Invitation to LSE Health /NHS Confederation Seminar Series

‘A view from Europe: Transferring Health Policy Knowledge from Europe to the English Context’

The LSE Health /NHS Confederation Seminar Series bridges the gap between policy research and practice, demonstrating how highly relevant policy experience and lessons from Europe and farther afield can be applied to practice in health policy organisations in the England, including all levels of the NHS.

We are delighted to invite you to our first event: Measuring Performance, 27th of April 2010, 4 to 6pm (followed by a drinks reception). It will be held at the Shaw Library in the Main Building of the London School of Economics. Please confirm your place by emailing Ms Rachel Irwin at .

This seminar will include talks by Gwyn Bevan (LSE), Niek Klazinga (University of Amsterdam), Mark Exworthy (Royal Holloway), Chris Ham (King’s Fund). Topics covered range from quality and performance indicators to the use of targets and how measuring performance and quality affects management practice. The seminar will be chaired by Peter Smith from Imperial College and the European Observatory on Health Systems.

Future events will include:

o  25 May, 4 to 6pm - Hospital financing, led by Alistair McGuire (LSE)

o  14 September, 4 to 6pm - Decentralisation of health services, led by Richard Saltman (Emory)

o  23 June - EU Law & the NHS, special session at the NHS Confederation Conference

For further details of these sessions, please see the enclosed flyer. For additional information about the Series, please contact Ms Rachel Irwin at

We are grateful to the Department for Business Innovation and Skills, which have provided funding for this series through their Higher Education Innovation Fund.

We look forward to welcoming you to the LSE for this series.

Professor Elias Mossialos, BSc, MD, MPH, PhD, FFPH, FRCP

Director, LSE Health

Nigel Edwards

Policy Director, NHS Confederation