Ava Mitchell - $100, Phoebe Holland - $145, Zali Fitzgibbon - $104.55, Reyna McLean - $150, Phoebe Long - $165.

We are certainly grateful for all the hard work that all children put in to raising so much money.

The prizes have been ordered and should arrive at school early next term. When the prizes arrive the Student Leadership Team will assist in handing out the prizes to each grade.

Congratulations to everyone on such a fantastic effort.

Debbie Dooley and Student Leadership Team

Classroom News

Class / Student of the Week
PAS / Georgia Irish - for amazing improvement with her counting and being a delight to have in the class,well doneGeorgia!
PEH / Jett Sellings – for your excellent diary writing piece. You are sounding out words and trying your best to write what you hear. Well done!
PCB / Gabby Schilling for her great effort she is making with her reading and learning her letters. Great job Gabby
PJM / Heidi Shaw for showing excellent listening and focus in class, well done!
Tristan Ebbage for his willingness to take on challenges in Maths groups, well done!
1DP / Xavier Parker - For his enthusiasm and imagination during narrative writing sessions – keep it up Xavier
1AO / Marlee Davidson for her amazing and creative narrative writing.
And Tyler Hutton for his awesome reading efforts this term.
12G / Lucas Trembath – Lucas has made huge gains with his spelling and he has been focussing well in class. A great end to the term Lucas
2EW / Draven for working really hard with his writing this week. He wrote an excellent retell of the Cross Country. Well done Draven!
2MF / Cody Peters & Ryley Berry- For their excellent use of adjectives during writing. Your writing grasps the reader's attention from the beginning. Well done boys!
2MC / Emily- for showing great resilience. You set a wonderful example for the whole class. Well done Emily!
3ME / Jiah Skipper - for his wonderful smile and positive attitude towards his learning.
3CM / Paige Griffiths - for always being a respectful listener.
3RN / Harry Forbes - for coming up with some very persuasive reasons as to why homework should be banned.
4FM / Alex Bandiera - For your positive attitude towards your learning. Your focus and work you are putting in is encouraging. Well Done!
4LB / Thomas Harrison – For an excellent presentation on his project
4BB / Ava Yablechnick - For a very detailed and informative Powerpoint on Egypt. The way you engaged the rest of the class during your presentation was fabulous. Great effort Ava, well done!
45D / Aidan Scott for his amazing story. What an exciting, creative piece with such a humorous twist at the end. Congratulations.
5TB / Jacob Alexander for his excellent improvement is spelling.
5CA / Bradley McNamara - for his love of learning, especially his interest in literature.
56N / Sophie Alexander - Academic, empathetic, funny, theatrical, self motivated and kind – truly a ‘hamburger with the lot!’
6FW / Alex Mayall – for the most amazing piece of writing about a recent experience. Brillant Alex-keep it up!
6KE / Kane Whittingham – for your enthusiasm and efforts working in spelling.

Lucknow Primary School Athletics Carnival

On Tuesday the 2nd and Thursday the 4th of May we will be having our School Athletics Carnival at School. Children in the 7, 8 and 9 year old age groups will compete on Thursday the 4th of May and children in the 10,11 and 12 year old age groups will compete on Tuesday the 2nd of May. A child’s age is determined by what age they are by the 31st of December, 2017.

This year we have decided that the Prep children (5 and 6 year olds) will have a modified program on Thursday the 4th of May and they will rotate around a variety of fun organised activities. We have a small number of children in Grade 1 who still qualify for the 6 year old age group. These children will compete in the 7 year old age group.

Each day will begin at approximately 9.30am and conclude at 3.00pm. Children may have recess and lunch breaks at different times during the day so it is not recommended that children have lunch orders.

For maximum participation and fun on the day, we have decided to run standardised sports again, which is the same as last year. Each child will wear a card which will be in their house colour and it will also have their name, age group and events listed. Each event has a list of standards and children will be given an A, B or C rating according to their performance at each individual event. The standard the child receives determines how many house points they are awarded. A=3points, B=2points and C=1point. Therefore, all children who participate contribute towards their house points tally. At the end of the two day carnival the house points will be tallied and a trophy will be awarded to the Captains of the winning house.

Children, who place first, second or third in an event will receive a ribbon. Children who have not received a place ribbon by the end of the day will receive a well done ribbon to recognise the effort they have put in on the day. Children in the 10, 11 and 12 year old age groups who place 1st and 2nd in an event or 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th in the 100metres event (4x100m relay team) will have the opportunity to represent the school at the District Athletics on Wednesday the 24th of May.

Children are encouraged to come dressed in their house colours on the day to add to the house spirit.

In order for the day to run smoothly, it would be great to have as many helpers as possible. If you are able to assist on the day could you please fill out the form below and return to school as soon as possible.

We look forward to a fun couple of days and we will keep our fingers crossed for sunny weather.

I am able to assist with the Athletics Carnival on Tuesday the 2nd of May and/or Thursday the 4th of May. (Please circle date available)

I would like to – assist with an event

(Please write down if you have a preference for a particular event)

-  walk around with my child’s age group

(Please list child’s age group next to box)

Name of parent


Name of child______

Debbie Dooley

(Physical Education Co-ordinator)

On behalf of Junior School Council

UNSW Competition

Dear Parents,

Every year we hold the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) which gives students from grades 3 – 6 (Grades 2-6 for spelling) the opportunity to measure their own achievement by an external testing body.

These tests are held at school and are supervised by teachers. The tests are provided by the University of N.S.W. and when completed are also marked by ICAS.

All students receive a certificate and an individual student report. Certificates are awarded for each year level as follows:

If you would like your child to participate in all or any of the following tests, could you please tick the test you would like done and return the slip below to school with the entry fee by Friday, March 31st, 2017. These are the 2016 prices- if paid before the end of March. New 2017 prices are in italics and underlined.

Thanking you,

Margaret Eddy and Lynette Beeck

(Co-ordinators for 2017)

Child’s name………………………………………………………

Class………………….Grade level………….

The entry fee per student is as follows:

·  Digital Technologies –Tuesday 23rd May 2017 ($8.80 GST inclusive) $9.90

·  Science – Tuesday 30th May 2017 ($8.80 GST inclusive) $9.90

·  Writing – Monday 12th June 2017 to Friday 16th June 2016 ($18.70 GST inclusive) $19.80

·  Spelling – Wednesday 14th June 2017($12.10 GST inclusive) $13.20

·  English – Tuesday 1st August 2017 ($8.80 GST inclusive) $9.90

Mathematics – Tuesday 15th August 2017 ($8.80

Parents Club News

Easter Raffle results

Congratulations to the following winners

1st Prize Will Neilson

2nd Mitchell Johnson

3rd Shawn Rowed

4th Kyra Burton

5th Penny Greenings

6th Allissa Raeburn

7th K Easton

8th Laity Family

9th Amber Trevaskis

10th Lucy Coles

11th Ian Perry

12th Milly Mahon

13th Phoebe Holland

14th Jeremy Knights

15th Kiah Montant

16th Caleb Kelly

17th Leigh Mitchell

18th Mel Ebbage

19th Terry Greening

20th Trudy Nickless

21st Cooper Westwood

22nd Brielle Adams

23rd Aaron Ceveri

24th Ryley Berry

25th Paul Garros

26th Ben Bills

27th Darby Robinson

28th Lindsay Caire

29th Cooper Johnstone

30th Catharina Bogarirs

Community News

Your Next Step, Biggest Morning Tea Course

If you ever wanted to feel part of the community and at the same time gain extensive experience in digital literacy, event management, hospitality and marketing then this is the course for you. Free child care. Course begins on Thursday April 20th 2017 at Paynesville.

Bairnsdale Rowing Club

Wednesday 5th April 10am -3.30pm

Our holiday introduction to rowing aims to allow community members to experience rowing on the Mitchell River. Open to anyone aged 11+, with no experience needed. We will teach you the principles of rowing, with sessions both on rowing machines and on the water. Starting from the basics, you will work on building confidence on the water and understanding what rowing involves, with coaching under instruction from our Head Coach, Caspar Hammond.

No Cost. Bring your own lunch, change of clothes, towel , sunscreen and hat

Interested persons to contact Tim Hamilton (0400 171399) to make a booking


Lucknow Values – Respect: Care: Honesty: Inclusiveness: Commitment