Lesson plan

Key Stage 3 Year 8

Lesson number: 6 Date:

Time: 1 hour

Lesson title: Pizza wheels

This lesson enables pupils to demonstrate food preparation skills when making yeast dough, i.e. preparing, kneading and shaping yeast dough, baking and finishing. The pupils will also consider the wide range of bread and bread products available to the consumer, the cost and availability.


Learning objective / Learning outcomes
To prepare and cook a dish using yeast dough, such as flavoured bread rolls, pizza wheels. / All pupils will … / prepare and cook pizza wheels.
Most pupils should … / prepare and cook pizza wheels and explain the methods used.
Some pupils could … / prepare and cook pizza wheels, explain the methods used and how modifications can be made to the recipe to meet dietary requirements.
To demonstrate the skills of preparing, kneading, shaping and finishing yeast dough. / All pupils will … / demonstrate the skills of preparing, kneading, shaping and finishing yeast dough.
Most pupils should … / demonstrate and explain the skills of preparing, kneading, shaping and finishing yeast dough.
Some pupils could … / independently demonstrate the skills of preparing, kneading, shaping and finishing yeast dough.
To compare and evaluate a range of bread based products. / All pupils will … / compare and evaluate a range of bread based products.
Most pupils should … / compare and evaluate a range of bread based products and summarise the results.
Some pupils could … / organise a comparison test, compare and evaluate a range of bread based products, summarise the results.
To demonstrate and apply the principles of food safety and hygiene when cooking. / All pupils will … / list the principles of food safety and hygiene when cooking.
Most pupils should … / explain the principles of food safety and hygiene when cooking.
Some pupils could … / describe the principles of food safety and hygiene when cooking and manage their implementation independently.

Teaching and learning activities

Time / Activity / Resources and equipment
5 / Introduction
Explain to the pupils that they will be making pizza wheels. Go through the aims and objectives for the lesson.
Gather the pupils around a demonstration area. Ensure that all pupils have their apron on, hair tied back and hands washed.
Briefly talk through the recipe – note your expectations, for example:
§  Preheating and using the oven safely;
§  Filling ingredients are pre-prepared;
§  Measuring accurately;
§  Temperature of the water;
§  Forming a soft dough;
§  Kneading and rolling the dough;
§  Shaping the pizza wheels;
§  Being hygienic and safe when preparing food. / Recipe
25 / Main activity 1
Ensure that pupils all wash their hands. Allow them to start making their pizza wheels.
During this time, circulate the room to ensure that pupils are preparing ingredients and using the oven safely. In this time, pupils should:
§  Preheat the oven;
§  Measure their ingredients;
§  Form a yeast dough and knead until smooth;
§  Roll out the dough to a rectangle,
§  Fill, shape and cut the pizza wheels;
§  Cover and leave to prove.
All pizza wheels should be should be proving. During this time pupils should be washing up, cleaning work surfaces and putting away equipment.
35 / Main activity 2
Remind pupils that all washing up should be completed, work surfaces should be clean. Circulate the room, ensuring that work areas are clean and equipment is put away properly.
The pizza wheels should be placed in the oven for 20-25 minutes.
Gather the pupils together to compare a range of different bread products. Try to have a small selection, e.g. wholegrain, pre-sliced white, speciality bread, pitta bread.
Ask the pupils:
§  Why do some of the breads have a denser crumb (structure) than others? (Use a visualizer if you have available.)
§  How can the flavour and texture of bread be changed?
§  What are the differences between packaged pre-sliced bread and ‘artisan’ bread?
§  How much does bread cost? Why is there such a wide price range?
If time allows you may wish to carry out a sensory evaluation of a small range of products.
Remove baked pizza wheels and leave to cool. / Range of bread/products
Price labels to show cost.
55 / Plenary
Answer teacher’s questions without saying yes or no!

Literacy and numeracy

Literacy / Numeracy
Require pupils to: / §  develop listening skills.
Main activities:
Requires pupils to: / §  learn new vocabulary, relating it explicitly to known vocabulary and understanding it with the help of context and dictionaries.
§  develop efficient reading and focus on the important features of a text – skimming, scanning and close reading. / §  use standard units of mass, length, time, money and other measures, including with decimal quantities.
§  measure and calculate time.
Requires pupils to: / §  use Standard English confidently in a range of formal and informal contexts, including classroom discussion.


Write up what you discovered about the different types of bread available. Explain why there is a wide variety and the difference in price.

Look at the recipe used for the pizza wheels. Explain how you could modify the recipe to:

§  Increase the fibre content;

§  Add an extra portion of vegetables.

Explain the changes you have made.

© British Nutrition Foundation 2014 www.foodafactoflife.org.uk