[CLIENT] Video Script

Scene 1, the woods

AB: Another case of not being able to see the wood for the trees.

CD L: OK it’s a bit of a clumsy metaphor, but we thought the last thing you’d want to see would be the pair of us....

AB: ...sitting behind our desks...

CD: ...lecturing you...

AB: ...on why our part of the business...

CD: ...needs a brand of its own. Though actually it does work quite well if we follow the analogy through.

AB: You see, we’re able to finish each other’s sentences thanks to some snappy editing, but if we were to rely on normal communication.....

Oi, CD? Where are you?

CD: Over here. Where are you? Can you wave your sign a bit?

AB: No, it’s tied to the tree.

CD: Well wave the tree about a bit then!

AB: There’s a small problem - called roots!

CD: OK, you get the point. Here we are, both in the same forest, trying to work together on the same task and present a united front, ...

AB: ...needing to communicate, but all we can see is our own patch, ....

Both?: ...not the whole picture.

AB and CD running through the trees, confused look on faces - looking for something. Bumping into trees, tripping over roots.

AB to camera, panting, hands on knees. [Town1] and [Town2] sign on tree.

CD, also short of breathe. Hands on hips.

AB standing up straight now.

CD also now standing, [Town3] and [Town 4] sign now in shot.

AB, climbing up tree.

CD, standing on log looking out for AB. Shot of woods.

AB, tugging on sign.

CD, direct to camera.

AB to camera, still in tree!

Wide shot, with both in picture.

Scene 2, the UK map

CD: Maybe we’ve exaggerated a little because the lines of communication between our offices are very good and the business functions extremely well, or we wouldn’t be as successful as we are...

AB: ...but it is difficult for us to bridge the geographic and cultural distance between what we’ve come to call the South West here...

CD: ...and the South East over here - which is itself a reason why [CLIENT] has come into being.

AB: Now, quite a few people are still not sure what [CLIENT] is all about...so here’s our potted history lesson:

CD: There was [OLD NAME 1] and [OLD NAME 2], both doing the same kind of thing. The group was expanding and changing and incorporated first [OLD NAME] and then the staff and systems of the [OLD NAME2] - who then became known as [OLD NAME3].

CD: Between them, these operations based in [TOWNS] provide [CLIENT] services to a variety of companies including [DIVISIONS].

CD: [NAME]then merged with the [NAME] to become [NAME]....

...and this gives our business the title [CLIENT] Services.

AB:So what was the thinking behind [NAME]?

Map of the UK marked out in rope. CD and AB stood by [Town1] and [Town2] signposts respectively. Signs have blue balloons on.

Wide shot, zooming in on CD. He then turns to face AB.

Back to wide shot. AB turns from CD to camera.

AB turns back to CD.

Close up of CD - to camera.

AB walking up to table.

Shot is AB’s hands moving bricks. AB has moved the [NAME] brick on top of the [NAME] brick, then moved the two on top of the [NAME] brick. A new sticker is then put on the front of the [NAME]brick, saying [NAME] Customer Services. ***

AB places next bricks on the table underneath the [NAME] ‘tower’.

AB replaces the [NAME] brick with an [NAME]brick and puts it above the [NAME]‘tower’ and puts the [NAME]and [NAME]bricks next to each other.

AB puts new [NAME]sticker across the top of the two bricks.

AB, leaning on table, to camera.


AB: So here we are - a very successful business with a strong parent, excellent resources and a new logical name. Why have a brand of our own?

CD: Well, with all that change going on and with our people spread out around the country - a single strong brand is really the only way to create cohesion, a shared sense of purpose, a single identity.

AB: Now, you’ll have seen these blue circles around the office recently. This has been the build up to the launch of our [CLIENT] Services brand.

CD: The idea is that it links to our core values, to represent and remind us what we are all about.

AB: We started by finding out what our strengths really are.


CD: Now you might be thinking this is starting to sound like something out of a management guru’s handbook. But let’s just hear from some of our colleagues. As you’ll see, we are already living these values.


AB: So you see, these words do actually mean something and they really do sum up who we are, why we’re here, why we’re going to succeed and so on

CD: Which is why we’ll start to see a lot more of this logo around the place - as a reminder of what it means to be a part of [CLIENT] Services.

AB, head and shoulders shot to camera.

CD head and shoulders shot to camera.

¾ shot of AB with 3 discs or poster in hand.

Head and shoulders shot of CD.

Head and shoulders shot of AB.

¾ shot of CD.

¾ shot of AB, with discs in hand or with poster and [NAME] bricks on table

Wide shot of CD and AB together


*** Need complete shot of CD to camera as well, to cut to occasionally during the ‘build’

Alternative endings:

(i) AB and CD stood together by sign saying [CLIENT], watching balloon release.

(ii) Balloon release alone.