LT202 Versions of Modernity Spring Term 2016 Essay topics
Deadline for submission: 18th April. 10am for electronic copy; 2pm for watermarked printed copy.
Length: 2500 words (including footnotes and excluding bibliography)
Instructions: please choose one of the ninequestions below.
Important notes:
Please refer to your student Handbooks and make sure that you follow the Department Style Guide(THIS IS ESSENTIAL).For advice on how to present bibliographical material in the correct scholarly manner, see Departmental Style Guide available at
Your mark may be reduced if your essay is under or exceeds the stated word length by more than 10%.
It is vital that you acknowledge all sources for your work. Please make sure that you are familiar with the regulations about citations and that you avoid any possible plagiarism as explained on the university website and on the departmental website under “Resources for Current Students.”
For information about submission please see FASer, your handbooks, and the LiFTS Department website.
- “Some writers in the nineteenth century anticipated modernist concerns about society. However, their styles of writing were different from modernism.”Discuss with reference to at least two texts that you have studied on the module.
- Compare the treatment of female voices in ONE play from the nineteenth century and ONE play from the twentieth century that you have studied on the module.
- Compare how any twonovels that you have studied on the module use tropes of reading.
- Discuss the role of fragmentation and multiple voices in Eliot’s The Waste Land, with attention to form, language, imagery and any other features that you regard as important.
- Write an essay on the literary avant garde, showing how experiments with writing have attempted to address anxieties about change in society. You should refer to at least two writers.
- Discuss how Franz Kafka and any other writer from the module addressed anxiety about authority and society. In your answer, please pay attention to literary form, language, and characterization.
- Discuss the useof setting and place to address concerns about modernity in any two works from the twentieth century that you have studied on the module.
- How and to what extent does literature address the uneasiness of modern life by writing about cities? Please refer to at least two writers in your answer.
- Compare any two works from the module as meditations of the nature of sexuality.